Foreshadowings in Prisoner of Azkaban

In an interview released around the time of the theatrical premiere of Prisoner of Azkaban, an interview which is also on the Prisoner of Azkaban DVD, J.K. Rowling said:

jk foreshadowing

“Alfonso [Cuaron] had very good intuition about what would and wouldn’t work. He’s put things in the film that, without knowing it, foreshadow things that are going to happen in the final two books. So, I really got goosebumps when I saw a couple of those things and I thought people are going to look back on the film and think those were put in deliberately as clues.”

For fans of J.K.’s Harry Potter mystery, divining what these foreshadowings are could very well lend an important insight into what will be happening in Harry’s future.

It’s not easy taking notes in a dark theatre, but now that we have Prisoner of Azkaban on DVD, it’s easier to delve deeper into the movie to try and find out exactly which parts of the movie that J.K. was referring to.

By referring closely to the DVD, I’ve found four moments in the movie that, while still keeping within the spirit of the story, do not appear in J.K.’s Prisoner of Azkaban book. That means that while OK’ed by J.K., these things were added to the story by the director Alfonso Cuaron and the screenwriter Steve Kloves, and so they could be the foreshadowing things that J.K. mentioned in the interview.

prisoner of azkaban foreshadow 2

Snape, Sirius and Lupin in the Shrieking Shack

In the scene in the Shrieking Shack, Sirius is just on the verge of revealing that Scabbers is Peter Pettigrew, when they’re interrupted by the arrival of Snape. While trying to tell Snape he’s making a mistake, Sirius and Lupin tell each other to be quiet, at which point Snape comments:

“Oh, listen to you two, quarelling like an old married couple.”

This is an odd thing for Snape to say. Is he only trying to disparage his old friends with an insulting comment? Or is he referring to a secret he knows about them, that possibly Sirius and Lupin’s relationship goes deeper than best friends? After all, we know about James and his girlfriend Lily, but J.K. has never mentioned girlfriends of Sirius or Lupin. This perhaps takes on more meaning as we later find out in Order of the Phoenix that Lupin is living with Sirius in his house.

Of all the possibilities to be the foreshadowings that J.K. alluded to, I think this one is the least likely.

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Draco Malfoy Running Back into the Castle

In the movie, we see a part of Draco’s personality we’ve never seen before. When Hermione threatens Draco with her wand, rather than standing up to her or trying to duel, Draco wimps out and is scared. And, when she punches him, Draco cries and runs away.

When we see the punching scene for the second time during the time-turned-back part of the movie, we see more of Draco running away after Hermione punches him, and can hear him saying:

“Not a word to anyone, understood? I’m gonna get that jumped up mudblood, mark my words.”

So, we have all kinds of new things here that aren’t in the book. We have Draco’s more realistic bully behavior of wimping out when really confronted with a fight. What will he do when confronted with the ultimate decision, follow his father and become a death eater, or wimp out and turn against his father?

Afterwards, we hear Draco make his cohorts promise they won’t tell anyone what happened, so if they were so inclined, they now have info they can use against him.

Most of all, we hear Draco voice a threat to get back at one of our heroes, and that’s something ominous we’ve never directly heard Draco do before.

prisoner of azkaban foreshadow1

Professor Lupin and Harry on the Covered Bridge

After the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in which Lupin stops Harry from confronting the boggart, Harry and Lupin meet on the covered bridge. In this scene, Lupin says:

“The very first time I saw you Harry, I recognized you immediately. Not by your scar, but by your eyes. They’re your mother, Lily’s. Yes. Oh, yes. I knew her. Your mother was there at a time for me when no one else was. Not only was she a singularly gifted witch, she was also an uncommonly kind woman. She had a way of seeing the beauty in others, even and, perhaps, most especially, when that person could not see it in themselves.”

The whole time Lupin is talking about Lily, he’s facing away from Harry, and almost giving the feeling of reminiscing to himself. Was Lily just nice to Lupin, or did Lily and Remus actually have a relationship before Lily and James got together?

If Lily was just nice to Remus, that could go a long way to explain why Lily at first didn’t like James, but they somehow ended up together, we don’t yet know why. She saw something in James the way she saw something in Lupin when no one else did.

If Lily and Remus really did have a relationship, then there could be some emotional events related to this in the period we know so little about leading up to Voldemort killing James and Lily that night in Godrics Hollow.

In this scene, Lupin also says:

“You’re more like them than you know, Harry. In time you’ll come to see just how much.”

Could this be a glimpse into the very end of the book 7? I believe this scene is very likely one of the foreshadowings that J.K. was talking about.

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Sirius, Ron and Harry in the Tunnel to the Shrieking Shack

Finally, after the scene in the Shrieking Shack, Harry and Sirius are helping Ron back down the passageway, as Ron is complaining about his injured leg, and Sirius says:

“Normally, I have a very sweet disposition as a dog. In fact, more than once, James suggested that I make the change permanent. The tail I could live with. But the fleas, they’re murder.”

