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I would love to read a prequel about James, Remus, Serius and Peter. It would be interesting to see how much trouble they got into at Hogwarts! But also to help put into perspective the reign of terror Voldemort had over everyone when there was no hope of someone defeating him. I think it would be cool to understand more about the frinedship between Snape and Lilly as well as the rivalry between Snape and James. Especially now that we know what side Snape was truely on.
I don’t know how I would feel about a book on Dumbledore and Grindewald though. I had a hard time facing the facts about Dumbledore in the last book and would find it difficult to have more proof that he wasn’t perfect. He holds a special place in my heart and I would like to have more fond memories of him than not. But if JKR did write a book about them, I’d still read it!
I would want to see something from the past, about Lupin, Sirius, and James. I want to see how James and Lily trice defied Voldemort. How it was like to live in a stuck up pure-blood family like Sirius’, and How Lupin got bitten. I want to learn some things about Dumbledore, too, like fond memories and stuff that can make Dumbledore seem more magical and special after how he came out of DH. Maybe, something about living with the Death Eaters in fear, like Snape’s point of view, and everything. I actually don’t care as long as the magic is alive!
I would like to know all the Conversations Dumbledore held with Snape, Grindelwald, Voldermort, Ron, Hermione, other students, the Order of the Phoenix, friends, and associates. Dumbledore was a smart man and I would like to now where his mind was. Interesting.
First of all, I’d love to read more about Harry’s world. I grew up with it, and I guess I’d just miss it to much. I’d verry much prefer to read about James, Sirius, Remus and Peter. The marauders have always (well, since POA, anyway) been my favourite caracters.
Anyway, I do hope Jo’ll write more books. Her writing is simply to great to be lost.
I really think she should let HP world be.
Prequels are not always what they live up to their originals (e.g. Star Wars pts. 1-3 and The Hobbit).
I would definitely like to read something from Snape’s point of view; his character has always intrigued me. I would also like to hear the story of what happened between the last chapter and the epilogue in DH. Or maybe from Dumbledore or Hermione’s point of view… just to change it up!
i would love it if jk rowling wrote a book involving harry potter characters. it would be so awsome. i would like to go to the past. rowling mentioned a little bit of harry’s parent’s past in the pensive, but she should expand upon it. i want to see james, sirius, lupin, and wormtail in the past. they’re mischeouve and wrong doings. i would like to see how they made the anamigi potion, and how the transformations in the shrieking shack went. also, i would want to know a little more about snape. about his past.
I don’t think she will write another book involving the Harry Potter characters. It’s like she’s leaving us hanging – in suspense, I should say. But even so, I would like JK to go into the future. There are so many unanswered questions. But at the same time, it would be nice to go back to the past too. There are so so many things that would explain a lot of the events in Harry Potter.
If JK was to write a book about other HP characters, it would have to be Lily and the marauders and in James’ point of view. it would be a dream come to true to get my hands on that books. All the mischievous, animagus potion, and the fun, just to think about that is enough to make me go nuts. James is my favorite character and there’re so little said about him in the books, so this could my opportunity to find out more about him and have fun at the time. Basically, it will be a dream come true.
I think she should lay the characters to rest, she cant write another book about anything or anyone related to harry and if she does it has to be Dumbledore, i think hes the only one who would work. I think if she does write another novel it should involve hogwarts but not be from the harry potter time, maybe it should even go back and reveal details about the lives of the hogwarts founders, i would love to know more about slytherin and gryfindor and all of the history of howarts and the relationships between all of them, revealing lots of secrets and stuff, i would love that.
great idea. i think JKR should write a book starting from foundation of hogwarts upto 1981 when voldemort first attacked harry and meet his downfall.
In the “Half Blood Prince” there is this mentioning of an essay the class had to write for Snape about how to tackle a dementor. It said that Harry expected to receive low marks for his because he disagreed with Snape about how to do it best. As they are both very accomplished in defence agains the Dark Arts I’ve always wanted to know in what way they disagreed on this topic.
I would like to know more about Regulus Black! Obviously he was the first one to know that Voldemort made a horcrux. I would like to know what made Regulus change his mind, why he decided to turn from dutiful Death Eater to a fighter for the good cause, dying along the way. He really sacrificed himself! He knew from Kreacher what would happen if he drank the potion. He chose to do it himself and did not use Kreacher! Unlike his oh so good brother Sirius, he respected house elves and treated Kreacher accordingly. Regulus seemed to have been a very brave man and I find it a shame that Sirius seems to get all the glory in the books!
I’m sorry as everyone seems to love James and Sirius – I think they were arrogant upper class snobs and I don’t find them fascinating enough to want to know anything about them to be truthful! They are quite boring to me actually.
