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I must say that I have a bad feeling that one of the two people who die might be either Lupin or Hagrid. It might even be both of them:-(.
Whoever dies I hope that the trio survives!
Ron or Hermoine die, one of them has to. I think it is to much to ask that the trio make it out safely. I hate to see either one go, but I would bet that one does.
I think neville will die. After reading your article on him being the other chosen one, i am more convinced that he will be one of them.
I think (i certainly hope not) Ron will die. I agree with Boosnake on that.
i also think Snape wont survive either.
And Voldemort will surely die too. He has such a phobia of death.
hmm, well i’m guessing that malfoy, lupin, snape, percy, the new minister of magic, kingsley shacklebolt, and voldemort will die. I think voldemort will be killed by either harry or neville, and if killed by harry, i believe that neville will die by saving harry from voldemort.
Ron is goig to die. I’ve thought so ever since the chess scene in Chamber of secrets. If it happens, I will probably cry.
I think Snape will make the sacrifice that enables Harry to Kill Voldemort. He has too many foils to surrvive in my opinion. We think he’s evil, then something is revealed to redeem him. I believe this will hold true in relation to killing Dumbledore. I’ve decided that Dumbledore really is dead and that it was on his own order that Snape did it to properly position himself to provide the final assistance Harry needs to finish Voldomort.
I’m torn between Hagrid and Lupin…they are the main two left that serve as the obligitory father figure that has to die to satisfy J.K.’s need for tragidy.
Those are the once I’m fairly certain on. There is one more, but I can’t find the support for it other than the fact that anytime Harry finds happiness, Voldomort somehow ruins it (direcly or indirectly). That being said, Ginny has a high probability of snuffing it. My theory is that Voldy or one of his goons (my guess is Belatrix) gets ahold of her to lure Harry in (nothing learned from Sirius’ death).
I think that J.K. Rowling will kill Hagrid or Lupin because of her need for Tragedy. Also i think only one member of trio will live and i think that person will be Hermione. Sadly I also think that Snape will finally show his true colors and die for his true purpose: saving Harry. I also think one of Harry’s guides will die, possibly Regulus Black or Aberforth.
Well.. Severus is now in a position where he can ONLY convince Harry that he had a change of heart about Voldemort because of his love for Lilly Evans Potter. Not only do I think he will die saving Harry, but that his deathbed revelations will finally convince the Chosen One and the audience as well about his loyalties. Finally, we get to see what Dumbledore saw in Snape.
We are faced with several pronouncements here..1.Main characters are going to die because JKR says that ‘when you are dealing with pure evil’ really bad things happen. Hence her statement that Major Characters are going to die. I am staggered to think about the loss of one of the trio, especially as romance has begun to develop for them. This is a children’s book (supposedly) after all… there have to be enough good guys left for something of a ‘happy ending’.
Ginny Weasley, being the 7th child of a wizarding family, has significant additional power, but little training. She could perform spectacular feats and yet die trying to follow Harry in his quest without his knowledge as love drives her to an heroic death.
Someone who is not normally expected to do magic will do so. (JKR about book 7) Is it Aunt Petunia? Is it Filch!? Or, more possibly, is it Neville? Neville has always been almost as tragic a figure as Harry. Those who have already suggested that a brave, and unexpectedly effective Neville Longbottom will reach new heights only to be honored in death more than in life are probably correct.
Voldemort means – ‘Runs from Death’. Oddly, it is ONLY if Voldemort can make a speech from ‘beyond the veil’ that we can resolve his fear of death and his realization that he has failed in his quest for Immortality. The US cover may indeed reflect Harry’s luring Voldemort through the veil only to have Harry return somehow, but no one willing to save the Dark Lord. Isn’t that enough Death to resolve this story and leave some of our favorites to live out a calm life without a ‘scar’?
