Harry Potter Full Character List, Alphabetized

Here we have what we hope to be a complete list of all characters in the Harry Potter series and the information we know about them. Please note the Table of Contents at the top of the post for easier navigation through the list.

If a character is missing or you have more information on a character which is not included, please let us know in the comments!


Abbot, Hannah

Hannah is a Hufflepuff in Harry’s year. She has blonde hair that she wears in pigtails. She’s seems to be Ernie MacMillan’s best friend as we often see them together. She sticks up for Harry when Ernie suggests he could be the heir of Slytherin. She works at the same srivelfig as Harry in Herbology after Hermione has been petrified and Ernie had apologised for suspecting Harry. In GoF she wears one of Malfoy’s ‘Support Cedric Diggory’ badges that flash to say ‘Potter stinks’ which doesn’t cheer Harry up at all. She collects chocolate frog cards and we see her swapping them with Ernie Macmillan. In fifth year, she becomes a Huffepuff prefect. She is a member of Dumbledore’s Army (the D.A.).

Apparently, Hannah is very susceptible to stress – in OotP we’re told that during her O.W.Ls she burst into tears during Herbology and ‘sobbed that she was too stupid to take exams and wanted to leave school now’, so was the first to receive a calming draught from Madam Pomfrey. We also see her checking books out of the library looking ‘frantic’. Maybe her nerves were justified, for in her Transfiguration exam she multiplied a ferret into a flock of flamingos, meaning the exam had to be paused for ten minutes to get them out of the Great Hall!

In the sixth book, we find out that Hannah’s mother was murdered by Death Eaters, and she consequently left school. However, she returns in the seventh book to fight in the Battle of Hogwarts. JK said that Hannah later became the landlady at The Leaky Cauldron, and married Neville Longbottom.

Abercromie, Euan

He was the first to be sorted in Book 5 and was placed in Gryffindor. He is repeatedly described as looking terrified and has ‘very prominent ears’.

Ackerley, Stewart

He is sorted into Ravenclaw in Book 4.


A character on a Chocolate Frog card – to be precise, one that, as of book 1, Ron still hadn’t got in his collection.

Alderton, Arkie

Broomstick designer.


We are introduced to Aragog in the second book. He is an Acromantula, which means a giant spider. He was fed on scraps from the table and raised from an egg by Hagrid when he was a child; Hagrid kept him in a cupboard at Hogwarts and eventually even found him a wife called Mosag. Together, Aragog and Mosag formed a colony in the forbidden forest of which Aragog is leader. He is described as the size of a small elephant, with grey hairs among the black and an ugly, pincered head. Each of his 8 eyes is milky white, because he is blind. When he speaks he clicks his pincers.

He lives in a ‘misty domed web’. Hagrid was expelled because Tom Riddle accused Hagrid of being the heir of Slytherin and Aragog of being the monster from the Chamber of Secrets, which was a lie. Hagrid received Aragog from a traveller. Aragog comes from ‘a distant land’. He likes the dark and quiet, and it is his instinct to harm humans but out of respect for Hagrid he had never done so, though this didn’t stop him from wanting the other spiders to eat Harry and Ron, which they would have done if Mr. Weasley’s magically enhanced Ford Anglia hadn’t rescued them. He refuses to speak of the basilisk because it is the natural enemy of spiders, rather like the wizarding kind refuse to name Voldemort.

He died of old age in the spring of 1997. Hagrid, Harry and Slughorn attended his burial. Slughorn got a good amount of venom from him, as Acromantula venom is precious.


Old wizard from book four. Was seen wearing a flowered nightgown at the Quidditch World Cup, because he liked “a healthy breeze up my privates.”


Arnold is Ginny’s purple Pygmy Puff (mini puffskein) who likes to ride on her shoulder at times.

Art Historian

Failed to remove the portrait from the Muggle Prime Minister’s office.

Aubrey, Bertram

Student that went to Hogwarts at the same time as the Marauders. James Potter and Sirius Black once received a detention for hexing Aubrey and causing his head to grow twice its normal size.

?, Audrey

Percy Weasley’s wife.

Avery Snr

One of the first known Death Eaters. Attended school with Tom Riddle. Probably related to Avery (father/son) to the Avery that went to school with Severus Snape.

Avery Jnr

A Death Eater. We meet him at the graveyard scene in GoF, where he begs forgiveness from Voldemort before receiving the Cruciatus Curse. He was involved in the plot to get Bode to remove the prophecy from the Department of Mysteries, informing Voldemort that Bode could retrieve it, which turned out to be the wrong information. He was present at the battle in the Department of Mysteries. He escaped Azkaban after the first war by claiming to have been under the Imperius Curse. He didn’t attempt to find Voldemort after his downfall because he believed him finished.


Baddock, Malcolm

He is sorted into Slytherin in GoF.

Bagman, Ludo

Ludo Bagman is the head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports at the Ministry of Magic. He was a famous beater for the Wimbourne Wasps, and used to play Quidditch for England. We meet him at the Quidditch World Cup, where he is totally ignoring the command to look like Muggles and wearing long Wimbourne Wasp robes that have black and gold stripes with a logo of a wasp on the front. He is described as looking like ‘a powerfully built man gone slightly to seed; the robes were stretched tightly across a large belly he surely had not had in the days when he played Quidditch for England. His nose was squashed (probably broken by a stray bludger, Harry thought), but his round blue eyes, short blonde hair and rosy complexion made him look like a very overgrown schoolboy.’

Ludo has a gambling problem and bets with Fred and George and a lot of goblins at the Quidditch World Cup, resulting in a lot of problems for Ludo when he can’t pay his debts. He was the commentator at at the World Cup, and the one who got tickets for Harry, Hermione and the Weasleys to sit in the top box. He is one of the judges of the Triwizard Tournament and tries to help Harry cheat so that he can win back the money he owes by betting that Harry will win. When he walks, he bounces, and he seems like a very jolly, good natured type of person, if not the sharpest tool in the shed. He’s a flamboyant dresser; his wardrobe also includes purple robes with bright yellow stars.

At the Yule Ball he danced with Professor McGonagall. After seeing Ludo in discussion with goblins, horrible journalist, Rita Skeeter begins talking to the trio about digging dirt on Ludo. She tells them, “I know things about Ludo Bagman that would make your hair curl.” This doesn’t seem to fit with the image Ludo projects, but as GoF goes on the trio do indeed learn a lot more. A short time later, Hermione ponders whether or not he could have been the one to conjure the Dark Mark. We know that he wasn’t, but later we again have cause to question whether Ludo is as nice and friendly as he makes out.

In Dumbledore’s penseive, Harry sees him on trial for giving information to Death Eaters in exchange for Rookwood getting him a job at the Ministry. The trial was far from fair, and there is a lot of evidence to suggest Ludo was only acquitted because of his fame and image. Moody, Crouch and Dumbledore acted as if they were definitely not entirely convinced of his story, Crouch even suggesting he should be sent to Azkaban. Ludo claimed he didn’t know Rookwood was a Death Eater, but surely even an idiot would realise in a time of war, anyone probing you for information could be up to something. At the end of book 4 we learn that Bagman had tried to pay Fred and George their winnings in leprechaun gold, which disappears, showing again that he may be a dishonest character. Keep an eye on him.

Bagman, Otto

Otto is Ludo’s brother. He got into trouble over a lawnmower with magical powers, which Mr. Weasley smoothed over. In exchange for this, Ludo got the Weasleys very good tickets for the Quidditch World Cup.

Bagnold, Millicent

We find out in OotP that (she) Millicent was the Minister of Magic before Cornelius Fudge.

Bagshot, Bathilda

Author of A History of Magic. We find out in book seven that she was a resident of Godric’s Hollow, when both the Dumbledores and the Potters lived there. Unfortunately, she was killed by either Voldemort or Nagini and was laid as a trap for Harry when he visited Godric’s Hollow. Her body was inhabited by Voldemort’s snake, Nagini, and was almost successful in killing Harry. When Harry escaped, Nagini left Bathilda’s body, who was then later found. It was presumed she was dead for several months before her death was reported.