Yes, some conversations between Dumbledore and Snape would be interesting, although we do get a fair share of them via “The Prince’s Tale”. Everything about Dumbledore is fascinating and I would have liked to know how Snape filled his days at Spinner’s End, drinking elf-made wine.. actually, what happened to his parents? Did they die?
I really think she should write about the Marauders’ times, seeing as several websites have been made to try to figure out all about them. But that doesn’t mean she should only work on that. I think she should also write that Harry Potter Encyclopedia she said something about to the Press a couple of days ago.
Anyway, whatever she writes, you can bet I’ll read it!
would like to read more about james & gang….
I agree with the majority on here; I would love to see a book (or even books) focusing on the relationships between James, Lily, and Snape, from Hogwarts to even beyond. I’d like to see Snape joining the Death Eaters, maybe finding out that there was more to his motives than just following his friends.
To be honest, I’m not too interested in Harry’s kids. We know so little about them that it’s hard to get attached. The Mauraders (and Snape and Lily) are actually, in a way, the most frustrating characters in the book, because we see so little of them except through flashbacks, and we all want more.
I would absolutely LOVE to read about the Marauders’ time at Hogwarts. They are by far the most interesting/funny charactors with all the trouble they got up to at school. I think it would be interesting if K wrote the story of their last year at Hogwarts, as this is the year James and Lilly started going out so we could be sure of a Happy Ending! Also of she went back to the time when Snape was friends with Lily that would be quite interesting to go into detail about. It would help us to understand the last bok abit now, I guess.
I would alsobuy a book that tells the tale of the wizarding world at a time of peril (Voldemort being in power) right up until the night Harry defeated him. It would be like a prequel of the series; Philosophers Stone would just follow on from there.
Whie I would read absolutely ANYTHING that JKR ever writes, I have to admit that I love Diane’s idea about the Dursley’s. I have always wondered how they fared, hidden by magical means, they must have seen some cool stuff. We know, from the Prince’s Tale, that Petunia didn’t always despise the magical world. It was really just a defense mechnism to deal with being shut out of it.
I think it would be poetic justice for Vernon and Petunia’s grandchild to be a witch/wizard. And i disagree with those who said they would treat the child horribly. When did they ever, no matter what he did, think that their little “Diddykins” wasn’t perfect. And even if they didn’t like the fact they had more magic in their family, I think that Dudley finally, albeit grudgingly, acepted and even admired Harry’s powers. He would stand up to his parents onhis child’s behalf, I think.
Like I said, I would read anything written by JKR, and there have been a lot of good ideas here. Let’s hope Jo listens to her fans!
I would read anything jo writes. but she should write about the dursleys, like tina from li said.
But I want to know more about tonks because she’s one of my favorites
I’m waiting for her encyclopedia though…
Hmmm… how about this:
“It’s been twenty-two years since Lord Volemort was defeated. Scorpius Malfoy is entering his fourth year at Hogwarts and, same as ever, he is mocked and teased about his semi-Death Eater father. Eventually, desperate, he turns to his father for help. He receives an item that Draco found on his last night at Hogwarts: the resurrection stone. Scorpius uses it to resurrect his grandfather, Lucius Malfoy, for guidance- but Lucius, seeing a chance to mold his grandson in his image, manipulates Scorpius into one by one, over the course of the year, resurrecting Death Eaters (including Bellatrix Lestrange) to assassinate Harry Potter. When each Death Eater fails and Scorpius realizes what is going on, Lucius takes the resurrection stone from his grandson and it is revealed that he is not truly who he says he is- after resurrecting Bellatrix, she took one of his hairs. With it, she made polyjuice potion and took Lucius’ place, killing him again. Bellatix, having not taken Polyjuice for the past hour, turns back into her normal self. She then uses the Resurrection Stone to resurrect He Who Must Not Be Named- Voldemort himself. However, as the Resurrection Stone only remains active when the resurrector or the ressurected it touching it, Scorpius comes up with a plan to seperate the stone from Voldemort. Voldemort and Bellatrix resurrect an army of Death Eaters and attack Hogwarts- however, Scorpius chases after Voldemort, who escapes with Bellatrix. Harry Potter and a group of aurors arrive at Hogwarts and take down a majority of the Death Eaters. Scorpius doesn’t know what to do, and tells Harry about the Stone and how it was his fault about what happened. Harry says that Voldemort’s not getting away this time, and chases him across the country, each time just missing him.
Eventually, he finally tracks Voldemort and Bellatrix down- they are in a forest in Albania. Voldemort attempts to use Avada Kedavra; Harry uses his trademark Expelliarmus. Harry dodges the Killing Curse and Expelliarmus hits the Resurrection Stone that Voldemort has been carrying with him. It flies out of his hands and he vanishes. Bellatrix simply laughs crazily before staggering off into the woods, disintegrating. Harry doesn’t chase after her, because she wasn’t carrying the Resurrection Stone and would die again in a few seconds anyway. He returns to Hogwarts and sees that all of the resurrected Death Eaters had vanished. Professor McGonagall tells him that Scorpius, terrified of what would happen to him, escaped into a Vanishing Cabinet during the chaos.