As sad as it may be I believe Harry Poteer may die. He still has four horcruxes to collect, difficult for J.K. Rowling to fit into one book. He may not be able to kill Voldemort as he may still remain immortal. The initials R.A.B; do they stand for Sirius’s brother? I cant remember if he is dead, only he was heavilly involved with Voldemort and they had a ‘falling out’? Or could it be a new character?
i am very sorry to suggest this but i strongly feel that jk will do away with ron and hermione. harry had many protectors the main ones were James, Lily, Ron, Hermoine, Sirius, Dumbledore. all are dead besides ron and hermy (and possibly Dumbledore). jk will kill ron and hermione near the end of the book so that harry, blinded by rage will attempt a one-on-one. i hope what i have written is utterly wrong.
Hagrid is the most loving adult Harry has still around – I am afraid he will die, protecting Harry, maybe along with his brother.
I am thinking Pettigrew needs to pay his debt to Harry and might end up sacrificing his life for him. Lupin, living as dangerously as he does, is also on the line.
The last two Marauders, Pettigrew and Lupin could actually be the two who die.
Snape will need to prove to Harry (and the readers) that he has been on the right side all along (redeemed at the time by his love for Lily Evans) and sacrificing his life by destroying a Horcrux or protecting Harry would be the way.
John Granger (“Unlocking Harry Potter”) thinks that the Weasley twins will die a heroic death but I don’t think so – I sure hope not.
The individuals I think will die are:
1- Voldemort: Must happen
2- Ginny: Parallels between Voldemort and Harry are too many to ignore, and one such parallel is that neither will know happiness with a significant other
3- Wormtail: He has a debt to pay to Harry
4- Grawp: His character has been developed beyond being a marginal personality. He will die for his borther
5- Slughorn: He atones for his role in the Horcrux by helping destroy them, and losing his life in the process
6- Dobby will die protecting Harry: Another love-based-magic that Voldemort knows not to counter
7- Percy would make amends for what he has done and die in the process
I think that Slughorn and Percy are the two who where not going to die initially, but then JKR changed her mind.
I believe the trio would survive.
I think Snape is the one getting the reprieve. There is no doubting Dumbledore, and Snape stands to play key role.
Lupin suffered too much to continue suffering. Sirius was special case, and I don’t think that JKR would repeat the pattern of dooming the one who has suffered for long.
The clock is ticking, and we shall learn soon.
They say only the good die young. But some good die old. Which applies to harry and the order? most of them aren’t over 50 (mrs. and mr. weasly can’t exactly be spring chickens).
I think that Mungdungus will die, Dobby, Hagrid. The trio will survive, or if it does’t, it can’t end happy.
McGonagall will be seriously injured but not die, same to Draco Malfoy. I don’t think he will die. He will turn to the good side but won’t die. I think at the very least one in the weasley famely will die (Mr Weasly) I guess. Bellatrix will be killed by Neville, he just has to get his revange. Lord Voldemort will kill Veville in front of Harry. Ginny will die. I also belive if Tonks dies then Lupin dies… because they are in love with each other. But I serisouly doubt that they will die. Peter Pettigre will save Lupin and mabye Mrs Malfoy will save Tonks? Mr Malfoy will die saving his son or wife? form the dark lord. Fenrir Greyback will die. Snape will die in the arms of Harry. I belive all death eaters will die. I don’t think Neville will be teacher at Hogwarts. Luna lovegood will be. Viktor will die for Hermione, Ginny for Harry but who will die for Ron?
If somone in the trio died that might be Hermoine but I still don’t think anyone in the trio will die. hermoine and Ron will both get injured and Harry will stand alone against Voldemort after he kiled neville!
Just a note on the comment about the trinity not dying in Star Wars type or Judeo-Christian type things please see The Chronicles of Narnia or The Matrix where main characters die and it’s explicitly not death as we understand it.
Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if J.K. Rowling purposely strayed from the trope and wrote a series end to surprise everyone.
JK has made this series real enough, in both its character development and its course of events. In saying that, I don’t fear anything from the ending. She knows these characters as well as her own children, and knows how they would react to situations and the choices they would make. She will end this series perfectly. And of course people will die in it, as they have already, but I don’t see it as her picking them at random, or based on literary motifs, themes, or anything else of the sort. The characters that will die will die because of their actions, which will be perfect reactions based on who the characters are. As I said, she knows these characters, every last one of them. I am expecting nothing but a perfect ending to an already amazing and fun series.
i feel that an awfully lot of people will be dead…most of these are just guesses or gut feelings..