Bane is a centaur who lives in the Forbidden Forest, described as ‘black haired and black bodied’ and ‘wild looking’ with a black beard. He is strongly against centaurs letting humans ride on their backs, and equally against Firenze teaching at Hogwarts. He is also against the centaurs interfering in fate, saying to Firenze: “What have you been telling him? Remember, Firenze, we are sworn not to set ourselves against the heavens.” In book 5, Bane picks up Umbridge and carries her into the forest, after being called a filthy half-breed.

Barnabas The Barmy

Hanging on the seventh floor of the castle opposite the entrance to the Room of Requirement, this moving tapestry depicts a foolish attempt to train trolls for the ballet.


Wizard who mispronounced a charm and suffered for it. Lent his name to some dubious medicine called Barrufio’s Brain Elixir.


Ministry wizard who worked at the Portkey terminus at the Quidditch World Cup. He was seen wearing a kilt and poncho in an attempt to dress like a Muggle.

Belby, Marcus

He is a thin, nervous looking Ravenclaw seventh-year. He was invited to join the Slug Club because Slughorn taught his Uncle Damocles at Hogwarts. Belby’s father and uncle don’t get along well together so he doesn’t know much about his uncle, and this just caused Slughorn to ignore him.

Belcher, Humphrey

A wizard who mistakenly thought a cheese cauldron would be a good idea.

Bell, Katie

She is one of the Chasers for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and was a member of Dumbledore’s Army. She may have had a bit of a crush on Cedric Diggory, giggling and saying he was the ‘strong, silent type’.

In book 6, she was the only original member remaining from the team that Harry had joined in his first year. She advised him to hold fair trials for all and not discriminate because she was an older member of the team. In the end, she succeeded in staying one of the three Chasers. Around wintertime, Katie was accidentally cursed by a necklace, set by Draco Malfoy, that Madam Rosmerta (who was under the Imperius Curse) had given her while in the women’s bathroom.

She spent the better half of the rest of the year in St. Mungo’s. Dean Thomas took over her position as Chaser but she came back to help Gryffindor win the Quidditch Cup at the end of the year. Returned to Hogwarts in book 7 to fight in the Battle of Hogwarts.

Benson, Amy


Binns, Professor

Professor Binns is the only teacher who is a ghost at Hogwarts and he teaches History of Magic. Before each lesson, he glides in through the blackboard (which is said to be the most exciting thing that happens in his lessons)! Homework he has asked for has been: a 3 foot long essay on “The Medieval Assembly of European Wizards”, “a foot-and-a-half long essay on giant wars” and “the goblin rebellions of the 18th century”. His appearance is ‘ancient and shrivelled’ and ‘many people said he hadn’t noticed he was dead.

He had simply got up to teach one day and left his body behind him in an armchair in front of the staff room fire; his routine had not varied in the slightest since.’ He has a ‘dry, wheezy/reedy voice’ and reads in a ‘flat drone like a vacuum cleaner’ which sends everyone in class to sleep. When he clears his throat it sounds like a piece of chalk snapping and when he purses his lips he looks like ‘a wrinkled old tortoise’.

He has a tendency to get students’ names wrong. For instance, calling Seamus Finnigan “O’Flaherty”, Harry “Perkins” and Parvati Patil “Miss Pennyfeather”. His lessons consist of his lecturing the students without stopping while they are supposed to take notes.

Black, Alphard


Black, Andromeda

Mother of Nymhadora and sister to Bellatrix and Narcissa, Andromeda is described as Sirus’ “favourite aunt”. She was blasted off the Black’s family tapestry after she married a Muggle, Ted Tonks. Her home is used as a safe house during the seventh book when the Order of the Phoenix are attempting to retrieve Harry from his Aunt and Uncle’s house and deliver him to the Weasley’s.

Black, Mrs

Sirius’s mother is dead (she died in 1991), but she lives on in the form of a portrait at 12, Grimmauld Place. The portrait is hidden behind moth eaten velvet curtains, but whenever a loud noise is made the curtain flies open and the woman begins to shriek and scream.

The portrait is life size. She has yellow skin, clawlike hands and wears a black cap. When she screams she drools and rolls her eyes. Mrs. Black is heavily prejudiced, disowning people from the Black family and ‘blasting’ them off the family tree tapestry if they do not marry into a pureblooded family. When people try to pull the curtains over her face as she screams, they find it exceptionally hard, and the portrait is stuck to the wall with a Permanent Sticking Charm so that she cannot be removed. She grunts in her sleep.

Black, Regulus

Sirius’s younger brother, a Death Eater who was killed on Voldemort’s orders because he panicked and wanted to leave the Death Eaters. He was killed a few days after he left his loyalties. Before he left Voldemort’s command, he exchanged an old locket for Voldemort’s Horcrux in a cave surrounded by Inferi, leaving a note for his old Master which is found by Harry and Dumbledore. It was revealed in book 7 that Regulus was the R.A.B. who swapped the real Slytherin for a fake. He was ordered by Voldemort to send a house elf to put the locket in the underground cave, so Kreacher was sent. However, Regulus was quite fond if creature, and ordered Kreacher back after the elf was left in the cave to die. After Kreacher told his story to Regulus, he made it his mission to destroy Voldemort. He went with Kreacher back to the cave and drank the potion himself, ordering Kreacher to take the locket and destroy it. Kreacher was ordered to never tell anyone in the Black family for their protection.

Black, Sirius

Born circa 1960, Sirius Black was born into a pureblood family with the motto Toujours Pur (“Always Pure”). His mother and father both, though not Death Eaters themselves, believed that Lord Voldemort had the right idea to purify the wizarding world. Sirius was not a favourite in the family and his younger brother, Regulas Black, was the pride of his parents for agreeing with their pureblood ideas. Growing up in London, Sirius lived in 12 Grimmauld Place during his childhood, a house heavily fortified by his father.

He was sorted into Gryffindor in 1971 (always the rebel), and Sirius spent a lot of his time in detention with his best friend, James Potter. When the two of them had detention in separate rooms they would communicate using two-way mirrors. Along with James, Sirius used an illegal hex upon Bertram Aubrey, whose head swelled to twice its normal size. They got a double detention. When not in detention, the two them along with friends Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin (whom dubbed themselves “The Marauders”), were always stirring up some new prank in their minds. Around Black’s second year, he and his friends discovered that Lupin was a werewolf and spent the better half of three years learning to become unregistered Animagi. In their fifth year, when they did manage it, Black turned into a shaggy black dog, much like the Grim. He was nicknamed “Padfoot” by his friends and was later called “Snuffles” by Harry and the others. The Marauders took frequent trips around the Hogwarts grounds and the Forbidden Forest in their animal forms, learning more about Hogwarts than possibly any other students, and thus came to write the Marauder’s Map (later confiscated by Filch).

In his youth, Sirius retained the haughty Black good looks, with dark hair that, as Harry thought, fell into his eyes with a sort of casual elegance, and fathomless grey eyes. He was tall. Although Sirius was fiercely loyal to his friends and an overall kind person, Severus Snape seemed to be his one exception. He and Snape had a mutual dislike for each other and Sirius jumped at the chance to help James torture him whenever he could.

At the age of 16, Sirius decided he had had enough of his family’s “pure-blood mania” and ran away from home. His family disowned him. He stayed at the Potters’ house and bought his own house (from gold he had inherited from his Uncle Alphard) at the age of 17. After his Hogwarts years, in 1978, Sirius was the best man at Lily and James’s wedding, described as a happy, laughing young man in the photos. Sirius himself never got married because he was “too busy being a rebel”. He and the Marauders and Lily were actively a part of the first Order of the Phoenix, fighting the war against Voldemort.

When Harry was born in 1980, Sirius was named Godfather to him and was to be his guardian in case anything ever happened to Lily and James. When the prophecy was made and Lily and James performed the Fidelius Charm, Sirius was their Secret Keeper but convinced them at the last minute to use Peter. Nobody was told of this change, not even Remus, because Sirius thought Remus was the spy. Sirius was planning on going into hiding himself. Peter betrayed Lily and James, and as Sirius raced on his flying motorbike to Godric’s Hollow, he found their house in ruins. Hagrid was already there and Sirius told him that he should take Harry; he was his Godfather and now legal guardian. Hagrid told him that on Dumbledore’s orders he couldn’t give Harry to him, so Sirius gave Hagrid his motorbike (saying he wouldn’t need it anymore) and tracked Peter down himself. In the middle of a Muggle street, Peter screamed for everyone to hear that Sirius killed Lily and James and then blew the whole street up, turning into a rat and speeding down to the sewers. Twenty workers from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement took Sirius away to Azkaban Prison without trial. He was around 22 years old.

