Into the Deathly Hallows – Book 7 Title Announced

J.K. Rowling has finally announced on her official website that the title of Book 7 will be Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

How do you feel about this new title? Is it darker than you were expecting?

The definition of “Hallow” is something that has been “made holy, sanctified, consecrated”. What consecrated place in the Harry Potter stories could this refer to? Could it be the Hallowed Halls of Hogwarts? Or perhaps, does this refer to Godric’s Hollow, the place where it all started?

“Hallowed” can also mean “honored”, as in a “hallowed battlefield”. What place in the Harry Potter stories could that refer to? From Voldemort’s viewpoint, that could be the place he was reborn. Will Harry and Voldemort return there to fight the ultimate battle?

riddle grave

A human soul would definitely be considered holy. Is it possible that these “consecrated” places are the remaining hiding places of the remnants of Tom Riddle’s immortal soul, Voldemort’s horcruxes?

Does Harry’s journey into the Deathly Hallows mean, as we have been suspecting, that most of Book 7 will not take place at Hogwarts?

chamber of secrets

On the other hand, what if the Hallowed ground refers to a place that honors, or was made special by, a Hogwarts founder? Could one of these hallowed places be the Chamber of Secrets?

The word Hallow can also be a verb. Is it possible Harry will go around Hallowing certain places as he destroys the horcruxes, and finally Voldemort himself?

Perhaps most important of all, if the Hallows are “deathly”, who’s death are we talking about? Harry or Voldemort?

What do you think?


We have learned that J.K. recently gave assistance to the foreign language translators of the Harry Potter books, specifically the Swedish translator, by providing an “alternate title” that would be easier to translate than “Deathly Hallows”.

The alternate title for foreign language translators is “Harry Potter and the Relics of Death”. This would lead us to believe that the Deathly Hallows are things, and not places or people. Is this now conclusive proof that the Deathly Hallows are the Horcruxes that Harry must find and destroy?

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David Haber
David Haber

D.S. Haber (known to his friends as Dave) is a professional muggle computer programmer and web designer and lives in Los Angeles. He is proud of the fact that he is a new-blood wizard with no (apparent) previous magical blood in his family. His favorite Quidditch team is the Falmouth Falcons, who's motto is "Let us win, but if we cannot win, let us break a few heads." He is also a West Ham United (Hammers) fan.

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18 years ago

well thats a name i wasnt expecting. i thought the name would be about the final meeting between harry and voldemort. well, maybe it is.

18 years ago

This title could also mean that Harry needs to find the Horcruxes, because I think Voldemort looks at them like there somthing holy. But it could also mean they would return to the place were Voldemort was reborn, as it says in the article. I don’t think it will be the Hallowed Halls of Hogwarts, cause Rowling said Hogwarts wouldn’t play a big role in the 7th book. My conclusion is that the final battle will be at the place of Voldemorts rebirth: The graveyard in the 4th book.

18 years ago

Oh how interesting – that is a great title for the last book. Dark, mysterious, full of action and hopefully reaching some startling conclusions about the whole of Harry’s life so far.
I personally think the plot will centre on Godric’s Hollow and Volemort’s place of rebirth. Godric’s Hollow will play a very important role somehow; perhaps we will find out exactly what happened that night.
Whatever happens, I cannot wait!

18 years ago

It is an interesting title. I think it pretty much gives it away that Harry will die in this book (Sorry, if I am being a partypooper…), but I have envisioned it ever since the Chamber of Secrets. I could still be wrong, but I think JK has more than hinted it. By the way, JK has something about the letter H. Nearly all the important factors in the plot start with H – Hogwarts, Harry, Hermione, Hagrid, Half-Blood Prince, Hallows, Halloween, Hollow (of Godric), etc. – Does anyone think it is siginificant?

18 years ago

My venture into Google found this defintion for Hallows:

Oct. 31, Greater Sabbat, also called November Eve, the Celtic Samhain (“sow-en”); the beginning of the Celtic winter, and of the Celtic year; the beginning of the Witches’ Year, when the Veil Between the Worlds grows thin and the spirits of the dead may return to Earth; the Descent of the Goddess to the Underworld; the final Harvest festival.

Of course, the word is related to Halloween, and many important events have happened at Halloween in PotterVerse, but I think that Halloween is too obvious for a final event. (Though it could be for the beginning of some sort of prolonged battle.)