1) coming to the “1 weasley will die” point…lets start eliminating people…i think that charley is out of question (not much part to play and we havent seen him to be emotionally involved with him). Bill might be doubtful, he has already been injured, i think JK wont push it to kill him after all. Mrs Weasley is also doubtful but i dont think she will. If at all its anyone i believe its between ron and ginny but not both (i believe that JK wont kill 1 of the twins, shes carry them on or kills them both). These are the people who were very much involved in harrys life and shall create a massive impact on the readers (which is what JK wants i think after reading the last 2 books). Percy is another possibility. Mr weasley is a huge possibility.
2) Harry?…hmmm this one is far too difficult. i believe that he shall be killed (it might be a reward as earlier mentioned which was a good point). I can support this point by mostly saying that JK rowling would not want her books to be written or continued by other writers. It might just be possible that she might finish of most of the major characters in the story.
3) Any students in hogwarts?…hmmm lets cancel of the possibilities….hermione?..i believe not (cant give any specific reason for this)…neville (i believe that he might have a very important part to play in the story and if he does he shall kick the bucket)…i do not feel there shall be any other casualty in the DA other than the above mentioned. I strongly believe that Malfoy shall not switch sides. That idea is so useless. After all these years of enmity he will not switch (JK will not want a goody goody ending to her book where all death eaters back stab Voldemort)
4) there will be loads of possible bucket kickers in the order of phoenix. Lupin may be attacked by the werevolves when they find out that he is (was) working for dumbledore(remember?..Lupin was an insider). Snape has gotta die whether hes good or bad (cant imagine harry and snape surviving after the saga) Moody may survive (gut feeling). i feel that slughorn has a more important part to play and that his death shall be a mystery.
5) i believe that most of the death eaters will not die but shall be taken captive by the ministry. We may even see a ministry magic style execution of death eaters. But some death eaters are obvious to be killed. bellatrix, draco (killed by voldemort possibly), etc.
I believe that there is something or some relation between ron and dumbledore (this is only supported by 1 point though) Maybe dumbledore isnt dead and is ron in reality(polyjuice potion) and maybe ron was the one who died. This may sound very absurd but im sure there is some relation between ron and dumbledore…maybe dumbledore is rons future…Dumbledore mentions that he has perfect map of the london underground on his leg…isnt that like a scar? and dont you remember that ron broke that very leg in book three. so we see (at least I see) some connection between ron and dumbledore…
i think something will provoke harry (a loved ones death) that he will have enough rage to be able to use the Avada kedavra on Voldemort. As one has to mean it to make it work, something has to happen for harry to mean it.
i think hagrid may die. also malfoy or neville. a weasley may also die, but maybe not Ron. Either of the twins or Percy. Lupin dying would be very similar to Sirius dying and JKR does not repeat a lot, so i think he may live.
i don’t think any of the trio will die. and for a guess, i think Snape may live and also be redeemed.
Voldermont must die. One of weasley family will die. Harry, Ron and Harmione will survive but badly injured. All the death eaters will die. Maybe Snape also will die while trying to save harry.
I think that love is what will help Harry in the end. I think Ginny will be taken after the four horcruxes are destroyed (possibly by Remulus A. Black?), and Harry will attempt to kill Voldemort but will be left without a wand and will dive in front of a killing curse aimed at Ginny, which will rebound once again upon Voldemort and kill the 7th and final piece of his soul. Dumbeldore always said Harry’s love is his greatest weapon.
Also Peter Pettigrew will die in an attempt to redeem himself by saving Harry because Dumbeldore told Harry that the time may come when he is glad to have Peter in his debt.
And lastly Snape will be good, and will end up helping Harry likely with the 6th horcrux/4th remaining horcrux…and then if we’re lucky, he’ll die.
I think that Harry and Ron will both die and Neville, Hermione, Hagrid and Ginny will live.