In Azkaban, Sirius kept himself sane because he knew he hadn’t betrayed his best friends. Since this wasn’t a happy thought, the Dementors didn’t affect him as much. In the summer of 1993, before Harry’s third year at Hogwarts, Sirius saw the article in the Daily Prophet that said Ron’s rat Scabbers was going to Hogwarts. Sirius knew immediately that this rat was Peter Pettigrew. One night, he transformed into a dog and snuck out of the prison and swam to shore. He saw Harry for the first time in twelve years near Magnolia Crescent. He broke into Hogwarts twice, once slashing the Fat Lady’s portrait, and once slashing the curtains to Ron’s bed. The trio and Snape encountered Sirius in the Shrieking Shack (he had long matted hair, his face was gaunt and waxy, and his eyes sunken) near the end of the year, and with Lupin’s help, Sirius managed to tell them his story and turned Scabbers back to Peter. Unfortunately, Peter managed to escape and Sirius was locked in a room awaiting the Dementor’s kiss. Harry and Hermione managed to save him using a time-turner and he flew off with Buckbeak.
At word of Harry’s scar hurting in his fourth year, Sirius returned to Britain and kept in touch with Harry via fire and owl post. He was hiding in a cave somewhere near the village of Hogsmeade. He was by Harry’s side after the third task and accompanied him to the hospital wing. He was told on Dumbledore’s orders to gather “the old crowd” for the second war that was coming and to lie low at Lupin’s for a while.

Sirius was the last living Black relative and inherited 12 Grimmauld Place, which he turned over to the Order of the Phoenix as headquarters. Since it was almost certain that Peter had told Voldemort of his Animagus being and the fact that there was a 10 000 Galleon prize on his head, Sirius was trapped in his house for months. Besides the fact that being back in his childhood home brought back painful memories, Sirius was not one to sit around. In June of 1996, Sirius and a few other Order members engaged in a battle with Death Eaters in the Department of Mysteries. Sirius taunted his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange and she sent a jet of red light at him. His eyes widened in shock and his body curved into a graceful arch before he fell through the veil. It’s uncertain what killed him – Bellatrix’s spell or the veil – but the end result was that he did die.

He left all of his property to Harry (if Harry did not accept it, it would have gone to Bellatrix Lestrange), who did not have any need or want for it. He had to keep Kreacher but let him work in the Hogwarts kitchens. Buckbeak was given to Hagrid.

Sirius was reckless, brave, loyal, affectionate, and slightly embittered. He never had a proper childhood, since being sent to Azkaban. His death hit the Order members hard, especially Harry and Lupin. It was revealed in book 7 that Sirius had sent a toy broomstick for Harry for Christmas, after Harry reads a letter from his mother that was in Sirius’ bedroom.

Bletchley, Miles

He is the keeper for the Slytherin Quidditch team and a nasty piece of work. Before an important game he cursed Alicia Spinnet so that her eyebrows grew so long they reached her mouth. He’s been on the Slytherin Quidditch team since Harry’s first year, so must be either one or two years ahead of Harry.

Bloody Baron

The Bloody Baron is the Slytherin ghost, named because he is covered in silver bloodstains. He is described as gaunt, silent and staring, sometimes referred to as a ‘spectre’ rather than a ghost, and the other ghosts are intimidated by him so give him a wide berth. He is the only ghost or person at Hogwarts who can control Peeves the Poltergeist (Peeves calls him ‘your bloodiness’). He attends Nearly Headless Nick’s Death Day party. We don’t know why the he is covered in blood – Harry asked Nick in first year but Nick said he had never asked.

We learn in book 1 from Neville that the Baron was skulking around outside the Gryffindor Common Room. Harry pretends to be the Bloody Baron when Peeves spots him under the invisibility cloak. He says ‘The Bloody Baron has his own reasons for being invisible’ in a hoarse whisper, which may be the Baron’s natural voice although we have never heard him speak. Was in love with Helena Ravenclaw, the Grey Lady ghost and daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw. When Rowena lay dying, she sent to the baron to look for her daughter and beg her to to come back. Helena refused, and the Baron lost his temper and killed her. He then killed himself with the same knife, and carries the bloody evidence on his ghostly clothing.

Boardman, Stubby

The Quibbler says he is Sirius Black, lead singer of the Hobgoblins. This dubious claim is made by a Mrs. Purkiss, who says that she was having a romantic dinner with him on the day Sirius was supposed to have committed the crimes. She says she saw Sirius’s photo in the paper and recognised him as Stubby, so had written to the Ministry expecting a full pardon. Apparently Stubby retired from public life after being hit on the ear with a turnip at a concert in Little Norton Church Hall.

Bobbin, Melinda

Hogwarts student who in book 6 was recommended as a member of the Slug Club because her family owned a large chain of apothecaries.

Bode, Broderick

Department of Mysteries wizard (Unspeakable). Was injured in the 5th book after Lucius Malfoy Imperiused him to steal the Prophecy from the Department of Mysteries. He lost the power of speech and thought he was a teapot. He was killed by Devil’s Snare, after it was sent to him as a Christmas present in St Mungo’s. Although not technically canon, a planning chart for OotP shows the Death Eater MacNair as the visitor to St Mungo’s on Christmas Eve.


A goblin.


Slytherin beater who left school when Harry was in fifth year. He had the usual Slytherin Quidditch player physique – i.e., he was a ‘gorilla’. His partner beater was Derrick.

Bonaccord, Pierre

First Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards. This position was later held by Albus Dumbledore. Bonaccord wanted to ban troll hunting and grant troll rights, but since a tribe of Mountain Trolls had been causing a lot of trouble in Liechtenstein, their wizarding community contested Bonaccord’s appointment, and refused to join the Confederation as a result


A wizarding family who suffered greatly at the hands of Voldemort. Hagrid tells us in book 1 that the Bones were ‘some of the best witches an’ wizards of the age’.

Bones, Amelia Susan

She was killed by Lord Voldemort himself in book 6, or so Fudge suspects, and all the evidence is that she put up a good fight. Her murder was in Muggle newspapers (although they just said she was a middle-aged woman who lived alone) and the police were baffled about her murder because she was found in a room locked from the inside. She was Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic when alive. She appeared as a judge at Harry’s trial in OotP, where she showed she was indeed a fair person (Tonks had told us that she would be) because she was the only judge willing to give Harry a fair trial. She was described as a broad, square-jawed witch with very short grey hair and thick eyebrows who wore a monocle and looked forbidding, but the monocle and forbidding look may just have been because of the circumstances in which we met her (Harry’s hearing). She spoke in a booming voice and had a briefcase. She was the aunt of Susan Bones (a Hufflepuff in Harry’s year), who has her middle name.

Bones, Edgar

We learn he was an original member of the Order of the Phoenix when Moody points out who’s who in an old photo at Grimmauld Place. He tells us he was a great wizard and that he and his family were killed by the Death Eaters, though clearly Susan and Amelia survived.

Bones, Susan

A Hufflepuff in Harry’s year. She wears her hair in a long plait and is the niece of Amelia Bones. Her aunt, uncle and cousins were killed by Voldemort, which made her an object of curiosity, and able to empathise with Harry after the Daily Prophet ran an article about the escaped Death Eaters and their crimes. She is a member of Dumbledore’s Army. One of the first friends she made at Hogwarts appears to have been Hannah Abbot, as she ran to sit next to her at the Sorting Feast in book 1.

Boot, Terry

Harry watches Terry get sorted into Ravenclaw as he waits in line for his own sorting. He’s a Muggleborn and friends with Anthony Goldstein and Michael Corner. In fourth year he was in Dumbledore’s office gossiping with portraits about how Harry killed the basilisk (something fishy going on there?).

He is a member of the D.A. and during a meeting his wand once hit Alicia Spinnet on the ear while practising Expelliarmus. He questioned Hermione during their first ever D.A. meeting, asking why she was so smart and yet, not in Ravenclaw. He was one of the four Ravenclaws in Professor Slughorn’s Advanced Potions class, which means that he got at least an E on his Potions O.W.L. Fought in the Battle of Hogwarts in book seven.

Borage, Libatius:

Author of Advanced Potion Making.