Since Order of the Phoenix was published, a great debate has risen among fans as to whether Sirius is really dead or not. In the battle at the Department of Mysteries, after Sirius falls through the veil, Lupin tells Harry, “There’s nothing you can do. He cannot come back.” So, J.K. is strongly implying that it’s a rule, once someone crosses over, they never can come back.

But what if there’s a loop-hole? Sirius crossed over to the other side of the veil as Sirius. What if he could come back as a dog? He wouldn’t be crossing back over, because the dog had never crossed over in the first place. Unfortunately, if he did this, he’d be stuck being a dog, because since he crossed over, Sirius is not allowed on this side of the veil.

This could be the most important foreshadowing in the movie. It mentions a way that Sirius might be able to use to come back, and in the end Harry and his Godfather Sirius could be reunited once more.

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Snape Physically Protects Harry, Ron and Hermione

In the scene when Professor Lupin wolfs out, when Snape is suddenly confronted by the situation, even though he is in the middle of being mad at Harry, Ron and Hermione, his immediate reaction is to put himself between Lupin and the kids to protect them.

Although Snape does things in previous books to prevent harm from coming to Harry, for instance, when he does the counter-curse to prevent him from falling off his broom in the first book, he’s never done anything nice out in the open. Because of this, Harry still does not trust him. We readers know he’s working against the death-eaters in secret for Dumbledore, but can we be sure?

This scene makes Erika Hill over at The Quibbler wonder if Snape’s actions in this scene is foreshadowing some sacrifice Snape makes later on Harry’s behalf. He might even be the character who dies in the future books, and he could do so by physically protecting Harry, allowing us to be sure once and for all that Snape was a good-guy, and forcing Harry to reappraise his feelings about Snape and his motives.

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Was it Something I Said?

In the book and the movie, the second time we see Professor Trelawney’s class is also when Hermione gets fed up with Divination and storms out of the class, the last straw being told by Professor Trelawney that she has no talent for this particular kind of magic. In the book, Professor Trelawney says,

“I am sorry to say that from the moment you arrived in this class, my dear, it has been apparent that you do not have what the noble art of Divination requires. Indeed, I don’t remember ever meeting a student whose mind was so hopelessly Mundane.”

However, in the movie, Professor Trelawney, wonderfully played by Emma Thompson, goes much further:

“My dear, from the first moment you step foot in my class, I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of divination. No, you see, there. Oh, you may be young in years, but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is as shrivelled as an old maid’s, your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave.”

For Wizard News reader Jesse in Seatte, Washington, this scene triggered a question that Jesse’s friends and I had never pondered, which is why is Hermione so smart, seemingly beyond her years?

What if Hermione’s really a much older witch, taking the guise of a young girl to be closer to Harry while he’s at Hogwarts? Perhaps she was sent there by Dumbledore, to protect him. But what if there are sinister motives involved? It’s possible that Snape’s not the only “double-agent” at Hogwarts!

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David Haber
David Haber

D.S. Haber (known to his friends as Dave) is a professional muggle computer programmer and web designer and lives in Los Angeles. He is proud of the fact that he is a new-blood wizard with no (apparent) previous magical blood in his family. His favorite Quidditch team is the Falmouth Falcons, who's motto is "Let us win, but if we cannot win, let us break a few heads." He is also a West Ham United (Hammers) fan.

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Navid Ibtehaj Nizam
Navid Ibtehaj Nizam
18 years ago

There are a few more things that are shown in the third movie but definitely not mentioned in the book like Hermione throwing small pieces from the pumpkin into Hagrid’s house to warn them of the arrival of the Minister of Magic, Dumbledore and the executioner, she howling to distract the werewolf Lupin, she commenting how bushy her hair looks from the back, Ron and Hermione grabbing each other’s hands by mistake (which might be an already expressed clue because it was not until the 4th book that Ron showed any signs of loving Hermione), the boggart actually coming face to face with Harry and transforming into a dementor during Lupin’s 1st class etc. The other clues which was mentioned in the article were nicely analysed but it would be better if these clues were lokked into also.

Dave Haber
Dave Haber
18 years ago

The point of the article was things in the movie that were not in the book and also could point to an important clue about something in a book we don’t have yet. So, while all of your points are true about being in the movie but not in the book, I originally didn’t feel they could be clues to the future story. Do you?

Except, of course, for the Hermione/Ron holding hands thing. Yes, that’s a valid one. The Azkaban movie establishes the relationship earlier than the books. But so, too, did the Chamber of Secrets movie. Remember at the end, when Harry hugs Hermione, but then Ron and Hermione feel “akward” doing the same thing. So, the Azkaban movie is just picking up on this more.