In the above definition, I found the part about the “veil between the worlds” to be particularly significant since Sirius passed through the veil and from subsequent events, we know that the Department of Secrets is supposed to have an important role in the final book.

Deathly? That seems rather obvious. But I think many of us are thinking of Deathly Hallows as a physical location. Perhaps it refers to time rather than place. The Hallows may well refer to a period of time when the difference between the living and the dead is confused. It may offer Harry a chance to communicate with Sirius, Dumbledore, or even his parents. The inferi may be all around. Perhaps even the souls of the people who were murdered by Voldysnort will be there to take revenge upon LV.

As for Godric’s Hollow–I’m sure that Harry will go there, but I don’t think that it has a direct connection to the term Deathly Hallows.

18 years ago

Hallowed may refer to hallowed halls of Hogwarts. This may be where it all ends.

18 years ago

well this is darkly significant i think its a shame hogwarts is out of it now… that place is like so cool lol i think malfoy’s life may play a big part in this somewhere as he mastered occlumency very quick as snape couldnt see into his mind how ever i think that harry will die and h is a common letter lol ^ i just hope it isnt a big let down cos its the first book she’s released a title so early on

18 years ago

i think it is an interesting name and i have already perordered my book at boarders.

18 years ago

as soon as i saw what the new title was, i thought of one thing… Godrics Hollow. I think alot of the last book will be centered on that place somehow. it was in the end of book 6, Harry said that for him it all started there and i think the story has to end there.

18 years ago

Hadar, add horcrux to the letter H list.
“Deathly Hallows” sure gives us something to think about. Brings to mind the house were Harry’s parents died or the graveyard were Cedric died. Or maybe it’s were Dumbledore and Sirius are, some place between life and death, the place behind the curtain at the Ministry of Majic.

18 years ago

I would firstly like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and how excited are we all about the title of the last book, but i am saddened as well as ecstatic for surely the coming of the final book signifies the end of this site and i for one have thoroughly enjoyed this site and the worldy ponderings of what may or may not happen in the books, thanks to Dave Haber for giving us this forum for discussing such important matters and lastly i think the title refers to all the people that have been killed and their remaining souls including DD!

Dave Haber
Dave Haber
18 years ago

Thanks for your kind words, but please, everybody! The name of this site is BEYOND Hogwarts. We were here for you to help you through the death of Dumbledore, and we will be here to help you through whatever happens in Deathly Hallows, and BEYOND!

Yes, we agree, getting the final book will be sad, but we will still be here, talking about what happens, what it means to our favorite characters and the Wizarding World in general, for many, many years to come!

18 years ago

Since I don’t know where to put it AND it wasn’t on J. K. Rowling’s website, Happy Birthday, Tom M. Riddle aka Lord Voldemort. You’re a great villian.

18 years ago

Ok harry cannot die! NO. I hope it will end in almost a “happily ever after” way, but i doubt it. All i know is that it is definitely going to be a good book!

18 years ago

I love all the comments everyone has made… the speculation is at a fever pitch and we’re all in a lather trying to figure-out the meaning of “Deathy Hallows”… I love it! I think it may have something to do with Godric’s Hollow and the burial grounds but that begs the question: If Harry knew, where his mother and father are buried, why hasn’t he been there before? Seems to me, someone who longs to see their family (as much as he), would surely have been there many times before now. Then again, perhaps his Aunt Petunia never told him where they were… I’m anxious to discover her role in all of this… she isn’t as innocent as she seems… the woman’s hiding something!

18 years ago

Janis your comments have really made me think! I still can’t decide what I think is most likely…so many different possibilities have been posted. I can’t stand waiting for this book!

18 years ago

If you do not want to know the meaning of this title…DO NOT READ. It’s not a place at all. It’s a time. See… for those of us who are American, Halloween is also known as All Hallows’ Eve (the night before All Hallows’ Day, also called All Saints’ Day). Harry’s parents were killed on Halloween. The title being plural probably just means that Voldemort and possibly Harry will die on that day and complete the cycle. Thus Deathly Hallows equals Deathly Halloweens. Plural. Credit to my sister Castallia for remembering when they were killed. We both knew the non-American name for Halloween “All Hallow’s Eve.” I then remembered All Saints’, and realized that one foreign translation of the title is Deathly Saints. So really, she figured it out. I just confirmed. For the record, she figured out who RAB was the first time she read the book. Go, Castallia! This title isn’t really much of a giveaway as to how it will all occur, just when, and may hint that more than one person will die during the final battle itself, just as two people died during the first battle. If both Harry and Voldemort perish, that would kill off the last of the original 4 who were at the first Halloween. I hope it doesn’t happen…but it looks likely from the standpoint of closure.