Borgin is one of the co-founders of the Dark Arts shop “Borgin and Burkes” found in Knockturn Alley. The shop specialises in dark magic, including the Hand of Glory and a cursed Teapot. It is to this shop that Voldermorts mother sold the Slytherin Locket when she was low on funds, an item which would eventually be one of her son’s Horcruxes. Proprietor of Borgin & Burkes in Knockturn Alley.

Described as an oily, smooth-talking fellow who fawned on Lucius Malfoy during the Malfoy’s shop visit in book 2, but was less than impressed after his customer’s departure. Draco visited the shop again in book 6 to force the shopkeeper to help repair the Vanishing Cabinet, whose partner was at Hogwarts.

Bott, Bertie

The man that invented “Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans.”

Braithwaite, Betty

Daily Prophet reporter who landed an exclusive interview with Rita Skeeter in book 7, to talk about Rita’s new book The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore.

Branstone, Eleanor

She is sorted into Hufflepuff in Goblet of Fire.

Bryce, Frank

The Riddle’s gardener who was murdered by Lord Voldemort. He was arrested on the suspicion of murdering Tom Riddle’s parents and grandfather (Tom was the real culprit) because he was the gardener at their house and so had keys to the house. There were no broken windows or other signs of a break in, so the evidence pointed to Frank. He lived alone in a run-down cottage on the grounds and had fought in the Second World War which left him with a ‘very stiff leg and a great dislike of crowds and noises’. He had gnarled fingers and a build-up of earwax.

At the time of his murder Frank was almost 77 and very deaf, although he still kept up his gardening job for the new owner of the Riddle House. When he yelled he had a croaky voice. He had a deep mistrust of the police after they had taken him in for questioning and had no telephone, so when he saw lights on in the house on the night of his murder (he figured it was just more kids trying to get in) he investigated himself instead of contacting the police. He felt braver when it was time to take action than when he was waiting for it to happen; we saw this when he faced Voldemort and were told it had always been that way for him in the war. He was killed by Voldemort with Avada Kedavra, the Killing Curse.

Brocklehurst, Mandy

A half-blood Ravenclaw in Harry’s year.

Brookstanton, Rupert “Axebanger”

Hermione came across this name while looking for possible matches of ‘R.A.B.’

Brown, Lavender

Lavender was the first student to be sorted into Gryffindor at the sorting in book 1, so she’s in Harry’s year. She is deeply in awe of Professor Trelawney, along with her best friend Parvati Patil. Ron makes one of the best jokes in the series in Divination, when Lavender talks about an ‘unaspected planet’ which she is told is Uranus. Ron says innocently, “Can I have a look at Uranus, Lavender?” Under the Imperius curse in the fake Moody’s lesson she imitated a squirrel. She has a shrill giggle and she giggles a lot. Ron asked her to the Yule Ball in desperation because he didn’t have a date, but she was already going with Seamus Finnigan. She is a member of the D.A. She loves Hedwig, Harry’s owl, thinking her very beautiful. She had a pet rabbit called Binky, but he was killed by a fox, which she thinks was predicted by Professor Trelawney (although Hermione was definitely not convinced of this).

In the sixth book, she appeared to have a crush on Ron Weasley, giggling at everything, funny or not, that he did. They became girlfriend and boyfriend later on in the book, but their relationship mainly consisted of snogging. She wanted Ron to wear a necklace but he did not want to. She nicknamed him Won-Won. She became increasingly jealous of the amount of attention Ron and Hermione paid each other and eventually dumped Ron (who did not complain about it) after she saw him coming out of his dormitory with Hermione. Returned in book 7 to fight in the Battle of Hogwarts.


Buckbeak is a hippogriff, which means he is half-horse half-eagle. The horse part of him is grey and he has orange eyes. In a Care of Magical Creatures lesson he bit Malfoy after being provoked, and faced being beheaded for being a dangerous creature. Harry and Hermione saved him from execution by using Hermione’s time turner to go back in time and let him and Sirius fly away. When Sirius was living at Grimmauld Place, Buckbeak was kept in a room upstairs made into a makeshift hippogriff home by having straw on the floor. Sirius fed him dead rats. In book 6, Harry became Buckbeak’s legal guardian (he was nicknamed “Witherwings” for a while for his own safety) but Harry let him live with Hagrid, which made everyone happy.

Bulstrode, Millicent

Millicent is a Slytherin girl in Harry’s year who is described as ‘looking like a picture Harry had seen in Holidays With Hags. She was large and square and her heavy jaw jutted aggressively.’ As of second year, she was a lot bigger than Harry and is described as being ‘no pixie’ and ‘ugly’. She partners Hermione at the Duelling Club, where she ignores her wand and traps Hermione in a headlock.

Millicent left one of her cat’s hairs on Hermione’s back after the wrestling match, which Hermione made the Polyjuice Potion with because she thought it had belonged to Millicent. This meant that when Hermione drank the potion (which was a sick shade of yellow) she turned into Millicent Bulstrode’s cat in second year and was in the hospital wing for weeks. The catlike human she turned into was black, with yellow eyes. Hermione and Millicent clashed again in book 5, when Millicent pinned her against the wall in Umbridge’s office. Hermione started to cry into the back of Millicent’s robes when Umbridge tried to use the Cruciatus Curse on Harry, and Millicent let her go in disgust.

Bungs, Rosalind Antigone

Hermione came across this name while searching for possible matches for ‘R.A.B.’


He is a budgie who lives at Five Feathers in Barnsley and keeps cool in the summer by waterskiing. Harry learnt about him when he saw Mary Dorkins investigating this remarkable talent on the news.

Burbage, Charity

Professor of Muggle Studies at Hogwarts, she was killed by Voldemort at the beginning of the Second Wizarding War at the Malfoy’s Manor before being fed to his pet snake Nagini as an example as to what would happen to those who preached equality for Muggles and Wizards.

Burke, Caractacus

One of the founders of Borgin & Burkes in Knockturn Alley. Burke was one of the people Albus Dumbledore interviewed while trying to gain information about Merope (Gaunt) Riddle. Burke purchased a heavy gold locket from Merope for only 10 galleons, even though he knew it once belonged to Salazar Slytherin. He hired Tom Riddle when Tom was fresh out of Hogwarts in order to research and “persuade” owners of powerful, valuable magical objects to sell them to Burke. He was as surprised as anyone when Tom Riddle vanished without a word.


Cadogan, Sir

A portrait of a Knight and his steed, he was used as a temporary guardian to the Gryffindor common room when the Fat Lady was damaged by Sirius Black.



Carrow, Alector

Death Eater whom taught Dark Arts at Hogwarts during Harry’s final year.

Carrow, Amycus

Death Eater whom taught Dark Arts at Hogwarts during Harry’s final year.

Cattermole, Maisie and Ellie and Alfred

Children of Mary and Reg.

Cattermole, Mary Elizabeth

Muggle born wife of Reg, rescued by Harry and Hermione while she was on trial for “stealing” her magical abilities.

Cattermole, Reg

Ministry of Magic employee who Ron Weasley impersonates when the Trio infiltrated the Ministry to gain information on Voldemort

Cauldwell, Owen

A Hufflepuff student, sorted in GoF.



Chancellor of the Exchequer

Failed to remove the portrait from the Muggle Prime Minister’s office.

Chang, Cho

Cho is a very pretty Ravenclaw girl with long, shiny black hair that she sometimes wears in a ponytail who plays the position of Seeker on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. She is a year older than Harry, who had a big crush on her for 3 years. In GoF he asked her to the Yule Ball, but she was already going with Cedric. She is very popular, and Harry notes that she even seems to go to the bathroom ‘with an escort of four or five girls’ and so is impossible to get on her own. In the 2nd task, she was the thing that meant the most to Cedric Diggory. She has supported the Tutshill Tornados since she was 6, and her Patronus is a swan.

