J.K. Rowling gives away more Harry Potter secrets

On Friday, J.K. Rowling updated her website with the message “No news is good news”, referring to the fact that book 6 and the next baby are both coming along fine, but nothing new to report. However, in typical Rowling-red-herring fashion, at the same she said there was no “news”, she did add a lot of new information to the site, in the form of updates to the “Rumors” and “FAQ” sections.


In the “Rumors” section, J.K. has now confirmed that Gideon and Fabian Prewett were Molly Weasley’s brothers, but their history is not particularly significant in terms of the overall plot.

J.K. also put to an end several incorrect rumors. She stated that The Order of the Phoenix does not communicate using chocolate frog cards, they would always be vulnerable to loss, destruction or trickery.

She also confirms that The Lestranges were not sent after Neville, they were very definitely sent after Neville’s parents. And speaking of Neville, she says Luna and Neville will not hook up in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, saying that while they share a certain isolation within Hogwarts, she doesn’t think that’s enough to foster true love.

Finally for the “Rumors” section, J.K. says that Harry does not stand trial again in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. This theory has been put forward to explain why Harry does not spend as long in Privet Drive during this book as previous ones, but J.K. says that he leaves the Dursleys early for a much pleasanter reason than a court case.

In the “FAQ” section, J.K. confirms that Godric’s Hollow is a village, not a street, house or a tree. She also confirms that it’s not just a term she uses in interviews and chats, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter dubbed themselves ‘marauders’.

Also in the “FAQ” section, J.K. describes how everyone who shows magical ability before their eleventh birthday automatically gains a place at Hogwarts; there is no question of not being ‘magical enough’; you are either magical or you are not. There is no obligation to take up the place, however; a family might not want their child to attend Hogwarts.

Finally, in two very interesting items about Hermione, J.K. tells us that the core of Hermione’s wand is Dragon heartstring, so Harry, Ron and Hermione unite the three Ollivander wand cores (other wandmakers may use different substances, as shown by Fleur’s wand, but Ollivander is widely acknowledged to be the best maker). And, to end one of the oldest Harry Potter debates, J.K. confirms that when Hermione arrived at Hogwarts, was she was nearly twelve, not eleven.

For even more info, visit J.K. Rowling’s Official Website.

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David Haber
David Haber

D.S. Haber (known to his friends as Dave) is a professional muggle computer programmer and web designer and lives in Los Angeles. He is proud of the fact that he is a new-blood wizard with no (apparent) previous magical blood in his family. His favorite Quidditch team is the Falmouth Falcons, who's motto is "Let us win, but if we cannot win, let us break a few heads." He is also a West Ham United (Hammers) fan.

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