18 years ago

One Snape quote from the Shrieking Shack that I think needs to be noted is when he has his wand pointed to Sirius and says, “I could do it you know.” Snape says some other things, but I cannot quote them off the top of my head. This was probably foreshadowing Dumbledore’s death in Book 6.

18 years ago

I think that suggesting Remus Lupin is gay is a little far-fetched, as is hinting that Hermione is actually an old woman. However, I agree that Sirius coming back as a dog is a possible option and I find it interesting that even though Snape physically protects the Trio, none of them make a big deal out of it.
After all, in Book 1 they made a big deal out of Snape uttering the counter curse. Essentially, Snape is once again saving their lives… or at least, preparing to.

Dave Haber
Dave Haber
18 years ago

I did say, in the article, that I believed the one about Sirius and Lupin living together was very unlikely, and I included it for completeness and mainly just for fun…

18 years ago

Snape and the other ‘Marauders’ have a long history, something it is easy to forget. His saying ‘ I could do it you know’ seems to come loaded with a lifetime of hate.

They all went to school together, Sirius tormented Snape, as we know, There was mutual antipathy from an early point, but this doesn’t just happen. I have always had the impression there is ‘something’ we don’t know about what happened at school. Possibilites I have read so far include Snape loved Lily and James “stole her away”, Sirius went a Joke too far once (one that we don’t know about?), Did James or Sirium stop Snape getting top marks? Who knows, but I suspect this is one of the big things to be resolved in book 7.

After all, the story has been set, Harry just has to find the Horcruxes, and fight Voldemort, and, JKR has to resolve once for for all whether Snape is or is not The Bad Guy.

18 years ago

Hermione article impressed me. Yes, I’ve read another book, Harry Potter type and… The one who had a function the same as Filch actually was the powerfullest wizard from the school.

18 years ago

I agree with the coments about Snape being good because he saved Harry, Ron, and Hermione a few times, but to me the huge peace of info that was put into the film is the fact that harry has is mom’s eyes. I have a strong fealing that Harry having his moms eyes will play a big part in one of the plot twists for the finale book.

18 years ago

Well, the fact that he has his mother’s eyes has been mentioned so many times in the books… I’m almost positive that it was mentioned at least once per book, so no credit to the movie for that.

Personally, I find the bit where Snape protects the Trio when faced by a werewolf as the significant foreshadowing. I mean, we already know he’s faced Lupin before and his life had been threatened, but unlike a proper Slytherin, he doesnt look out for himself but faces upto the werewolf and protects the Trio. Significant all right. Definitely points to a Good Snape.

She mentioned a ‘couple of things’ that foreshadow the last 2 books, and I’d say the Lupin quotes about Lily are probably important somehow, a)because Jo is always talking about Lily, Harry’s eyes, Lily’s sacrifice etc. b)we get very little about Harry’s parents, so anything new about them is bound to be important.

18 years ago

I seem to remember Hermione saying that werewolves only respond to the call of their own kind and then, when Professor Lupin’s wolfing it up, he hears and follows the sound of her howling… I’m sure lots of lads would describe her as “a fox”, but maybe she’s a wolf, too?

And the “Professor Snape shielding Harry, Ron and Hermione” thing kept lighting up in my mind when I was reading about him being a double agent for Lord Voldemort so I’m guessing (and hoping!) that he actually is a good ‘un.

Mike Bruni
Mike Bruni
18 years ago

I have one more piece of information to put the “Sirius and Remus are gay” theory to rest. I know Mr. Haber has already said he doesn’t take it seriously anyway, but others might. I hope I’m not ruining Half-Blood Prince for anyone by adding this comment; if so, read no further. For the rest of you, remember that Remus ends up dating Tonks at the end of HBP and that both of them look very happy, and that this resolves a conflict for them both that, unbeknownst to us, had lasted throughout HBP. No, my friends, Remus isn’t gay, he is a werewolf who feared getting close to a woman because of what he is.

As far as Sirius coming back as a dog? Not likely. OoP made it clear that Sirius died when he fell behind the veil. I think Ms. Rowling used a metaphor for death, the veil, to actually signify death in the book. If Sirius is truly dead he can’t come back as a human or as a dog as both are a form of the same man. However, these theories may lead to a SirusIsNotDead website, of course! Don’t forget how hard Joanne took it when she wrote of Sirius’ death. She wouldn’t have cried so much if she knew she was bringing him back in any form, even as a dog. I think the best theory so far is the Protective Snape theory, followed by the “you have your mother’s eyes” theory.

