Harry Potter: Wizarding Bands & Singers

Musical entertainment is just as popular in the Wizarding world as it is in the Muggle one, with the Wizarding Wireless Network being played in almost every home. Not many Wizarding bands or singers are mentioned in the Harry Potter series, but the ones who are are listed here.

Celestina Warbeck

Celestina Warbeck is a famous Wizarding singer who is a favourite of Mrs Weasley, though not loved by Fleur Delacour who repeatedly raised her voice while talking in an attempt to drown out the noise. This did not work however as Mrs Weasley consistently raised the volume.

Her song “A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love” was danced to by Mr and Mrs Weasley when they 18 years old and provided the perfect cover for Harry to speak to Mr Weasley about his fears over Snape and Malfoy in his 6th year.

Reference: HBP pp. 305-307

The Hobgoblins

The Hobgoblins are a little known Wizarding rock band who are fronted by Stubby Boardman. Stubby retired from the music scene after being struck in the ear by a turnip at a concert in Little Norton Church Hall.

One delusional reader of the comical Quibbler claimed that Sirius Black was actually Stubby Boardman in disguise and could not have killed all the people he was accused of as he was with her that night.

Reference: OotP p. 192

The Weird Sisters

These are a very popular Music band loved by many Witches and Wizards. All 8 members are described as extremely hairy with artfully ripped robes. Their instruments consist of a set of drums, several guitars, a cello, a lute and some bag pipes.

Some of their songs include “Do the Hippogriff”, “Magic Works” and “This is the Night”, all of which they played at Hogwarts Yule Ball, after being booked by the then Headmaster Albus Dumbledore.

Reference: GoF pp. 391, 419, and 430, OotP p. 286, HBP p. 316
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Mila Grish
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