She is a member of Dumbledore’s Army, and one of her best friends seems to be Marietta Edgecombe who comes to the D.A. meetings with her and who she often sits with. She kisses Harry at the end of a D.A. meeting before Christmas, after she points out the mistletoe. Harry later described it as ‘wet’. In OotP Hermione told us she ‘spends half her time crying these days’, and Harry and Ron couldn’t understand why. Hermione gave us an insight into how she was feeling, telling us: “Well, obviously, she’s feeling very sad, because of Cedric dying. Then I expect she’s feeling confused because she liked Cedric and now she likes Harry and she can’t work out who she likes best. Then she’ll be feeling guilty, thinking it’s an insult to Cedric’s memory to be kissing Harry at all, and she’ll be worrying about what everyone might say about her if she starts going out with Harry. And she probably can’t work out what her feelings towards Harry are, anyway, because he was the one who was with Cedric when Cedric died, so that’s all very mixed up and painful. Oh, and she’s afraid she’s going to be thrown off the Ravenclaw Quidditch team because she’s been flying so badly.”

Harry had a dream about Cho that involved them being in the Room of Requirement again, Cho accusing Harry of ‘luring her there under false pretences; she said that he had promised her 150 chocolate frog cards if she showed up’. In the dream, Cedric had given her lots of chocolate frog cards, so Hermione said that he had better give Cho his firebolt. Harry and Cho go on a date to Hogsmeade on Valentine’s day in book 5, where they visit Madam Puddifoot’s, a tearoom decorated with lots of frills and bows that Cho thinks is cute but Harry doesn’t. The date ends in disaster when Harry tells her he has to meet Hermione Granger, and Cho storms out of the tearoom in tears after telling him Roger Davies has asked her out. By the end of the book the relationship has definitely ended, and she is going out with Michael Corner (Ginny’s ex). She ignored Harry in book 6 on the Hogwarts Express, pretending to be in deep discussion with her friend Marietta.

Chorley, Herbert

He is one of the Muggle Prime Minister’s Junior Ministers, who was put under the Imperius Curse. The curse was not skilfully performed, which resulted in Chorley ‘entertaining the public by impersonating a duck’. It is implied that he was fired for this unusual display, as we are told this means he is now spending ‘a lot more time with his family’, although according to Fudge, his family would be safer without him. The Prime Minister suggests it could have been caused by drinking, and that he just needs a rest. When taken to St Mungo’s because of the Imperius Curse, he attempted to strangle three healers. Rufus Scrimgeour feels he is not safe to be in Muggle society, which, judging from this display, is probably correct.


One of the first Chocolate Frog card characters Harry collects.

Clearwater, Penelope

Ravenclaw Prefect, once girlfriend of Percy Weasley.


One of the first Chocolate Frog card characters Harry collects. She is a druidess and the picture of her on the card was scratching her nose.





Coote, Ritchie


Corner, Michael

Ravenclaw’s Michael Corner is quite the Casanova – he has dated Ginny and by the end of book 5 he is going out with Cho Chang. He met Ginny at the Yule Ball and by the end of the school year they were dating. He’s friends with Anthony Goldstein and Terry Boot. He is a member of Dumbledore’s Army, and was very impressed with Harry’s flying in the Triwizard Tournament. He’s described as ‘dark’. Ron professes not to like him, saying that he had a ‘really shifty look’ about it and muttering insults, but this is probably solely because of his relationship with Ginny.

He doesn’t seem to be a very skilled magician, as when paired with Ginny in a D.A. meeting he was either ‘very bad or else unwilling to curse Ginny’. This theory is a bit dodgey, though, as he was in Professor Slughorn’s Advanced Potions class. The relationship with Ginny ended when he got sulky about Gryffindor beating Ravenclaw at Quidditch, so Ginny dumped him. He ‘ran off to comfort Cho.’ He is a half-blood.

Cousin Barny

An alias used by Harry Potter during the wedding of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour.


Death Eater, father of Vincent Crabbe.

Crabbe, Vincent

One of Draco Malfoy’s henchmen. In one word: a brute. He is described as looking ‘thickset and extremely mean’ and ‘large and thuggish’. Harry thought he and Goyle looked like Malfoy’s bodyguards. His partner in crime is Gregory Goyle, who he has lots in common with. Harry meets them for the first time on the Hogwarts Express in book 1, where he and Ron get into a fight with Malfoy. He is a Slytherin. When Malfoy challenges Harry to a duel, he chooses Crabbe as his second, perhaps suggesting he trusts more in Crabbe’s destructive abilities than Goyle’s.

Along with Goyle, he fights Neville in the first book, after Malfoy insults Ron and Neville. We’re told he always does exactly what Malfoy does, when he signs up to stay for the Christmas holidays in book 2 after Malfoy does this. Harry, Ron and Hermione steal one of his hairs to make a Polyjuice potion which will disguise Ron as Crabbe, so they can interrogate Malfoy about whether he is the Heir of Slytherin. (Harry takes one of Goyle’s hairs, and Hermione one of Millicent Bulstrode’s.) They do this by drugging Crabbe and Goyle with cakes, then shoving them into a broom cupboard. The potion with Crabbe’s hair in it turns a dark, murky brown. He speaks in a ‘deep grunt’, has a pudding bowl haircut, a flat nose and long gorilla arms, which he holds stiffly. He’s muscly and has a very thick neck.

In book 3 he dresses up as a Dementor along with Malfoy, Goyle and Marcus Flint, to scare Harry and harm his Quidditch game. Harry fires a Patronus at them which leaves them in a crumpled heap. At the Yule Ball he fails to find a partner and wears green robes, looking like a ‘moss covered boulder’ in Harry’s opinion. In book 4 Malfoy lies and says that Crabbe got a ‘bad bite off a flobberworm’ when talking to Rita Skeeter. Crabbe seemed very pleased with himself about this. His father is a Death Eater, who is present at the fight at the Department of Mysteries.

On the train back home in book 4, he is on the receiving end of a number of curses after Malfoy insults Ron and Hermione. Harry used the Furnunculus Curse on him and George used Jellylegs, which made the interesting effect of Crabbe sprouting little tentacles all over his face. In book 5, he becomes Slytherin beater along with best pal Goyle. Angelina Johnson commented that ‘they don’t look bright enough to tell one end of a broom from the other.’ In book 5 he also becomes a member of Dolores Umbridge’s Inquisitorial Squad, set up to spy on students. Crabbe is present at the fight in Umbridge’s office and grabs Neville in a headlock. He again gets into a fight on the train home from Hogwarts in book 5 and ends up looking like ‘nothing so much as (a) giant slug squeezed into Hogwarts uniform’.

He failed his DADA O.W.L. and during his sixth year, dressed up as a girl (using Polyjuice Potion) to help Malfoy a few times. At the end, he feels lost when Malfoy runs off with Snape.

Creevey, Colin

Colin is a Muggleborn wizard, born in 1981, whose dad is a Muggle milkman. When he first found out that he was a wizard, he was very excited and took lots of pictures to send home to his father. Harry Potter, a fellow Gryffindor of his, was amongst one of his most interesting things to photograph. He constantly followed him around and greeted him just to see Harry respond. In his first year, Colin asked Harry to autograph a picture for him but Harry declined. In November of Colin’s first year, he was petrified by a Basilisk but didn’t manage to get a picture (the camera was in his hand). He was revived the next May.

He and his younger brother joined the D.A. in the October of 1995. Colin may have smuggled his brother into Hogsmeade, as his brother was a second year at the time and was therefore not allowed into Hogsmeade until the next year. He and his brother Dennis tried to modify a stack of “Support Cedric Diggory!/Potter Stinks” badges to say something good about Harry but only succeeded in getting them to read “Potter Really Stinks”. Colin is short, excitable, and has mousy brown hair.

Creevey, Dennis

Dennis is a Muggleborn (born in 1983) whose dad is a Muggle milkman. He is Colin Creevey’s two-year younger brother and was also sorted into Gryffindor when he attended Hogwarts in 1994. He was the smallest boy of his year and had to stand on his seat in the Great Hall to be able to see the Goblet of Fire, yet still only came up to everyone else’s eye-level. During the storm that rocked the first years’ boats, Dennis fell into the lake and was rescued by the giant squid, which he seemed to find amusing. He and his brother tried to modify some “Support Cedric Diggory!/Potter Stinks” badges to say something positive about Harry, but all they came up with was “Potter Really Stinks”. In his second year, Dennis was possibly smuggled into Hogsmeade because he attended and joined the first D.A. meeting in the Hog’s Head Inn. Like his brother, he has mousy brown hair.

Cresswell, Dirk

Creswell was one year older than Lily Evans Potter, so was presumably born c. 1959. He attended Hogwarts but, like Lily, he was Muggle-born. He is a very gifted wizard, though, according to Slughorn (his ex-teacher) and is now the Head of the Goblin Liaison Office. He still likes to give Slughorn inside information about the goings-on at Gringotts Wizarding Bank.