18 years ago

I noticed two things in PoA that I think are foreshadowing. One, in the scene in the hospital wing after Harry falls off his broom, the Weasley Twins make a sarcastic remark to Ron something like, “How’d you like it if we pushed you off the astronomy tower.” As we all now know, when Dumbledore was killed he fell off the astronomy tower. Two, in the scene after Harry finds out that Sirius Black is his godfather, he’s sitting on a rock crying. Ron and Hermione run after him, but only Hermione crosses the clearing to go to him. Ron remains at the edge. Then when Hermione asks Harry what’s wrong, Harry shouts “He was their friend, and he betrayed them!”. When he shouts this he looks at Ron standing at the edge of the clearing. I always found this scene very strange. Could it foreshadow that Ron will betray Harry? I really hope not, because Ron is one of my favorite characters, but take a look at the scene yourself and see what you think.

18 years ago

I haven’t been here for a while, but this site is even more fun now than it was when I visited last.

About those foreshadowings, I’d just like to mention a few points that haven’t been mentioned by the other commentators.

Draco being a bit cowardly: that showed already in PS when they have detention in the Forbidden Forest. He whimpers, “But there are werewolves in there” and from what we know now, with Fenrir Greyback being an ‘old family friend’ — he has good cause to be afraid of werewolves.
He also calls for Hermione’s death in CoS when he says (paraphrased) ‘last time a Mudblood died, I hope it’ll be Granger’. So his actions in the PoA movie seem more like a logical continuation of past behaviours to me.

2. Remus telling Harry that Lily saw the good in everyone.
Why isn’t anyone ever mentioning Peter? Lily certainly saw the good in Remus. She found the good in James, despite his being a prat. She would have found something good in Peter, and I have the suspicion that the ‘unrequited love’ theme may refer to Peter, not to Snape. Maybe Lily’s life was a reward for Peter’s betrayal, maybe Lily marrying James drove Peter towards Voldemort.
However, Lily would have seen the good in Snape, too. And they were both brilliant at Potions. She was good at charms (at least according to Olivander) – she could have been involved in the creation of some of those spells in the Prince’s book.

3. Snape protecting Harry and friends. Yes. I think that’s what he’s doing all the time, from day one that Harry came to the school. Snape may have looked for signs of Lily in Harry in that first class. He saw Lily’s eyes, but found James’ behaviour. If he had a connection to Lily as friend/would-be or ex boyfriend, then he would be rather disappointed, and that might explain partly his resentment towards Harry. Which isn’t an excuse for Snape’s behaviour, of course.

18 years ago

Snape and Petunia…
I like it…
but in the case of sisters and dating, wouldn’t James try to fix Lilly’s sister up with his best friend instead?

Any one else able to picture Serius as a bit of a player when he was younger?
(And do we know for a fact that Vernen is Dudly’s father?)

besides, this way Snape is still free to fall in love with Nacissa……

18 years ago

I think I’ve got it….
Petunia doesn’t hate all wizards because she was rejected by Snape..
Lilly was,by all accounts, a beautiful and charming young woman..
now if you’re dating a girl like that, and she has a sister….
you’re going to try and set her sister up with your best friend…… right?

any one else able to picture Sirius as a bit of a rogue in his youth?
could be he went along as James’ “wingman” a few times and Petunia fell for him hard..
he is supposed to be a good looking enough guy…

I know many of you can’t wait to shoot this theory at will.
all I know is that this way Snape is still free to fall in love with Narcissa…
(and NO, I am not going to give up on that theory Mistral:-)

18 years ago

I am going to back up your SNAPE LOVED NARCISSA theory, if they let KATE WINSLET play Narcissa Malfoy;-)

I have given it a serious thought but it does not work for the story. (I feel like Peter Jackson now�) but the �Petunia� having a crush on Snape, oh yes that I can support! Petunia�s words in OotP Chapter Two A PECK OF OWLS just �scream� for Snape!

This may be a crazy idea, but what if they lived in the same neighbourhood and knew each other already? She talks of her deceased sister with so much hatred. Was being selected as a witch the only motive that Petunia never wanted to talk so far about Harry�s mother?

It could well be that Snape rejected her and fell in love with the beautiful Lily (sorry Kevin�) Petunia was probably not a very charming girl to know, but full of jealousy. Neither can I see that she dated Sirius Black. I returned to PoA to Chapter TWO where it says that aunt Petunia looked out of the window when the name Black fell. I believe if she had feelings for Sirius, her reaction to the news on television, would have been stronger. Never do we get a hint (or so I believe) that Sirius Black meant anything to Petunia.

18 years ago

OK, I totally disagree with the Petunia Sirius thing. I cant picture Sirius dating her more than one blind date, and plus, Kevin, OF COURSE Vernon is Dudley’s father! They look the same, act the same, and Dudley didn’t see the dementors, which any wizard could. I agree with Mistral, and Mikey. Snape and Petunia—two bony black-haired people with obnoxious habits and prejudices. They are so perfetc for each other, and the theory Mikey proposed makes absolute sense.