Expelliarmus! This is the spell Harry has used more than often to save his neck almost all the time. This will again play a crucial role in the final battle. Whereas which character will die, well Hagrid is a very eligible candidate but how will he die is very questionable. Maybe directly at the hands of Voldemort as other wizard’s spells doesn’t affect him much. And the second is Snape, there’s nothing more to say here, he is playing a death game by being a double agent and will end up snuffing it.
I think the trio will survive along with Snape. Neville Longbottom will die but he shall rise as a ghost to help Harry in vanquishing the Dark Lord.
Abhay Doshi – That’s a nice little breakdown you got there on page 8. Very scientific, and I agree with all except the Weasley twins. I don’t think Jo would kill them off, I see no reason for it and they are much too beloved by all, including Jo, to be arbitrarily killed.
I have also mentioned a while ago, and agree with those that have restated it, that Peter’s life debt does not need to include giving up his own life, just that he saves Harry’s. Harry did not risk his life for Peter, why would Peter need to give up his own in order to pay that back?
I think with Voldemort it’s not so much a question of if, but of how. All the comments here seem to agree that he will die, and I agree that Jo needs to tie up that particular loose end.
JK said that the PoA movie actually had clues to future books. I think something is going to happen between Draco and Hermione. In the movie, he says something about “getting that mudblood”. At first I was thinking maybe he’d kill her, but I don’t think he has the power. Futher, I think he wants to be evil but doesn’t have the evil that is required for death eaters. There is something good about him. I’m almost thinking that he’ll actually save Hermione, although he may be disgusted with himself for doing so. I also think he is somehow not necessarily fighting against death eaters, but finds himself in the middle, not able to commit to good or evil.
Also, I think it’s possible that Voldy ends up killing himself. Someone pointed out earlier that the part of his soul that had remained in him was destroyed upon his first attempt on Harry’s life. So if somehow he did make Harry into a Horcrux, possibly he could use AK on Harry again, but this time it will kill the Horcrux (which by that point will be the last remaining part of his own soul) and yet Harry will survive.
Dumbledore had to fight the evil wizard Grindelwald, now Harry has the task of eliminating Voldemort. I don’t think Draco will die in the end. He will be the “he who must not be named” the next generation of wizards will have to eliminate.
The real lesson JKR is teaching is that mankind has to be always ready to step up to fight for good against evil. Evil is never completely extinguished, just contained. JKR can’t just wrap it up in a neat package in the end. Maybe in the epilogue JKR will elaborate on the children of Harry’s generation getting ready to enter Hogwarts to be trained.
Also maybe Harry’s scar becomes like a congenital birthmark passed on to his children, sort of like his mother’s eyes and his father’s messy hair.
With that said, I will be very disappointed if most of the main characters die. It would be too much like a slasher movie where in the end no one is alive but one character. That would be too cheesy.
I have heard that Hedwig will be killed by Voldemort. Why would he kill an owl?
JKR has had this series planned for nearly 16 years. I believe it’s unlikely that Harry and Snape are the two she’s just decided to kill off. Both, certainly Harry, are too crucial to the plot direction to make such a hasty decision. His fate, I believe, was sealed at the very beginning. Also, the fact that Harry and Voldemort’s wands won’t duel each other should be a clue that the final “battle” will take some other form and Harry’s “weapon” cannot be a wand. As powerful as he has become, Harry is no match for Voldemort’s curses and other magical talent. Harry must use a different strategy or talent to vanquish the embodiment of evil. Let’s see, what did Dumbledore tell Harry about about the power of…what was it? Love?
If she kills either ginny or hagrid i will be very unhappy…she’ll be crossing the lines of tragedy for harry if she does that… but i think snape will die.
and either ron or hermione will die… (i certainly hope not!)
Why does everyone say that Hagrid can’t be killed by a spell? It’s weak spells like the Stunning Charm that bounced off him in OotP, other more powerfull spells won’t. JK also mention in her books that giants are almost extinct, because they war amongst themselves AND aurors killed them.
So the next father-figure in line is Lupin who, coincedently, is one of the Maruaders. I think Lupin will die during the before mentioned Werewolf battle and Wormtail will die fullfilling his life-debt to Harry.