18 years ago

Yes, Godric’s Hollow is both a Hollow and a Hallow since Lily santified it when she cast the protection that saved Harry. The title probably refers to many Hallows of many types. Certainly Halloween is too early in the year for Harry to face Voltemort.

What a great title! It can be person, place, thing, or a window of time for an event to happen. It can be good or ill for our hero. So far I have crossed off all of my plotlines that involve smurfs, butterflys, and prancing ponies. The rest remain possible.

Here is how I see book seven shaping up:

Harry goes to Godric’s Hollow and finds a Horcrux in the sewer cracked by Peter Petigrew on November the First.

Harry attends the Weasly – Delacour nuptuals where he will be offered the teaching post of Defence Against the Dark Arts by first Headmistress McGonagall and then the current Minister of Magic. Harry accepts for the good of Wizardkind. Viktor Krum touches base and offers his school’s help as does the now-head-turning Gabrielle!

The school year starts with Harry leaving fellow Dumbledore’s Army inner circle types using Polyjuice Potions to mask Harry’s movements.

Harry tracks down the remaining Horcruxes using Mr. Borgin’s memories and Dumbledore’s pensieve. A trip to the Ministry is used for a side trip into Dumbledore’s old office using the golden head in the atrium. remember it IS a Portkey!

The girls that Harry has been connected to come under Deatheater threat. Cho, Hermyone (thanks Rita), Luna, and Ginny have attempts taken on their lives during the school year by fellow students. Fortunately, they were ALL in Dumbledore’s Army and can well defend themselves.

The combined forces of the Dark Lord attack Hogwarts and are faced by Harry’s resources. Snapes is good so is Petigrew who uses his silver hand to slay the bad werewolf, Fenrir Greyback in order to save someone he believes to be Harry (It Isn’t)!

Harry and Voldemort have their showdown more or less one-on-one! Mental attacks

Our dead: Tonks (for posing as Harry) and Hagrid with Harry appearing dead but coming to as Harry James Potter, muggle. It was the scar that gave him his magical abilities. Harry and Ginny are reunited, so are Ron and Hermyone. Neville stones himself as a defense to the Mandrake’s cry and he becomes the new Herbology teacher in the last chapter.

I went as an Herbologist at Halloween — an expert on people named Herb, that is!

18 years ago

Thanks, Taryn! I’m glad you’re still thinking, too. I love the title of the book because it has so many possibilities. I really think that we are living in a special time. Once this book is released, no others will have the same experience of waiting for each book, speculating on what the title means, and debating how all of the intricacies of the plot will be woven together in the tapestry that is the writing of JKR.

Ken, thanks for a post that made me smile. Your tongue-in-cheek approach was great! If you were on my discussion forum, I’d surely award you karma!

I haven’t decided what the “Deathly Hallows” actually are/is. Linguistically (and that’s my field at the University) “Hallows” can only be a noun, but it could be the plural form of the noun “Hallow” or it could be the noun “Hallows,” which ends in “s,” but is not plural. If you think about the word “pants,” you know that the word is not plural because you can have one pair of pants or two pairs of pants. If it’s the plural form of “Hallow,” then it most likely refers to relics–but not necessarily horcruxes. If the word isn’t a plural, then I believe it refers to that convergence of time/space/dimension when the veil between the world of the living and the dead is thinnest.

Of course, it could refer to both. We’ve seen prophecies in the series and there might be another. Or, we might see some sort of legend that states that the Hallows are the means to the removal of the bits of soul from the items that became horcruxes. I suspect that aspects of the story will be rather metaphysical.

Halloween? Certainly there is a relationship of sorts, but as Ken pointed out, Halloween is too early for the book to end. Perhaps Dumbledore’s portrait will speak on Halloween. Or that might be the time when the veil is at its thinnest.

Remember the “ancient magic” in the Department of Mysteries? There may yet be a connection between the Hallows and that Department, especially as the Department seems to have a connection to Lily Potter and the power that Voldemort knows not.

18 years ago

Hey HP fans.
i think the name for the new book is very interesting and has sparked many thoughts, theorys and rumours here in Oz.

As people have pointed out, “Hallows” can have various meanings. Personally, i think it refers to either a place or time.
Places: Godrics Hollow, the Graveyard, the town Voldemort’s father lived etc.
Times: between life and death.