18 years ago

Ok so i also disgree with the Sirius&Petunia; thing, and this is why.
I have a new theory that has kind of been mentioned here.
What if Petunis actually saw a dementor. Maybe she is some kindof sqib. I know in the 2nd book it says that squibs are people who arent magical but come from an all magical family. But what if she actually went to Hogwarts and then dropped out cause she didnt have the magic in her. We know sqibs can see dementors cause of mrs. figg. So maybe THIS is why she resents the whole magic world. because she thouhght she was going to be a part of it but then wasnt good enough……

What do you guys think?

18 years ago

Mistral, I was thinking Cate Blanchett should play Narcissa, but your Kate would suit just fine..mabey a little young…but thanks for trying to back me up any way:->..

ok, so no one liked my “Serius&Petunia;” idea…how about this..

There are different levels of magical ability right?
Some wizards are just not powerful enough to cast certain spells, no matter how hard they try or how much they practice…with me so far?

Ok… what if Petunia actually IS a witch, but her powers are so weak that she would have been nearly incapable of casting even the easiest spells….
what if she was SO over shadowed by her”PERFECT SISTER” at Hogwarts that she turned her back on that world forever, and any one in that world that may have lover her or been loved by her?

Dudly had his hands over his head and his eyes closed durring the dementor attact didn’t he? I don’t think we know for sure that he CAN’T see dementors, we only know he DIDN’T see them….

18 years ago

It has already been confirmed by Jo that Pertunia is not a squib…. but what if she were a witch… Jo has said that Pertunia isn’t a squib (See Jo’s official site and Mugglenet) but Jo has never said that she isn’t a witch… what if Pertunia was a witch but chose never to answer her calling and go to Hogwarts…. or did but dropped out… just an idea…

18 years ago

Yes, Cate Blanchett would also be a good choice. We have an agreement on this then.;-)

For that matter, any suggesting, who could play Horace Slughorn? If I presume this correctly, Warner Brother�s only selects English actors for the HP movies. Can�t think of anyone right at the moment, with the perfect �size� for Slugy!

Returning to the subject of Petunia. Fascinating that Kevin and Suzanne had the same idea about Petunia, being a witch who never answered her calling to go to Hogwarts.

We know from JO that she is a Squib and truly a MUGGLE. I went to check what Jo has to say about Petunia.
I quote: “Aunt Petunia has never performed magic, nor will she ever be able to do so.”

While being interviewed, JO gave her now famous “BUT”…..
I wonder what Petunia knows. Could it be that she has hidden some important letters for Harry? THE LETTERS Dumbledore talked about in OotP Chapter Thirty-Seven?

18 years ago


How about Michael Caine?
Sure, he doesn’t have quite the girth needed, but they’ve been padding actors since the first movie.

I’m sure there are others, but that’s my opening offer…

18 years ago

Well well, I was wondering what your offer would be and I must say; excellent choice. I can see Caine as “Horace Slughorn”.

Clearly, I did some thinking too;-) how about “Ian Holm”? Wouldn’t he be just perfect? Of course, works only IF we can forget seeing Bilbo Baggins in our mind! Let’s hear what you think about my offer…

18 years ago

i’ve been thinking about this for a while and came up with the an almost perfect solution, look up ian reddington on google images, he has been in corronation street as a support a few times but i think he would be PERFECT

18 years ago

Dear Kevin,
I have read most of your comments and would just like to say that you are an amazing writer and reader. After reading this article, I have to say that I find it very unlikely that Hermionie is a “double agent”. I think that there are a few people at Hogwarts that might seem smarter than everybody else, but I think that if you look closer you’ll understand why this is so. Hermionie reads during the summer, she always does her homework corectly, and much more. But one thing that stands out to me the most is if Hermionie was a “double agent” then why would Dumbledore have chosen a person that only gets an Exceeds Expectations on her DADA O.W.L.?

18 years ago

I really enjoyed this article! Although I find most of them very unlikely, there is one that caught my attention the moment I read the quote:
“Professor Lupin and Harry on the covered bridge

After the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in which Lupin stops Harry from confronting the boggart, Harry and Lupin meet on the covered bridge. In this scene, Lupin says:

“The very first time I saw you Harry, I recognized you immediately. Not by your scar, but by your eyes. They’re your mother, Lily’s. Yes. Oh, yes. I knew her. Your mother was there at a time for me when no one else was. Not only was she a singularly gifted witch, she was also an uncommonly kind woman. She had a way of seeing the beauty in others, even and, perhaps, most especially, when that person could not see it in themselves.”

We’ve been told that Harry having his mother’s eyes would play an important part in the last book. Here, Lupin tells us that he recognised Harry by his eyes, his mother’s eyes. and that Lily “had a way of seeing the beauty in others…”. Perhaps the foreshadowing is not that Lupin and Lily had some sort of spark, but of the meaning of the importance of her eyes.