I think it’s 100% certain that Snape will die, considering his story in the books, I don’t think he could live to see the end, and that’s perfect for the story.
Voldemort will die of course.
I think all of the trio will survive, though I think Ron will be a close call, I think he will take a curse intended for either Hermione or Harry and will be out of action right at the end.
Lupin I think will die.
Hagrid.. I’m still not sure how I feel, I think it’s very possible that he could but at the same time very possible that he won’t. Either way we know it will a half of a lot to take him down.
Death Eaters? Loads.
Draco – I think will live, though I think Lucius will die.
Wormtail will die.
I hope Ginny will die, I just can’t stand her – That aside at least one Weasley will die, there are too many of them to come out unharmed. More likely Percy will die, to save someone from his family I’d hope. If not him then I’d say Charlie, we’ve seen Bill’s big moment, Charlie now needs one. Maybe Mr Weasley too.
i really hope harry doesn’t die…but if he didn’t, it would all be perfect and shiny… probably snape will die to show whose side he’s on…or some of harry’s friends to save his life…hagrid perhaps?
I think that Snape dies…even when I think he’s one of the good guys and he’ll help Harry to find and destroy the horcruxes. I think he’ll die but i’m not sure if Harry will know that Snape helped him…
The other i think it’ll be Harry, basically because i prefer this to the dead of Ron and/or Hermione, and because I think this is Harry’s battle.
Who I think will die:
Kingsley Shacklebolt: He doesn’t serve a big purpose as far as I can see and it would show both the danger of being in the Order and fighting the Dark order, and bring home the effects of the war. (plus he has the slight whiff of a character put in to die).
Lucius Malfoy: It would agonise Dracos situation, I think he needs to be badly scarred by his choice of sides and this would do it.
Mad-Eye Moody: He’s old and a fighter.
Severus Snape: Its never gonna turn out well for the double-crosser.
Luna Lovegoods father: I believe she will help Harry, (along with Neville and Ginny) at least once more in the last book, because of how united and loyal they were in the 5th book…this would provoke it.
I believe Peter Pettigrew will repay Harry in some way then go to Azkaban.
as for Remus Lupin…
It would be very tragic, him having suffered so much and being so nice and all, but she’s already done something similar with Sirius and she’s not really one to repeat herself…
He’s also just started up something with Tonks and at the end of the book it’ll be about how the world went on- Remus and Tonks would be a good way to do this. Plus she likes him
and it would be WAY to mean…
Oh and on the Weaslys…if any of them die, my gut feeling is it’ll be Mr. Weasly. I would say Fred (has anyone ever noticed Georage the quieter one? Jk always saves the best lines for Fred…) but I simply can’t see one going on without the other.
Hermione dies.
I think the idea of neville dying is ridiculous. First of all, if Neville wasnt good enoiugh to go after as a baby, hes useless now. I believe Severus Snape will die. There has to be a reason why Dumbledore trusted him so, and when Snape hesitated to kill Dumbledore until Dumbledoore said Severus please, it made me realize Snape was on Dumbledore’s side. When he told the death eaters not to kill Harry, and refused to kill Harry himself. I think deep down Severus Snape doesn’t hate Harry Potter, only wants him to be the best he can be, because of Dumbledore’s faith in Harry. I think that harry will be in a position with his life at risk, at the hands of Snape and Voldemort. All of the hocruxes will have been destroyed, and as voldemort goes to kill Harry, Snape will kill Voldemort, but there is no chance Snape will survive, either Harry will kill him in confusion, or voldemort will kill Snape. Or how cool would it be if Snape makes another Unbreakable vow with Voldemort, that he would never turn from him, or help Harry, and dies right after? As for the second person, Ron and Hermione are the classic teen love story, one will die for the other, who it is is unknown, but id put my money on saying that Ron would do a noble act and save hermione for himself.