Meanwhile, a barely alive Bellatrix LeStrange staggers down an empty street. She had secretly created a horcrux before resurrecting Voldemort as a failsafe- however, as she was an artificial creation made by the Resurrection Stone, she was rapidly becoming an incorporeal spirit. She reaches the gates of an orphanage and gives birth to a boy- Voldemort’s son- before turning to dust. The boy looks like any other baby, except for his eyes: they are a deep red, with snakelike pupils…”
i (no doubt about it) would love to read something more from jk i love harry and also his world and i am DYING to know everything there is i CANNOT stand the end of this if by anychance you are reading this jo i LOVE harrys world and it has helped me more than you can imangine in my life heck i grew up with harry (im 18 now!) KEEP IT UP!
i think only the story of james sirius and others can rewind the euphoria
I agree with Cindy from Middletown Ohio.
I too have grown up with Harry Potter (I’m nearly sixteen now) and have loved it ever since I’ve finished the first chapter. I think many people feel this way. It’s like a part of your childhood just vanishing into nothingness (to parprase Professor McGonnagall). I’m looking forward to the movies and the encyclopedia though. Shame I live in country where these will only be released a year after they have done so in the UK and the US.
Obviously I would like to find out more about the world of Harry Potter, but I think it would be a bad idea. She should just leave the 7 books, as they are brilliant, and other books might ruin it.
I would love to read a book about Padfoot, Moony, Prongs and Wormtail!
I always thought about J.k. writing another book about the world before I read this article. (I sometimes think of ideas of my own) Maybe she secretly is making abother book about Dumbledore? Who knows? Maybe thats the reason she said Dumbledore is gay, so we can understand the secret books shes making. (or maybe im a desperate potter fan who wants to keep the world alive)
I would love to see something about the Maurader and Lily years. They are my favorite characters in fan fiction and I have several stories that i try to read on a regular basis. Not as good as Rowling’s world, but a substitute for now…
I would like to either see the adventures of james potter and his gang, albus dumbledore and his adventure as a boy or when he defeats grimwald, or when all of harry, ron, and hermione’s kids go to Hogwarts!
I think J.K should let the whole Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione thing be but I would love to read on about Snape and James Potter. I am not sure how interesting it would be to read about Severus Albus Potter, but again, I am not sure. Please write more J.K!
I would rather prefer reading something about the past experiences of the characters (perhaps Harry’s father or Dumbledore) than reading about what happened after Harry graduated from Hogwarts. Still, I really think she should write something more pertaining to this topic.
I like that she set a 7 book limit from the beginning. The past and future of the characters are best left to our imagination. As far as the Harry Potter world, what I want to see is the encyclopedia she eventually plans to write. I’m quite satisfied with the series as it is. I think it would be a mistake to return to the world other than in an encyclopedia. It would answer many of the ‘founder’ questions and provide info on Dumbledore’s famous duel.
I’m more interested in reading the next world she creates!
i think jo should leave harry potter series here only. it will just destroy the aura and magic of the series.
if she decides to write though, i will love to know more about how hogwarts was created, about the founders, all secret places in hogwarts, creation of sorting hat and the begining of triwizard tournament (i would love to know the tasks, why was the death toll high, and how did hogwarts students travelled!) and that book should end saying something like ” and thus the great Griffindor, ravenclaw and huffelpuff saw their dreams coming true but at the back of their heads was a tiny regret about their freind slytherin”
it will be great
I would like to know what happened to Harry’s grandparents. James’s mum and dad.
I think that another book would be nice, like to find out more about Hogwarts and stuff, but nothing could ever compare to the original series and it would sort of ruin it.
I would love to read on about severus albus potter because i would like to see what happens to him and maybe if he is famous like his father or maybe if voldemort leaves followers i would also like to know how severus potter will deafeat them.Maybe I would like to read about the maraduers but it explains about them in the previous books.i didnt get to hear to much of him they only mentioned him in the deathly hallows.
I think really the wizarding world will be at peace for a while. This would remove all of the overtones of oppression and hatred that were the driving force for many of the characters actions. they either wanted to propel it or destroy it. therefore any revisitation to the world of wizards and muggles would inherrently be a different story. Personally i think we have all the information we could possibly want about the current roster of characters.
A new plot would be very difficult to realise for one simple reason. We obviously alll liked harry potter as it was. A war story at it’s heart. If a new plot was not a war story it would be different and as such not the same. if it was a war story it would feel like a retread of the same ground we had already covered.
Personally i would still read it but deep inside i think that it would be wise to stay away from the magical world unless she has a killer plot hidden up her enviable sleeve. The least i would say is that she should stay well away from established characters and strike out on new ground many miles and years away from hogwarts and possibly even england.