18 years ago

I cracked up laughing when i read those! In a good way! I was funny beacuse you made it sound like Sirius and Lupin are gay OR Lily cheated on James with Remus OR Hermione is an old hag trying to act young! I like them. Adds a twist to what you think about and we all know J.K. Rowling is the Queen of making us think in one direction but acctually she going in the opposite! Its wicked! I loved it!

Daniel Blom Paulsen
Daniel Blom Paulsen
18 years ago

Whoa, I won’t even get into that disussion about Snape, Lily and Narcissa. But staying on the topic love, I believe it will play an important role. It is the power that Harry possesses that the Dark Lord doesn’t know of, and it is also an important subject in the Half-Blood Prince, as Harry gets together with Ginny, who again has a close similarity with Lily. I believe this love bond plays a significant role in the fight against Voldemort, and that Harry can’t defeat Voldemort without the help of Ginny.

At the same time, Harry’s and Lily’s eyes may also play a part in turning someone from the bad side to the good, and as someone so cleverly pointed out, Lily and Ginny have a great resemblance. I could easily imagine Ginny convincing Harry to spare someone’s life and give the person a second chance.

My best guess as to who might be turned from bad to good would be Draco, as he doesn’t seem to be completely evil. It can’t be Snape, as he isn’t evil at all, just acting on the orders of Dumbledore. Some might say Voldemort himself might be a possible candidate, but he can’t live if Harry lives, right? Well, what if Voldemort ‘dies’, but Tom Riddle instead is ‘revived’, just on the good side? I know, it doesn’t seem likely, actually it seems compltely nuts, but the thought hit me and I just thought I’d share it with you guys.

18 years ago

Just a thought but what if the reference to Lily is forecasting that Harry sacrifices himself to save someone close to him (maybe Ron/Hermonie)? This would obviously make Harry very much like his mother. What does everyone else think bout this theory?

18 years ago

I’ve found this website fascinating, as well as the many pages of comments from everyone voicing their ideas. Some of them I share and some I think are preposterous, but all the same I agree that things are never quite what they seem to be in JK’s books, and regardless of what will happen in book 7, we are all in for a great surprise.

I know this article was about scenes from the POA movie that could foreshadow events in books 6 & 7, but some of you have mentioned the priori incantatem from GOF in your postings… and something has always bothered me about that chapter in book 4. As priori incantatem starts, we see a severed arm (wormtails), followed by Cedric, then the muggle gardener, Bertha Jorkins, and then… Harry’s dad. If priori incontatem works in reverse order, as we know it does, than it seems Voldemort killed James AFTER he killed Lily (pg. 667)
As every description we have had of the events leading to James & Lily’s deaths has pointed to James being killed first and then Lily second, I’m wondering if this is just an error in the books or if it’s significant…

Any thoughts?

Daniel Blom Paulsen
Daniel Blom Paulsen
18 years ago

Christina, it is an error. I can never remember the right order, but she made a mistake in some editions. It was in the earliest American editions, if I remember correct.

18 years ago

I just thought of something
If Hermione is an older which, then why would she put so much work into school? Wouldn’t she already know it? Also, Hermione acts like an 11 year old, not a woman when she is attacked by the troll. And she is the same way in her fith year while she goes to meet Grawp (Hagrid’s half bro) and when they go into the forbidden forest when the centars come. She acts like a teenage girl.

But I also have another idea. What if Hermione went forward in time and saw herself exactly the way Trelawny explained it. Maybe time turners can go forward in time. Then she would just have to go backwards once in the future.

Another thing about the whole “Hermione is really an older which” thing. I would like everyone to remember that this is a CHILDREN’s book! And it would be just plain creepy if an older women had a crush on Ron and also “went out ” with Krum. This is also why I think the whole gay thing is impossible as well.

18 years ago

What if Petunia was involved in some way in Lily and James’ death? We know very few about what really happened. Was Voldemort alone? What was his real purpose? I have a slight idea about this, and it would clearly need the help of a grown-up muggle, Petunia being the best choice. In that case, she would most probably have performed un Unbreakable Vow and Voldemort would have told her a bit about wizardry. That would explain why she was so much frightened about magic world, especially about Voldemort coming back. But maybe she is just afraid of Dumbledore. We haven’t many hints.

Also speaking of Dudley, why is Petunia acting as if she was afraid of him becoming a wizard (she never lets Dudley get angry, she feeds him in a way that is dangerous to his health, then changes her manners when he turns eleven or so). Is Dudley a failed wizard. Was there something in the prophecy we did not hear of?

18 years ago

As I was checking some of the quotes on the for PoA, I noticed a few more possible foreshadowings.

Right after Peter Pettigrew is seen in Harry’s dormitory and McGonagall has asked Sir Cadogan if Sirius Black has entered the Common room, she turns around and asks Neville:

Professor Minerva McGonagall: Is it always going to be you, Longbottom?
Neville Longbottom: I’m afraid so, Ma’am.

Foreshadowing or not? Who knows, but it feels like one.