If the title refers to a time, then harry could possibly see sirius, dumbledore and his parents again.
but in the Half Blood Prince, harry says “i thought i mite go back to Godric Hollow. For me, it started there, all of it. i’ve just got a feeling i need to go there. and i can visit my parents’ graves, i’d like that”
On the same page, ron and hermione tell harry that they’ll be with him whatever happens.
So “Hallows” could be a plural, and mean more than just one place or time.

As for the “Deathly” part of the title, this doesn’t necessarily have to mean harry or voldemort. In the early days of writing the 7th book, JK anounced that 2 of the main characters will die. whether this is harry AND voldemort, one of them, neither, or 2 other characters.

I think, that one of the DA are going to die, and one of the professors, because i refuse to think that harry will die coz i love his character, and daniel radcliffe isn’t unfortunate looking either. so if harry does die, it will be a very sad moment (and i hope no-one spills to the media untill everyone has had a chance to read it, @ least a few days). so, i think either ron or hermione will get murdered by a deatheater when they go to godric’s hollow with harry, and at the end of the book, in the graveyard, snape, lupin, mcgonagall, wormtail or voldemort will die because of a mis-aimed curse harry fired @ voldemort.

Other events that definatly have to be in the book:

1. Fleur and Bill’s wedding
2. A confrontation between harry and voldemort
3. Harry returns to the Dursleys

Events i think are going to be in the book.

1. Harry doesn’t return to hogwarts for his final year.
2. Ron and Hermione don’t go back to hogwarts either, though the school mite possibly allow Hermione to study by correspondance.
3. Fred and George’s joke shop closes due to lack of customers.
4. Dumbledore has a horcrux, fawkes, and he comes back at the end to help harry fight voldemort.
5. Harry communicates with sirius with the mirror and sirius helps harry find his parents graves and gives him courage.
6. Harry finds 3 of voldemorts horcruxes with help from fawkes, the pensieve, and Burke/Borgins memories and destroyes them. the forth horcrux had already been destroyed, or killed.
7. Harry goes to godrics hollow with ron and hermione, finds out exactly what happened on that night, see’s his parents graves. either ron or hermione is murdered by a deatheater.
8. harry goes back to hogwarts with ron/hermione for a month to help the teachers by teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts.
8. After the 2 leave hogwarts, ginny decides to go with them against harrys wishes.
9. they go to the department of mysteries. harry puts his head through the veil, see’s his parents, sirius, ron/hermione and dumbledore.
10. Harry alone goes to Little/Big Hangliton (sorry bout spelling) and faces off with voldemort, but gets away and so does voldemort.
11. Final face off, Harry vs. Voldemort.
12. Dumbledore comes back from the dead with help from professor mcgonagall.
13. Harry wins, voldemort dies and harry is finally happy he has killed him, except 2 people who were close to him died so now he has to deal with that.
14. In department of mysteries, find a prophecy bout dumbledore and mcgonagall, ron and hermione, neville and luna.
15. oh yeah, and petunia has got magical contacts and powers, she also helps harry on his journey.

Well those are my theorys. sorry there not in very good order. but hope you find them interesting.

18 years ago

i forgot some things and just remembered more events that could possibly happen in book 7.

– Harry goes to the ministry/hogwarts to pass his apparation test

– Couples: Harry and Ginny, Ron and Hermione, Neville and Luna, Seamus and Parvati/Lavender), Hagrid and Madam Maxime (definitely), Weasley twins fight over an employee.

– Find out more about Dumbledore’s life before Hogwarts.

18 years ago

Everyone is doing their theories now and I felt like reciting mine.

It starts out pretty much as usual. Harry will be miserably in the Dursley residence up to the point where a delegation of either Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks or a couple of Weasleys (or both) comes and picks him up. Bill and Fleur will then get married and I wouldn’t be surprised if Remus and Tonks will too.

Harry, being the ignorant prat he is, will try to keep his friends out of harms way as much as possible, meaning he’ll wanna do most things alone. However, we all know that won’t happen because Ron and Hermione, now lovey-dovey, will tail him around whenever they aren’t snogging around.

Harry will follow the R.A.B clue and realize it’s Regulus Black (Honestly, about 75% of all clues point towards Regulus). Regulus will have left far more clues than that however, and with the help of these clues Harry will find and destroy atleast three more cruxes.