I think jk rowling probably should let it be except for the promised encyclopedia! but IF she decides to write more, (which i secretly desperately want) it should be about the generation after harry (his kids and such). we already know enough about the generation before (harry’s parents); anymore would be spoiling the magic.
I just saw that JKRowling has penned an “outline” of a prequel to the HP series for charity. She says it will not be made into a novel. If the price is right… Who knows? I’d be interested in a prequel. A sequel yes but not as much.
Unfortunately, it will only be about 800 words, which is about two to three pages. But it’s better than nothing!
From my part, I would love to read a book (written by JR of course) which include some of the most important parts of the whole history, those we almost know nothing or little, but not from Harry`s point of wiew. For example, some chapters dedicated to the marauders during the last days before Voldemort attack (perhaps from Sirius`s point of view), another chapters concerning Dumbledore`s point of view during Harry`s sixth year, and some others written through Snape`s eyes as Hogwart`s headmaster.
Correctly narrated, it would be awesome…
Well I personally don’t care if it would be about James, Sirius, Lupin, and Peter, or Albus, James, or Lily Potter, or even Hugo or Rose Weasley. As long as she writes another one. But if she wrote about the future i think she should let a new family get some credit and the book should be about Rose Weasley, or Lily Luna Potter would be ok too.
i would like a book from voldemorts point of view, i mean, when he was growing up before he became truly ‘evil’. i think people misundertsand the bad characters in books and movies, because people aren’t born wicked.
You are so right. I think he was that way because he was alone and differant in the muggle world. He couldn’t just have been that way because his mother was a Slytherin descendant and she wasn’t Wicked. I think that he was just so excluded so he tried to defy gravity to be seen.
As many others have said – ANYTHING would be great. I like the ideas she’s written for charity; Beedle the Bard and the 800 wd prequel treatment. Maybe a collection of short stories/poems would be best. That way the Dumbledore/ Maurauders/ sequel eras could be covered. Or maybe a collection that revolves around a theme – for example a day at Diagon Alley which could involve many characters/locations or maybe the Many Mischiefs of Fred and George, or again kids bedtime stories….
The possibilities are nearly endless.
I think the fact that JKR said 99% no more Potter until she’s had a long break, but has in fact written 2 spin-off (despite being small and rare) show she hasn’t quite eliminated the possibility. Maybe when she’s finished the encyclopedia…
I think that J.k should write a new series of books about james, sirus, and lupins life at hogwarts, maybe frm james point of view!wouold be quite cool i think!
if theyre going to make another series they should makie it about Dumbeldores life. There were so many mysteries left unsolved. We never got straight answers on so many things. For example… what exactly did the boys do to his sister? More detail about his sisters death. More about Aberforth and exactly what he did, and how much power Aberforth had.
I think it would be really interesting to hear about how Hogwarts was started. We have already heard from the Grey Lady a little about her mother (Rowena Ravelclaw) and the diadem, which sounded quite exciting!
Also I think it would be great to find out the full story behind the Gryffindor-Slytherin feud plus all the founders objects (sword, locket, diadem, cup).
I think that J.K Rowling should write another book, maybe noting to do with Harry Potter, when she wrote Harry Potter, she created a new world, a world pople would find themselves dissapering into juust by reading the books, and if she were to do that agian, Rowling would give us a new world to discover and get lost in.J.K Rowling has an amazing way of discribing a world that sounded so it good it could be true, she described everything into the last detail, and if she were to do that again, with completly new characters and new places, then she would do something no other writer has done before!
I seriously think she should go way back in the past…from where it all started, witches and wizards had gone into hiding, how the ministry was made,How hogwarts was made what was the story behind the founders and their objects. the rivalry between Salazar slytherin and the other founders-Dumbledore’s past,The story of the ghosts at hogwarts,How did nearly headless nick get nearly headless.Grindelwald’s past. The fight between Dumbledore and grindelwald. Voldemort’s past and his days at hogwarts, his job at borgin and burkes. his exile in albania. And then the times of James,Sirius,lupin. And don’t forget snape and lily. How voldemort killed so many people. And finally how lily protection saved harry.
It will really be fun to get to know all this.
But if she starts a whole thing on Albus Severus,James, Lily,Rose,Hugo. it will be just toooooo far-fetched.
Or she could carry on with Harry,Ron,Hermione. Even they can fight.
But i hope she doesn’t kill anyone…..
i think that joanne should not write anymore books, becuase to me they would be very fun to read, but at the same time it just wouldnt have the same magic as the original seven.
i would like to see her write a prequal and something about harry’s children. it would be interesting if she made a new threat for them.
I think it would be really interesting to read about the life of Harrys parents: James and Lily Potter including all of their friends when they were young. We could learn about the life before harry Potter.