[Hermione looks at Ron’s broken leg, and they flirt by mimicking Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson]
Hermione: Ow! That looks really painful.
Ron: It’s sorta painful. They uh, they might… chop it.
Hermione: I’m sure Madame Pomfrey will fix it in a heartbeat.
Ron: It’s too late, it’s ruined. It’ll have to be chopped off.

This, among lots of other scenes clearly shows some attraction in between Ron and Hermione IMO.

I don’t know if I had a point saying this, but it just popped up as I read the quotes.

18 years ago

Mistral, Ian Holm would be wonderful, I would love to get Leo McKern to do it… just one minor problem with that of course…:-) Richard Griffiths would be perfect if not for the fact that he’s already Uncle Vernon…

I think however the best I could come up with would be Terry Jones… (and have Nearly Headless Nick offer him spam)…:-)

18 years ago

And as long as I’m casting the movie.. Rufus Scrimgeour should be played by Geoffrey Palmer..

just for fun…two characters that most likely won’t be in the movie.. who do you think should play..

The vampire from Sluggy’s party..(can’t remember his name right now) and the writer that wants to write Harry’s biography

18 years ago

To Kevin
Glad we have an agreement with Ian Holm. Yes, Leo McKern “would” also have been perfect..and I share your thoughts about Richard Griffiths….who is doing a perfect job as Uncle Vernon!

But then, what about Richard Attenbourough…if you can forget seeing him as Santa Claus;-) and off-the-record, Patrick Stewart as �Nigellus Phineas Black?�

To Herve
Glad you brought Petunia�s queerness with her son Dudley up. It is something I have also pondered over, especially while reading HBP Chapter Three �Will and Won�t�. It says Petunia was �oddly flushed� after Dumbledore made his remarks how they had raised their own son!

Needless to say she could be an over protective mother and this can�t be brought against her�(let me tell you I don�t like Dudley..) Unfortunately I cannot come up with a half-decent explanation. Far-fetched I would say she made a deal with Lily, putting Dudley under a Memory-Charm, so he would NEVER show any signs of magic! Knowing Petunia how �out of order� she reacts against magic I can just believe this.

When asked in an interview in 2004 if there was� more to Dudley than meets the eye�, she answered with �NO� What you see is what you get��.

18 years ago

Here are my recommendations:

Rufus Scrimgeour: The one and only Sean Connery… he has already Ministry experience… as for �The Vampire Sanguini� I would suggest �Daniel Day-Lewis… who would also be perfect as Fenrir Grayback! That creepy Werewolf I am sure will be in the movie…

As for the Writer Eldrid Worple… who wants to write Harry�s Memoirs, I would suggest Anthony Hopkins!

18 years ago

Does anyone remember that “letter” between Petunia and Dumbledore? The reason why Harry must stay with Petunia. Why Harry is only safe there with her.

18 years ago

“How is it you’re not in Ravenclaw with brains like yours?”
Patrick Stewart as Nigellus Phineas Black is pure genius.
Sean Connery may never be able to appear in a “childrens” movie without having “Darby O’Gill and the Little People ” flash backs..;-}
Daniel Day’ would be great for Sanguini… (thanks for finding his name, I went looking for it and ended up starting to read the book over… I knew the name had something to do with blood)
I have a harder time seeing him as Fenrir…its just a size thing…
“Bill the Butcher” proved he could be vicious enough though…
Anthony Hopkins, in my opinion, can play ANY roll at ANY time…
but… the pair I had chosen (although it wouldn’t work) was for Saguini-Crispen Glover… just because he’s SO odd…
and for the writer…. Nathan Lane…

according to what Dumbledore told Harry in HBP, Lilly’ssacrifice the night Morty tried to kill Harry is what saved him.
It was a protection that “that flowed in his veins”… since she “shed her blood” to protect him, her blood could still protect him…
Dumbledore cast a charm and told Petunia that, since she had her sisters blood in her veins also, if she accepted Harry and raised him as her own, by the blood the three of them shared(Lilly-Harry-Petuinia) Lilly’s sacrifice would continue to protect Harry in Petuinia’s house so long as he could call it home..
Petunia accepted Harry, Dumbledore’s charm was sealed..
at least thats the way I percieved it…

18 years ago

I’m in two minds about what you wrote concerning the relationship between Lupin and Sirius. At one level to explore the theme of homosexuality (in what started off as a book aimed at ten year old children) does seem a bit farfetched and suicidal for any publisher in the current age of corectness, but it does explain to a degree Lupin’s reluctance and hesitation to enter into a relationship with Tonks. If something is revealed about a gay relationship between Lupin and Sirius then it will make things very interesting indeed, particularly for Harry as they were the two wizards (other than Dumbledore) that he most admired.