Yes, he will face Riddle in a duel. Severus will help him though. Nagini will be present and the Horcrux within her will be destroyed shortly before Riddle faces off with Harry. Riddle will be pissed.

I do like the theories that Pettigrew will kill Fenrir and that Neville will become the Herbology teacher. It would play out as this:

Fenrir will have Harry cornered, ready to kill him, when Peter Pettigrew jumps out of nowhere and plunges his silver hand right down the throat of Fenrir. Unfortunately, Peter dies shortly after, from grave wounds.

Sprout will be injured in some way, which leads to McGonagall letting Neville teach Herbology.

Draco, Lucius and Narcissa will turn good. And as I’ve already said, so will Severus.

18 years ago

Ok, my turn…Predictions
I may have already listed some of these, but here they are in no particular order…

*Viktor Crum comes to Bill and Fleur’s wedding.
Asks Hermione to go away with him,
Before Ron can respondsomething happends to draw attention away
(dementor attack)
perhaps as many as 3 chapters pass before Hermione makes her choice(Ron)

*one of the twins dies

*Snape dies saving some one but lasts long enough to make at least one
more snide comment about Harry(or mabey Ron)

*Ginnie refuses to be left behind

*Nevile is the one who “takes down” Beatrix

*Prof. Flitwick officially joins the Order,
starts a REAL deuling club at Hogwarts that adopts the name Dumbledore’s
Army in honor of the fallen Headmaster,
and at some point is called upon to defend the school

*DD’s will is found, read and raises more questions then it answers

*a relationship between Riddle and McGonagal is uncovered

*Harry finds out he has living magical relatives

*Hagrid moves to France(wink-wink)

*Lupin is “made” by Fenrir and has to be rescued

*A younger relative of Dumbledore’s(perhaps a niece or nephew) shows up

*The Centaurs join the battle after being attacked by deatheaters and giants

*Percy never gets to tell both his parents he’s sorry

*Crookshanks kill Nagine

*Dobby and Winky go to work for Harry

18 years ago

What a wonderful Internet sight to stumble upon. I came to be wild about Harry a little late; the same day Goblet of Fire was released. Read them one after another and fell into the Wizarding World. It is grand to have a new bit of the puzzle to ponder; “The Deathly Hallows”, plural not singular. The Hallows would be more than one event or place. I agree with the previous post on this. Ms. Rowling’s, would not plural a word by mistake, she is to cunning an author. As we all have found, when reading the Potter series, many events plague Harry and Company. This final written adventure should be a glorious quest to the last page. All the previous post, have been a joy to read. To see a character of literature spark such interest is a testament to Rowling’s and Harry. Be ready for All Hallows Eve, Rowling’s has always loved this holiday and something special is sure to happen.

18 years ago

Yes, I completley agree the title to this new book seems a little weird-but stands out, unlike the titles before, I think JK wanted this book to be named “The Deathly Hollows,” because of this reason.

18 years ago

I am constantly amazed at all the great sleuthing I’ve read on this web-site. I half wish J.K. would write at least a dozen versions of the last book exploring all the possibilities suggested here. Thank you all

There was a posting by Leah on Christmas that stuck in my mind about the Deathly Hallows having something to do with the graves of the 4 founders of Hogwarts. [I think other people have mentioned it as well.]

I won’t be able to put it into words but this feeling that the final showdown will be the ultimate manefestation of the conflict between the 4 founders. Harry and L.V. going at it while the souls of the 4 founders look on [like a Bev Dolittle painting.] Perhaps it will all end in a reconciliation of the discourse from so many centuries ago.

Wasn’t C.O.S. a taste of this? The battle in the end being as much about Griffindor and Slytherin as about Harry and L.V.

18 years ago

hi! i would like to add my predictions too. although some were mentioned already.

Snape is good and will die in a duel with Voldemort or Voldemort will kill him.

Gwarp will play a role in the battle with Voldemort and his followers.

The mirror given by Sirius to Harry will be very useful to Harry.

Draco Malfoy will become good and will help the Order.

More will be said about the 4 founders of Hogwarts. Especially Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Crookshanks is an animagus of someone important just like Scabbers(I’m not sure if this is Ron’s rat name).

Wormtail will save Harry from death thereby repaying his debt.

Dobey and Sirius’ elf will reveal what and where they have gone through following draco.

The elves will finally get their freedom and Hermione will be proud of her accomplishment.

Harry wil find one of the horcruxes in Godric Hollow, a Gryffindor relic.