I think that Hagrid will die by going through the veil. (One really powerful spell would have to finish off a half giant!) Moody and Lupin will also die. (NOOOOOO!) I mean at least some of the order people should die. (but I won’t want them to!) I also think one or more of the Weasleys will die. (maybe Mrs. Weasley, Percy, Charlie)
Also Ron will die saving Hermione finally saying “I love you, Hermione” then will die.
I notice at the end of the sixth book that Harry strictly believes he has to face Voldemort alone. That said, he’s really abandoning the love that Dumbledore insists is the trump card up Harry’s sleave that can save everything.
So who dies? Harry wont be “pushed” into fighting Voldemort-he’s set to do that ever since his private lessons with Dumbledore. Rather I think hese going to be on the verge of losing untill many, if not all of Harry’s closest freinds will take part in fighting Voldemort in some way. When the one person he cares the absulote most dies (Hermoine? Ron? Ginny? NEVILLE?), Harry is gonna lose it and unleash the best magic blast well ever see.
After al this is done, harry will have one last job to do. he will kill HIMSELF to eradicate the last horcrux, but in a way that doesnt neccesarily mean he points his wand on himself and snuffs it. it will be interesting to see how it all goes down at the end.
I still does’t understand why many think that Harry would be the last horcrux? You’ve got to kill the person to make a horcrux, or I ‘m wrong? Anyway isn’t Hermoine a far much better wizard than Malfoy? How could he kill her?
I think Snape will die protecting Harry, showing his true alligence, this won’t be until the end though.
I think Neville will die helping Harry to fight Voldemort.
Like most others, I’ve accepted that Ron, Hermione or Ginny will die.
Undecided if Harry will die. Torn between JKR wanting to finish the series with a bang or protecting the memory of Harry for all the generations of readers still yet to read it. Pretty pointless reading them if you know that the hero dies at the end, because lets face it, if he does, it will become common knowledge e.g. Darth Vader / Luke Skywalker twist from Star Wars, most people know that twist even if they haven’t seen the movie…
I predict that Snape will die. The scene that Cuaron put in the third movie that wasn’t in the book is Snape stepping in front of Harry, Ron, Hermione and Snape will have a critical role at the last moment in protecting Harry so he can deliver the killing (or humiliating) blow to Voldemort. Remember that Dumbledore has said that there are worse things that can happen to a man that don’t necessarily involve killing someone.
Second, I believe that poor Hagrid is finally going to go down. There’s a reason that Rowling hasn’t ‘reinstated’ Hagrid into the Magical community despite the fact that book 2 proved his innocence. Hagrid is the last link between the boy Harry was and the man that he will become.
Voldemort if he isn’t killed will be banished, powers stripped (remember Magneto from X-men 3?) or a dementor will devour the last fragment of his soul. What an indignity for Voldemort to have to live as a (gasp!) Muggle!
Bellatrix will meet her end likely through Neville.
Lupin and Fenrir will no doubt have it out…or Lupin/Bill vs. Greyback
In the end…Ron/Hermione live happily ever after, Harry/Ginny maybe but at the very least, Harry becomes the next and PERMANENT Defense against the Dark Arts teacher. Odd how it is that since Voldemort wanted it and cursed it so to speak, Harry will fill the void.
yeah i really agree with you Lex. i always had a suspicion that Harry was suicidal.
and i think Seamus will die trying to protect harry because they are best friends.
Why do people not get that harry’s scar is NOT a horcrux. If Voldemort couldn’t live in harry (OOP) without excruciating pain. what makes people believe part of voldemort’s soul can possibly live inside harry potter all these years?
And why has no one mentioned if fleur delacour is going to live or die? She was good enough to get into the tri-wizard tournament and with her husband to be injured I think she will join the Order and Mrs. Weasley will probably die saving her.
As we speak, there is a “Harry’s Wondrous World” theme park being built in Orlando, Florida; JKR is looking forward to a United States tour in October 2007 — due to these events, I find it hard to accept that she would kill off Harry, Ron, and/or Hermione in Year 7.
I think that either Ginny or Mrs Weasley are going to die as both were very close to Harry.
I also think that Lupin and Snape may die. Lupin because he is like a father figure to Harry, one of the only figures like this Harry has left and Snape because I think that he will die saving Harry from Voldemort.