Crockford, Doris

On July 21st, 1991, this witch was so excited to meet Harry in the Leaky Cauldron that she came back to shake his hand again.


Crookshanks is Hermione Granger’s pet cat that she bought in Diagon Alley out of sympathy that no one wanted him because of his squashed face. He has ginger fur, yellow eyes, a bottle brush tail, and squat, bandy legs. He is part Kneazle and therefore has higher intelligence than normal cats. He recognized Padfoot in the third book and after much discussion, Padfoot (Sirius Black) finally managed to convince Crookshanks of why he was at Hogwarts. Crookshanks started going after Ron’s pet rat Scabbers (who was really Peter Pettigrew in Animagus form) to try and bring him to Sirius.

Of course, Crookshanks knew something was up from the moment he set eyes on Scabbers. This caused much rift between Ron and Hermione that year; Ron claimed that Crookshanks was out to get Scabbers from the beginning, while Hermione testified that cats chased rats. Because of his Kneazle background, Crookshanks doesn’t like cheating, and he gives Ron and Harry disapproving looks when they cheat on their homework, reminding them strongly of Hermione. He likes playing with corks and watching them roll around.

Crouch, Grandfather

Barty Crouch Sr. had a grandfather who owned an Axminister rug, which was a flying carpet that could hold twelve people.

Crouch, Bartemius “Barty” Junior

Crouch Jr. was one of the Death Eaters responsible for torturing the Longbottoms into insanity and trying to bring Voldemort back to power. He was caught, though, and his father sent him to Azkaban for life. As a favour to his dying wife, Crouch Sr. smuggled his son out of Azkaban and put his wife under the polyjuice potion to look like her son. She died in Azkaban and was buried under her son’s name. Crouch Jr. was nursed back to health by the family’s house-elf, Winky. He was kept under control by the Imperius Curse and was kept under an invisibility cloak at all times.

He attended the Quidditch World Cup in 1994 and sent the Dark Mark (with Harry’s wand) into the sky as a warning to other Death Eaters who had gone free. He framed Winky by making her hold Harry’s wand and putting her in the bushes. That summer, Voldemort broke the Memory Charm Crouch Sr. had placed on her (she had found out some years previously about Crouch Jr. still being alive) and found out that his faithful servant was still alive. He rescued Crouch Jr. and placed his father under the Imperius Curse. Crouch Jr. kidnapped Mad-Eye Moody and turned into him for the rest of the year (with polyjuice potion) to teach DADA at Hogwarts.

His father went mad under the curse and fled to Hogwarts to warn Dumbledore but was killed by Crouch Jr. He entered Harry’s name into the Goblet of Fire and ensured that Harry won the last task, taking him to the graveyard for Voldemort’s rebirthing ceremony. Unfortunately for him, Harry escaped and Crouch Jr. took him to his office (disguised as Moody) and planned on killing him but Dumbledore saved Harry. Under the influence of Veritaserum, Crouch told his whole story. He was given the Dementor’s Kiss. He had a pale complexion and straw-coloured hair.

Crouch, Mrs

Mrs Crouch was a short, wispy witch who cried and begged her husband not to send her only son to Azkaban, but he did. She was ill and dying but managed to convince her husband to let her and her son trade places. She took polyjuice potion to disguise herself as her son, and vice versa, and died in Azkaban. Dementors buried her outside the walls of the fortress, under her son’s name.

Crouch, Bartemius “Barty” Senior

Crouch headed the Department of Magical Law Enforcement during Voldemort’s first reign. During the later years of his reign, Crouch often threw suspected convicts into Azkaban without a trial and gave Aurors the power to kill rather than capture criminals. A prime example of this would be Sirius Black, who went to Azkaban without a trial. Crouch Sr. became a new favourite for Minister of Magic but when Crouch’s son, Barty Crouch Jr., was caught with Death Eaters trying to bring Voldemort back to power, the favouritism vanished. Crouch gave his son a trial, though according to Sirius Black, only as a public demonstration of how much he hated the boy. He was then removed from his post and lowered to the post of Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation. Percy Weasley became his assistant in 1994.

As a favour to his dying wife, though, Crouch Sr. smuggled his son out of Azkaban and gave his wife polyjuice potion so that she looked like her son. She died in Azkaban. Crouch Jr. was kept under an invisibility cloak at all times and was controlled by the Imperius Curse put on him. He was cared for by Winky, their house-elf. Some time later, Bertha Jorkins found out about Crouch Jr. and Crouch Sr. put a strong Memory Charm on her to make her forget what she had seen. Years later, Voldemort managed to break into the Memory Charm placed on Bertha and became determined to restore Crouch Jr., his faithful servant.

Voldemort visited the Crouch home and freed Barty Crouch Jr. who went to Hogwarts and played the impostor, Mad-Eye Moody. Voldemort placed the Imperius Curse on Crouch Sr. who went mad under it, fled to Hogwarts to warn Dumbledore, but was killed by his own son in the June of 1995.

Crouch Sr. had dark hair but it started to grey after the pressure of his work. By the time 1994 rolled around, he was fussy and uptight about rules for the Triwizard Tournament. He dressed impeccably and had a perfectly straight part through his hair and a neat little moustache.

Cuffe, Barnabas

Cuffe, an ex-student of Slughorn’s, is the editor of the Daily Prophet and is always interested in hearing Slughorn’s take on the day’s news.



He is Marcus Belby’s uncle but he doesn’t get along well with Belby’s father. He invented the Wolfsbane Potion and was awarded the Order of Merlin. He was a favourite student of Slughorn’s.

Davies, Roger



He is a follower of Cornelius Fudge – a very strong auror who arrived with Fudge when he intended to send Dumbledore to Azkaban in book 5. He has short, grey hair and was a student at Hogwarts when Dumbledore was teaching. (He achieved ‘outstanding’ in all his N.E.W.T.s). He was knocked out by Dumbledore when he didn’t back down, along with Fudge, Umbridge and Kingsley Shacklebolt.

Dearborn, Caradoc

He was a member of the original Order of the Phoenix. Harry saw a photograph of him. He vanished six months after the photo was taken and his body was never found.


He is in Dudley’s gang of big, stupid, bullies.

Delacour, Fleur

Fleur was born c.1977 and attended Beauxbatons Academy. She spoke rudely about Hogwarts in a loud enough voice for everyone around her to hear and was selected to be the Beauxbatons champion for the Triwizard Tournament of 1994-1995. She insisted that Harry should not have been allowed to become a Hogwarts champion but no one else said anything to her about it. She was to rescue her younger sister, Gabrielle, during the second task but failed, so Harry retrieved her. Fleur was so shaken by the events that she became considerably warmer towards Harry after that. She attended the Yule Ball with Ravenclaw’s Roger Davies. She came in last place for the Triwizard Tournament.

She moved to England that summer to get a job. She got a job at Gringotts and Bill Weasley was giving her private lessons to “improve her English.” In other words, they were going out. Less than a year later, the two of them got engaged and Fleur stayed at The Burrow. Mrs. Weasley, Ginny and Hermione didn’t like her at all and nicknamed her “Phlegm” because of her throaty voice. Mrs. Weasley thought Bill and Fleur rushed into getting married due to recent dark events. At the end of the year, Fleur proved herself loyal to her fiancé by stating that, although he was disfigured from the Battle of Hogwarts, she was good looking enough for the both of them (a bit snooty, but what can you do?). Mrs. Weasley’s dislike for her subsided after that and the two embraced.

Fleur’s grandmother is Veela so Fleur is part Veela as well, making her irresistible to boys when they see her, but coming off as snobbish to most girls. Ron seems very taken with her in the sixth book, rushing to her to get a peck on the cheek (he trips, though). She has long, silvery blonde hair, deep blue eyes, perfectly even, white teeth and a throaty voice. Fleur Delacour is French for “flower of the court” but JKR states that her name means “noblewoman.”

Delacour, Gabrielle

Fleur’s younger sister, who at the time Harry saw her in the 1994-1995 school year, thought she looked no older than eight years old. She served as her sister’s hostage in the second task and was very excited to see Harry the summer before his sixth year. This was probably because Fleur couldn’t save her during the second task, so Harry did. She raved about him that summer. (Déjà vu, anyone?)