Harry will defeat Voldemort and accidentally kills him.

Harry will not die, it will be a happy ending since JKR will not upset her young readers.

These are just my thoughts.

18 years ago

like all the theorys I have read so far. If J.K needs a little help with ideas she need only stop by here.

I tend to agree with Sandra from Nashville.(her comment is on top of page 8). I think deathly mans death-like, and Hallows means saints.

Im my mind the title gives me hope that our beloved Dumbledore isn’t dead but only in a death like state, he being the most saintly person I can think of. I don’t think the hallows are the horcruxes because LV is the most unsaintly person I can think of. Now if the title was Harry Potter and the Deathly Devils or something I’d lean toward it refering to the Horcruxes.
However I do not think Harry’s Parents are amont the death-like saints because Dumbledore said they were dead. I suspect other not quite dead people will aid Harry in his mission. Maybe even be returned to life until they die a real death.

18 years ago

Great post Sandy!

Since Jo has said that Dumbledore IS dead and we want he and Sirius to return (and I think that ALL important scenes in this series will take place at Hogwarts) perhaps all of the remaining residue of Headmasters past including Godric and Sirius, the Bloody Baron and so on will join Harry in Wizardry’s last stand outside the Room of Requirement.

Does anyone else think that Hagrid is going to be the new Head of Gryffindor House once McGonagall becomes Headmistress? I notice from the brilliant HP spelling reference that the name McGuffin, Jim (PS ch. 6) is the only other McSomebody listed. In movie parlance a McGuffin is the hint to the ending of the movie that is hidden in the teaser scenes at the beginning of the movie. I wonder what Jimmy boy did?

18 years ago

I don’t know if Hagrid could be head of house seeing as how he never really graduated….though he did become a teacher….Molly has no children at home to take care of at home any more….

18 years ago


I don’t think that Hagrid will be head of the Gryffindor. In fact I am one of the Snape-fan club, that is, I tend to think he is still a good guy. I am convinced that Snape and Harry will be dualling side by side against Voldemort and his grouppies.

At the end I think that Snape will be headmaster of Hogwarts and Harry will be teacher of DADA and head of Slytherins. McGonnall stays head of Gryffindor.

Far fetched? I don’t think so. When you want to achieve a culture change, change Slytherins’ attitude with respect to the Muggles, you may better join them and work from within than fight them.

I like the theory of “deathly hallows” meaning the four founders of Hogwarts. I think that “Deathly” (not “deadly” as is used in many translations of the title) would mean “dead-like”. The founders could be the voices behind the veil in the department of mysteries.

18 years ago

Ken, your comment about McGuffin is very intriguing. Seeing how Jo knows so much about so many things, is it possible this character holds a clue to the end of the series? What was the reference to him (I don’t have my copy of the book with me)? What was the context of his mention?

Dave Haber
Dave Haber
18 years ago

I doubt this is anything. Jim McGuffin is mentioned on page 6 of Sorcerer’s Stone, he is the weatherman that the announcer on the TV mentions.

18 years ago

all these comments are very interesting and have lead me to think alot.
i imagine the final scene with snape suddenly turning on voldermort and helping harry to defeat him but i think that jk rowling will have a very definate end for harry to prevent people from writing sequels and stuff in years to come – this could mean that she will kill harry.
i asked my wee sistr what she thought of te name deatly hallows and she said she thought of “a spooky place with lots of trees” so there you go. The first thing that popped into my mind was also that it was a place- possibly a graveyard.

18 years ago

I have just recently found this site and it is wounderfull.

I do not know if Harry will die, I am undecided yet. At heart this is a childrens book but it has grown up along the way.

Harry has had nothing but unhappiness in his life. Almost everyone he has ever loved has died. His death would reunite him with those he loves and would be a happy ending for him. (perhaps not us) I do believe that the end will take place at the Ministry of Magic. Behind the veil are all of Harry’s loves. (the deathly hallows perhaps) Somehow he will enter the veil, probably trying to destroy the horcuxes and will be guided out by his family and friends that have passed on. In some way Snape will facilitate this in his attempt to save Harry and inadvertently send both harry and Voldemort through the veil. Harry has never won without help, even in the graveyard, and the end will not be the exception. Those he loved and loved him (the power Voldemort knows not) will help him defeat Voldemort and remove the Horcrux/scar from Harrys head.
Of course this could be totally off. Thanks for such a great site.