I think that the trio will survive but may be badly hurt. I hope they do survive!
Peter Pettigrew has to die cause he owes his life to Harry. I think Severus Snape will die too, but in the end we will all realize that he is REALLY loyal to Dumbledore. Snape will save Harry’s life, although he loathes him… Hopefully in the end, their hatred with each other will diminish.
Hmm.. I don’t want anyone of the trio to die, but a hazard guess would be Ron. I think the ending of the Harry Potter 7 was clearly depicted on the chess game the the trio played back in the PS/SS book. Ron sacrificed himself for Harry then. (And being Harry’s friend and with everything Harry did for the Weasley family, i’m sure Ron will sacrifice himself for Harry) Remember also that the queen on that chess game smashed Ron’s knight into pieces.. my wild guess is that Bellatrix is that queen and Ron will be killed by Lestrange. But in the end, Harry would be able to defeat the king.. Voldemort.
i think maybe snape will die. maybe wormtail. and voldemort of course… as if he would live…
i dont think harry will die… i hope not…
one more thing. i dont think prori incantatem will take place between harry and voldemort, because since ollivander was taken, i think maybe he will make another wand for voldy, some thing less powerful…
I long ago heard the theory that the chess scene in Philosopher’s Stone was a metaphor for the war that is now taking place. “Their first real shock came when their other knight was taken. The white Queen smashed him to the floor and dragged him off the board where he lay quite still face down.” If Bellatrix was the Queen (the lead female Death Eater) and Sirius was the other knight, this could be seen as a metaphor for Bellatrix’s duel with Sirius at the Ministry of Magic. This in mind, divining who will die in Deathly Hallows based on this scene may not be to hard – at least divining who was planned to die from the beginning.
– A white pawn (Peter) moves first – forward 2 spaces.
– The knight (Sirius) is sacrificed to allow –
– The rook (Hermione) to take out a bishop (maybe Lucius? or TBD)
– The white peices (Death Eaters) are ruthless in their attacks and a pile of black players (Order Members) quickly builds.
– The bishop (Harry) and the rook (Hermione) narrowly escape “death” twice (say, maybe the MoM battle and the battle at Hogwarts.)
– The remaining knight (Ron) takes out almost as many white pieces as they took out black. (Perhaps Ron will dazzle us all with a display hitherto unsuspected magical skills) before –
– The knight (Ron) sacrifices himself to the white Queen (Bellatrix) so the Bishop (Harry) can checkmate (defeat) the King (Voldemort).
– Hermione survives.
– Harry seems to survive, too, but then he needed to get past the chessboard to the Stone, so it may have been story specific.
– Bellatrix also survives. I would like to think she dies, but if she does, I don’t think it was planned.
– As far as anyone else – all we really can see is that as many Death Eaters as Order/DA members die.
I’m still on the fence, and will be until the book is released, about whether or not Harry will die. I see reasons for both, both from a story perspective as well as a writer’s.
I also agree with those that say if one Weasley twin dies, they both will. Yes, Fred “gets all the best lines”, that’s because he’s quicker to tease than George, and George is the more “considerate” one, the first to offer help or praise. But they are both equally skilled, and they complete each other (as Dave said in the Arithmancy article). Yin cannot exist without Yang. Fred and George will not be able to go on without each other, so if one dies, the other will be recklessly “brave” and die in the revenge.
I think Voldermort will die.
But, I think Harry will too. In an interview, JKR mentioned that she doesn’t want anyone writing a sequel to the series. And what better way then to kill the most important person?
I suppose that Voldermort knows that Harry loves the following people dearly:
1.Ron and Hermione
3.Weasly Clan
and will probably plan on Harry’s emotions to try and conquer him. And I do not think that Harry is a horcrux, and neither is his scar.
Harry is too pure, too full of love. Dumbledore has mentioned, many a time that Harry has the upper hand, because he has the ability to love.
Voldermort is a sadistic person and is so full of hatred taht I don’t think that someone so emotionless could reside in Harry.
I hope Percy dies though.