Delacour, Madame Apolline


Delacour, Monsieur ?


Delaney-Podmore, Sir Patrick

He is a bearded ghost and the leader of the Headless Hunt. He wrote a letter to Nearly Headless Nick rejecting his proposal to join the Hunt and interrupted Nick’s speech at his Deathday Party by arriving with the Hunt on horseback and playing a game of Head Hockey. Nick called him “Sir Properly Decapitated-Podmore.”


He was one of the Slytherin beaters (along with Bole) until book 5, when they left Hogwarts and were replaced by Crabbe and Goyle. He has a gorilla-like physique and looked so stupid Angelina Johnson was surprised he managed to find his way on to the Quidditch Pitch without a signpost.

Derwent, Dilys

(1722 – 1741) She had silver ringlets and became a celebrated Headmistress of Hogwarts from 1741 to 1768. She later became a Healer at St. Mungo’s. She has a portrait hanging in the Head’s office at Hogwarts and in the main area of St. Mungo’s.

Diggle, Dedalus

He is a member of the Order of the Phoenix (one of the original members as well as a current member), and part of the Advance Guard that collects Harry at Privet Drive. He is excitable, and wears vibrant clothes such as a violet top hat (which he drops at any sign of excitement). McGonagall suspects it may have been he who let off shooting stars in Kent after the downfall of Voldemort, saying ‘he never had much sense’. Harry recognises him in the Leaky Cauldron when he shakes his hand, realising he had once bowed to him in a shop. He has white hair.

Diggory, Amos

Amos is the father of Cedric Diggory and their family lives in the village of Ottery St. Catchpole. He works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. He has ruddy face and a scrubby brown beard. He was fiercely proud of his son, especially after he caught the Snitch before Harry in the third book. Although he is generally a kind man, he can be stern, such as when he was interrogating Winky the house-elf, referring to her as “elf.” When Cedric died, Amos couldn’t speak but cried throughout the whole interview. He did not think it was Harry’s fault that his son died, though.

Diggory, Cedric

Born in 1977 to his mother and father, Amos Diggory, Cedric grew up in the village of Ottery St. Catchpole. He was tall, handsome, with grey eyes and a silent attitude. In his fifth year of Hogwarts, he became a Prefect and took over as Seeker and Captain for the Hufflepuff house Quidditch team. He caught the Snitch before Harry (who fell off his broom) during the third book and wanted a rematch when he found out what had happened, which showed that he valued fair play. He seemed a bit modest, as he sort of quieted down when his father boasted about him beating Harry Potter at Quidditch. He was chosen as one of the Hogwarts Champions for the Triwizard Tournament, showing his strength as a wizard.

He took Cho Chang to the Yule Ball and the two of them were dating. At the end of the year, he was transported to the graveyard and was killed by Wormtail using Voldemort’s wand. He emerged from Voldemort’s wand as a shadow, encouraging Harry and requesting that his body be taken back to his parents. Dumbledore extolled him in a speech on the last day of school, saying that he was a hard worker and a loyal friend.

Diggory, Mrs

Cedric’s mom. She met with Professor Sprout, Dumbledore, and then Harry after her son died. She thanked Harry for bringing Cedric’s body back and wouldn’t accept the money Harry had won. She’s not as emotional as her husband, it seems.

Dillonsby, Ivor




Dippet, Armando


Dobbs, Emma

Hogwarts student, 1994-2001.


Dobby the house-elf was bound to serve the Malfoy family (head: Lucius Malfoy) for a long time and knew of Lucius’s plan to reopen the Chamber of Secrets using Tom Riddle’s diary. He tried any means he could think of to keep Harry Potter away from Hogwarts. At first, he intercepted Harry’s letters so that he wouldn’t want to go back, and refused to give the letters back to Harry (during a summer visit to Harry’s room) unless Harry promised he wouldn’t go back. When Harry didn’t, Dobby used magic to smash a pudding over Mrs Mason’s head to get Harry expelled for using underage magic outside of school. Harry merely got a warning letter.

During his visit to Harry, Dobby accidentally let slip some hints about his master’s plan and repeatedly punished himself for doing so. Later, he tried to seal the gateway to Platform 9¾ but Harry and Ron took Mr Weasley’s flying Ford Anglia to Hogwarts (nearly getting them expelled). Dobby enchanted a bludger to go after Harry during the Quidditch match against Slytherin but Harry only broke his arm. It was then broken even more by Gilderoy Lockhart’s attempt at mending the bones. Harry had to re-grow his bones that night in the hospital wing and was visited by Dobby again. Later that year, Harry tricked Lucius Malfoy into giving Dobby a sock (which was folded into the book Lucius had, which he thrust into Dobby’s hands) and Dobby was free. Lucius was so angry he tried to have a go at Harry but Dobby stopped him and promised Harry that he’d never try to save his life again.

Dobby then wanted to be paid for his work but had trouble finding a job. Albus Dumbledore later let him work in the kitchens at Hogwarts and he was the only house-elf paid there. He became good friends with the house-elf Winky. He helped Harry during the second task in the fourth book and helped Harry find the Room of Requirement in the fifth book. He was the only house-elf who cleaned Gryffindor Tower since Hermione tried to set house-elves free by planting knitted hats and socks everywhere. Dobby took them all. In the sixth book, he willingly helped Harry find out more information about Draco Malfoy and he and Kreacher got into fights about it, much to Peeve’s delight. Dobby has green eyes as round and as big as tennis balls.

Doge, Elphias

He is a member of the Order of the Phoenix. A wheezy voiced wizard with silver hair, he was part of the Advance Guard that came to collect Harry. He is in the photograph Moody shows Harry of the original Order, and Moody said he used to wear a ‘stupid hat’.

Dolohov, Antonin

He is a Death Eater. Karkaroff names him at his trial in the hope of being let off lightly, stating that he had tortured countless Muggles and non-supporters of Voldemort. He was caught shortly after Karkaroff. He has a long, pale, twisted face, and was one of the prisoners to escape Azkaban in the mass breakout in book 5. He was sent to Azkaban for the ‘brutal murders of Gideon and Fabian Prewett.’

He was present at the fight in the Department of Mysteries and paired off with Jugson to find Harry. Hermione cast Silencio on him and he lost his voice. He broke Neville’s wand in two by kicking it, and slashed his wand, causing a streak of purple fire across Hermione’s chest. She crumpled on the floor. He cast Tarantellegra on Neville and attempted the same slash he’d used on Hermione on Harry. He duelled with Sirius and Harry used Petrificus Totalus on him before he could hurt his godfather.

Dorkins, Mary

She was the Muggle news reporter who reported on Bungy the waterskiing budgie. See also: Bungy.


A customer.

Dumbledore, Aberforth

Tall, thin and grumpy looking, with a long grey beard, he is Albus Dumbledore’s brother and a member of the original Order of the Phoenix. He was arrested for performing inappropriate charms on a goat. It was ‘all over the papers’ but Aberforth held his head high and went about his business as usual. Dumbledore points out that this could be explained by the fact he isn’t sure Aberforth can read. Moody describes him as a ‘strange bloke’.

He is the bartender at the Hog’s Head pub in Hogsmeade, which smells strongly of goats. Sirius tells us that he has a long memory, because he banned Mundungus Fletcher from the Hog’s Head twenty years ago. He attended his brother’s funeral. He was also fundamental in the final Battle of hogwarts, allowing first the Trio and then members of the Order to use his bar as a connection to Hogwarts.

Dumbledore, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was born c. 1844 and had a younger brother, Aberforth Dumbledore. Upon entering Hogwarts (c. 1855), he was sorted into Gryffindor house. Around 1862, the year he was to leave Hogwarts, Dumbledore sat for his N.E.W.T.s and the Charms and Transfiguration exams were administered by Griselda Marchbanks. (“.did things with a wand I’d never seen before.”)

During the 1940s, Dumbledore, who had auburn hair at this time, taught at Hogwarts as the Transfiguration professor and was head of Gryffindor house. He was distrustful of the star student, Tom Riddle. On June 13, 1942, a student named Myrtle died and Rubeus Hagrid was framed for her death. Dumbledore allowed Hagrid to stay at Hogwarts and train to become the gamekeeper.