18 years ago

The American publisher of JKR’s books has now publically explained that “Deathly Hallows” means, more or less, Dead Saints. Harry sure has a great number of potential worthys to help him. Maybe the passed-on shade of Nicholas Flamel can turn the dross of Tom Riddle’s soul into gold. Or a spectral Dumbledore can distract He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Nicknamed long enough for Harry to recover from some momentary disadvantage. I hope that Fawkes shows up again after the final blows are struck. Harry may need some healing afterwards.

Harry has had Ron, Hermione, Cho, and Ginny in his life. All these count for more honest happiness than Tom Riddle ever felt. That is were he would be most vulnerable.

I expect Cho and then Hermione to be threatened. Only his fellow Gryffindors witnessed their kiss. Cho, he kissed in public and Hermione was splashed all over the front page as his current flame during the Tri-Wizard Tourney. this time even recently dead friends could make a formidible force at the showdown. Book 7 lies ahead!

18 years ago

Hi I think that this is a brilliant name for this book. It makes perfect sense as does all other book names
Philosphers Stone/Sorcers Stone – well Harry has to try to save it
Chamber of Secrets – Harry is tied in with this and end up in the chamber at the end yet again
Prisoner of Azkaban – harry is “apparently” being chased by the Prisoner of Azkaban
Goblet of Fire – Harry has his name put in the Goblet of fire, which then puts him into the triwizard Tournament
Order of the Phoenix – Harry is surrounded by members of the Order and he is almost a part of it too
Half Blood Prince – Well Harry uses his book all year, learns more from him than he did in the past five books and even this one and then findsout who he is and what the HBP is.
Deathly Hallows – Harry Is Searching for Voldemorts Horcruxes. this is both Deadly (thus Deathly) and is/in Hallowed places to Voldemort (both the soul and the places hiding that piece of soul)

It makes perfect sense

Lord TanZ
Lord TanZ
18 years ago

Whatever the title means…I still dont think that it is the last book in the series. And (God forbid) if it is, i sure am going to bet on it crossing a 1000 pages in fineprint. There are a lot of things that need to be explained atleast briefly. So back to the topic here. Deathly Hallows. Deathly is certainly not deadly(forget it). JKR is not that fussy about each and every word of the title. Deathly has to do with death and hence also life. The name brings us to the very essence of HP. The oldest form of magix are supposed to be dealt with the very core of humans i.e. i think the setup of life and death(hence Deathly) and LOVE(maybe hence Hallows). one more thing frnds: HP doesnt have to kill Voldie, the prophecy never says so. Both of them cant survive simultaneously. Its just that HP as we know him is not a Murderer(reference-HPaPoA-He refused to let wormtail to be murdered by sirius and lupin). So JKR will have to make HP do that convincingly. Maybe HP will deflect one more Death curse in the end to defeat the LV. Anyways lets wait and see.

Lord TanZ
Lord TanZ
18 years ago

Deathly Hallows. Deathly is certainly not deadly (forget it). JKR is not that fussy about each and every word of the title. Deathly has to do with death and hence also life. The name brings us to the very essence of HP. The oldest form of magix are supposed to be dealt with the very core of humans i.e. i think the setup of life and death (hence Deathly) and LOVE (maybe hence Hallows). Maybe there is a book in the restricted section of the hogwarts library that explains the genesis of magic. Darwin had to have a wizard equal. Anyways Deathly Hallows has more to do with life and death and ofcourse love.

18 years ago

maybe the name is reffering to voldemorts hide out. maybe harry has to go there to defeat voldy

18 years ago

While I don’t have any special insights into the title, Deathly Hallows, or even any well-formed theories, I do have to disagree with the comment that JKR “is not that fussy about each and every word of the title.” From her background and all that we have learned about her, much of it from JKR herself, this author is indeed very careful about her choice of words to the point of choosing derivatives extremely carefully. She, no doubt, had good reason to choose “deathly” as opposed to “deadly”. The root is the same but the connotations are quite different. JKR is as fussy as a linguist. Consider the prophecy and her choice of words that make it very difficult to nail the meaning even though we think it is clear.

18 years ago

All six titles, up to now, have referred to things, persons or organization that already existed, that had not been named before in HP books, that appeared somehow in the novel and were capital during the novel’s climax (getting the philosopher’s stone, being in the Chamber of Secrets, knowing who really is the prisoner of Azkaban, using the Goblet of Fire to escape Voldemort, having the Order of Phoenix fight against the Death Eaters, seeing the Half-Blood Prince operate). If book 7 has the same pattern, then the “Deathly Hallows” already exists, we will hear about it somewhere in the novel, understand what it really means near the end of the novel, and it will be capital. It could be a place, a group of persons or a collection of objects, or something else.