18 years ago

Although I don’t think Snape meant to imply anything about Lupin or Sirius’ orientation, it would add more depth to the world of Harry Potter wouldn’t it?
I mean, would the parents of a gay witch or wizard prefer he or she were a deatheater?
Is there an area in St. Mungo’s dedicated to “fixing” people who show signs of “abnormal” (what ever NORMAL is) behavior?

Is a person’s orientation even considered as much a big deal in the wizarding world?
Or could it just be that some of us, myself included, are guilty of superimposing our own reality unto what should be an opportunity for escapism?

18 years ago

Kevin –

Oh gosh, I can totally imagine Crisper Glover as Sanguini. That guy is just so creepy.:-P

But anyways, I support the Snape-Loved-Lily theory.

When Harry is seeing his father, his father’s friends, Snape, and Lily in the past, we know that Lily stands up for Snape, she being the wonderful person she is.

But Snape immediately bites back by calling her a Mudblood.

Haven’t we all had experience that when we were younger and when we would like someone, the best way to keep them from knowing is to insult them? I think Snape was trying to save face, honestly.

Gah, I don’t remember it very well. Now I have to go read it again.:-)

18 years ago

I do not think that Lupin and Sirius are gay. I think that Snape is jealous of their friendship, and I think that he truly hates them for what they did to him as a youth. As for Hermione being an old lady, I think that is ridiculous. She is just a smart little girl.
I agree with many about Harry having his mother�s eyes. That he will see the good in some one and help them come all the way over to the good side.

18 years ago

well.. i read a comment in here i think.. (sorry poor memory) that when ron faced his boggart there was an image of a woman with orange hair probably with glasses.. i don’t remember.. yes i saw that as i watched that scene on youtube.. if you stop at the right moment, the face is so clear it is scary, could that be something?

but then again.. i thought that it looked a bit like Professor Trelawney.

Job Starreveld
Job Starreveld
17 years ago

I surely disaggree with the idea that they were gay because in the final part it is said that Tonks loves Lupin and he does love her also…

george theuns
george theuns
17 years ago

one thing bothers me. in the books it is said repetedly: your eyes are of your mother (green). but in the film he has blue eyes, i have a poster on my bedroom door, there you see it too, can someone explain this?

17 years ago

The explanation is simple. Daniel Radcliffe has in real life blue eyes. As we all know Harry Potter has green eyes, so they made him wear contact lenses in the first movies and Daniel was allergic to them!
At least this was what I read in an interview some time ago, explaining the reason for the blue eyes instead of green ones.

17 years ago

Sirius and Lupin are certainly not gay. Lupin has feelings towards Tonks. And if you are inplying that Lupin had feelings towards Lily then how could he be gay? I agree that Snape was just jealous of Sirius and Lupin’s friendship.
I don’t see what is so important about the Draco thing? He says to Harry that he will get him, so why is it so bad that he says that he is going to get Hermione? In the second book he tells everyone that all the mudblood’s would be next and that he hopes it is Hermione. I think he just doesn’t like Hermione that much!
Lupin and Lily is a good theory. They were both talented and well behaved so they would be good together. Also, maybe Lupin told Lily that he was a werewolf and she didn’t seem to upset be it. Also, i think everybody saying Harry has Lily’s eyes is very significent. I even think JK said that it was significent. It is because he can see the good in people as well. I mean, he didn’t get scared or worried or even changed his mind at all when he found out Lupin was a werewolf. He also trusted Sirius when he heard his side of the story. How did he know that Sirius wasn’t making it up?
I don’t think Sirius will come back as a dog. His dog form is still him, only in dog form. JK cryed when writing that bit. She knew that he wasn’t coming back. I looked for any signs of Sirius coming back because he was my favourite character but i really think he is gone.
It was very interesting that Snape tryed to save the trio. I think that Snape was in Dumbledore’s debt because Snape was able to get a job and so Snape wouldn’t do anything to get on Dumbledore’s badside unless he had to. (Voldemort probably made Snape kill Dumbledore).
I extremley doubt Hermione is actually an old witch but i must asy that the first person that popped into my head when i heard that was Ms Figg. Oh and even if hermione is actually and old witch, she would be good, not evil because it is because of Hermione that Harry got past Voldemort a lot of times.

17 years ago

I have a theory: In an anime series called ‘Kyo Kara Maou’, there this guy called Murata or ‘The Great Sage’ knows exactly who he was in his past life. When he dies his soul was transferred to a newborn baby, and afterwards is that he could remember everything from his past life. This soul transfer carried on for a couple of centuries and plays a big part in the present time.

This example could be true referring to Hermione. If she really is for example Rowena Rawenclaw? It could be possible, you know this is the magical world we’re talking about. And it would actually make sense! Rawenclaws are known of their smartness and The S-Hat suggested her to go to house Ravenclaw in the first place, right? Maybe she knows practically everything, but need to refresh everything first by reading them only once because of the transfer to another body…