However, I would pick-up a decisive event in the past. We know that James and Lily were killed on Halloween’s day, and wizards were informed about Voldemort’s defeat the next day (“Hallows day”). How and when? We are never told. But from this time on, Voldemort has never recovered his full power, and also, as soon as he gets his body back, Harry has to cope with the presence of Voldemort in his mind. If Harry was attacked in early morning of the 1st of november, it was then during Hallows day, a deathly Hallows day.

How could the “Deathly Hallows” expression already exist? It would make sense to me if it was in a second part of the prophecy, a part that was concealed by Dumbledore for some reason and would explain his behaviour towards Trelawney.

We will know more when foreign translations are released (is that true it has officially been translated into Dutch?). I cannot think of a french word that would have all the meanings of “Hallows” that are suggested on this forum.

Job Starreveld
Job Starreveld
18 years ago

I think the titel refers to the birth place of HP, btw the dutch (working) title of the book is “Harry Potter en het fatale heiligdom” which means Harry potter and the fatal sanctuary/relic so I really don’t know if it will be either a thing or a place because heiligdom can be explaned in two ways as you see up there. I like this site very much and I really really really hope that Harry won’t die at the end.

18 years ago

Can’t “Deathly Hallows” mean something like deathly reverence? Because doesn’t Hallows mean to make revered?

18 years ago

I like the comment posted by Job Starreveld. “Harry Potter and the Fatal Sanctuary/Relic”…think about it…it makes sense! Harry is going “somewhere” to destroy
“relics” (horcruxes)…why not the place where the founders of Hogwarts are buried? Or is parents? Let’s face it, Harry’s mad…he’s determined and he’s going to kick some serious butt! Voldemort…beware!

Morgan McLeod
Morgan McLeod
18 years ago

All titles connect Harry and Voldemort. Voldemort needs the Philosopher’s Stone to get to Harry. Although planted by Lucius Malfoy for other reasons, Riddle’s diary is used by Voldemort to lure Harry to the Chamber of Secrets. Prizoner of Azkzban is Sirius Black who Voldemort knows is important to Harry. Sirius is also used against Harry in Kreacher saying that Sirius went to the Ministry of Magic. Goblet of Fire; Voldemort uses this to transport Harry to grave yard. Order of Phoenix is opposite to Death Eaters, maybe other connections in new book. Half Blood Prince is to do with the Potions book that Harry conveniently gets by pure chance, and also is Snape’s personal nickname, obviously Snape has a big role in new bk, and whole series. Deathly Hallows, from wikipedia meaning, it could be the shrine of a dead saint of saint like object. As others have sugested it probably has more than 1 meaning, though surely must tie in with Sirius.

18 years ago

“shrine of a dead saint”? Dumbledore’s tomb?

18 years ago

oh wow.. now im REALLY excited about this book! And yet and i don’t want to read it knowing that it will be the last one..

18 years ago

Ok well after reading all this I think that it DOES have something to do with Godrics Hollow and that even though Half-Blood Prince wasen’t the MAIN thing in the book to me that really doesn’t mean that The Deathly Hollows will be the same. I know JKR likes being Mysterious and all but maybe the Deathly Hollows DO play a BIG part in the Book.

As for Snape I do too have a feeling that hes good after all but then again there is stuff leading up to that hes not. For example Harry has been known the only one to survive the Avada Kedavra curse and Snape used it on Dumbledore. I know that Dumbledore is very powerful and all but I think even HE could not have survived that. And I know that JKR likes to throw curve balls and all, but I mean he got buried and everything so I really don’t think he could get out of that.

So maybe he told Snape to kill him so that Harry could communicate with him in some other way, or help him in some other way than physically standing beside him which might be another reason for the title Hollows…

Anyways Im SOO excited to figure it out and hopefully some of our theories will be right!

18 years ago

I still think the deathly hallows refers to a person not a place because of the word hallow meaning saint or holy person. What if the hallow is someone we believe to be dead hence “Deathly”, what if Sirius came back or perhaps it’s Albus Dumbledore although jk rowling said dumbledore is dead but which one? As I recall there are two Dumbledore’s. Anyway that’s my theory.