In 1945, Dumbledore defeated the dark wizard Grindewald. It is stated on his Chocolate Frog Card as well, which reads:

ALBUS DUMBLEDORE Currently Headmaster of Hogwarts. Considered by many the greatest wizard of modern times, Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindewald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon’s blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicholas Flamel.
Professor Dumbledore enjoys chamber music and tenpin bowling.

In approximately 1970, Dumbledore became the new Headmaster of Hogwarts. He took careful precautions to allow Remus Lupin to attend school and transform secretly and safely. Sometime during this decade, Dumbledore created The Order of the Phoenix, a secret organization compiled of wizards fighting in the war against Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Dumbledore was the only wizard Voldemort ever feared.

In the spring of 1980 (the year Harry was born) or in the fall of 1981, Dumbledore interviewed Sybill Trelawney in the Hog’s Head for the post of Divination teacher. He bore witness to a prophecy made by her concerning a boy born at the end of July who had the power to vanquish the Dark Lord. A Death Eater by the name of Severus Snape was eavesdropping on the other side of the door but the bartender threw him out. Around this time, Dumbledore also hired Snape (who had told his story and convinced Dumbledore that he was to be trusted) as Potions master of Hogwarts but refused his request to become the new DADA teacher, in fear that it might lure him into his old ways. On October 24th, Dumbledore told Lily and James about the prophecy and helped cast the Fidelius Charm to keep them safe. He offered to be their Secret Keeper as opposed to Sirius Black, even though they were set on having Black as their Keeper. Dumbledore remained worried, for he was almost certain there was a spy passing information onto Voldemort. On October 31st or November 1st, 1981, Dumbledore placed the now-orphaned Harry on the Dursleys’ doorstep with a letter to Petunia. He may have contacted Petunia before this, as in the fifth book he sent a Howler telling her, “Remember my last, Petunia.”

Around 1990, many people wanted Dumbledore to become the new Minister for Magic but he didn’t want the job, so it was given to Cornelius Fudge. The following year, Dumbledore met Harry for the first time in ten years and their relationship grew past that of a teacher and a student. He rescued Harry from his second encounter with Lord Voldemort.

In June of Harry’s fourth year, Dumbledore and Fudge got into a bit of row because Fudge wouldn’t believe that Voldemort had come back to power. Dumbledore had Sirius round up the “old crowd” and The Order of the Phoenix was restarted. Snape was to go back to Voldemort and become his “spy”. (Snape played a double-agent.) This time the Order was more prepared and headquarters was established at Number 12, Grimmauld Place, which was now Sirius’s property.

On August 12, 1995, Dumbledore testified on Harry’s behalf in front of the Wizengamot, despite recent rumours that he was spreading lies and was generally off his rocker. It must have been a bit difficult for him to testify as he had a lot to deal with and that he had been voted off the Wizengamot that summer. He thought Harry had enough to cope with and therefore did not make him a Prefect. In order to protect Harry from expulsion from Hogwarts later in the year, Dumbledore took responsibility for creating the D.A. and was removed from his post as Headmaster. Only a select few bunch of people knew where he went. (It is rumoured that he stayed in the Hog’s Head, as his brother is the bartender.) In June of 1996, Dumbledore battled Voldemort in the Atrium at the Ministry of Magic. Fudge was forced to believe that Dumbledore was not telling lies and the news was out in the Daily Prophet by the next morning. After the battle, safely back in Dumbledore’s office, Dumbledore recounted everything to Harry that he “should have told Harry (you) five years ago.”

Dumbledore was tall, thin, and very old (approximately 150 years old). He had light, sparkling blue eyes, hidden behind half-moon spectacles and a very crooked nose (that looked as though it was broken in at least two places). His originally auburn hair turned silver and he had a moustache and a beard long enough to tuck into his belt buckle. He is often described as the greatest wizard of the age and had a scar the shape of the London Underground above his knee. He owned a Pensieve, a put-outer, a time turner, and several delicate silver instruments. His favourite foods were sherbet lemon drops and hot cocoa. His favourite flavour of jam was raspberry.

He received the Order of Merlin, First Class, and Grand Sorcerer, he was the founder and Secret Keeper of The Order of the Phoenix, he was the Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards (though temporarily “voted out” but reinstated), and the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot (temporarily denoted but reinstated in the sixth book). He was skilled in legilimency, could cast spells without a wand, could send messages with his wand, could become invisible without an invisibility cloak and could quite possibly see through them too.

Dumbledore’s office is/was a large circular room with many books and portraits of previous headmasters and headmistresses. His portrait now hangs on the wall as well; we saw it sleeping soundly at the end of book 6. The Sorting Hat is kept in the office and so is his pet phoenix: Fawkes, though Fawkes may not come back to the office anymore. The Order of the Phoenix uses Fawkes to communicate with each other. The cores of Harry’s and Voldemort’s wand use a single tail feather from Fawkes. Dumbledore’s Patronus is that of a phoenix. He was killed by Professor Snape, as previously agreed by them, at the end of Harry’s sixth year at Hogwarts and in his will he left the three friends enough clues and tools to discover the Horcruxes and destroy them.

Dumbledore, Ariana

The younger sister of Albus and Aberforth, she was left traumatised after an attack by a group of Muggle boys who saw her practising magic. The trauma was so deep that her magic became uncontrolable and in an outburst of such magic she accidently killed her mother. She herself was accidently killed during a three way battle between her two brothers and Grindelwald, when a stray curse struck her.

Dumbledore, Kendra

Mother of Albus, Aberforth and Ariana, she was killed accidently when her daughter caused a magical explosion.

Dumbledore, Percival

Father of albus, Aberforth and Ariana, he was sent to Azkaban for attacking the Muggle boys who had in turn attacked his daughter.

Dursley, Dudley

Dudley is Mr. and Mrs. Dursley’s only child. He is an enormous blonde bully with blue eyes who is about the same age as Harry (he was born on June 23, 1980). He had two bedrooms: one for himself and one for all his stuff. That is, until Harry moved into his second bedroom. In book 1 we are told that Aunt Petunia often said he looked like a baby angel, whereas Harry thought he looked more like a pig in a wig. He has a large pink face, small, watery blue eyes, five chins and thick blonde hair.

By book 5, he wears a leather jacket (which he is sick on when attacked by Dementors). His best friend is Piers Polkiss. He is the leader of a gang of bullies (including Piers, Dennis, Malcolm and Gordon). He goes to Smeltings, a private school that Uncle Vernon once attended. The uniform is a lovely arrangement of maroon tailcoats, orange knickerbockers and flat straw boaters. They also carry knobbly sticks to hit each other with (good training for later life). He likes to watch The Great Humberto on TV. He snores. Aunt Petunia calls him ‘sweetums’, ‘Dinky Duddydums’, ‘Ickle Dudleykins’ and ‘Diddy darling’. Aunt Marge calls him ‘Dudders’ and ‘Neffy Poo’. Hagrid gave him a pig’s tail after Uncle Vernon insulted Dumbledore in front of him. He said he’d tried to turn him into a pig but it didn’t work because Dudley was so much like a pig already. The tail was removed at a private hospital in London.

The first time Harry met Malfoy, he was strongly reminded of Dudley. By the end of Dudley’s first year at Smeltings, he was so fat his bottom drooped over each side of chairs when he sat down. To impress one of Uncle Vernon’s clients, Dudley planned on saying ‘We had to write an essay about our hero at school, Mr. Mason, and I wrote about you’. Dudley hates magic and is terrified of it. He has fallen victim to it four times: once, when Harry made the glass in the reptile house vanish by accident and a huge snake slithered towards him, once when Hagrid gave him a pig’s tail, once when Fred and George gave him a ton-tongue toffee and once when he was attacked by Dementors. After his third year at Smeltings, he took home a letter from the school nurse saying that he was obese and must diet. Consequentially, Aunt Petunia put the whole family on a diet and they ate grapefruit for breakfast.

Dudley doesn’t take much of an interest in current affairs; according to Uncle Vernon he probably doesn’t even know who the Prime Minister is. By book 5 he has become a complete hooligan known as ‘Big D’, who spends every evening vandalising the play park, smoking on street corners, and throwing stones at passing cars and children. He has also converted some fat to muscle after having discovered a new talent for boxing. (He is the Junior Heavyweight Inter-School Boxing Champion of the South-East.) When Dementors attacked Harry in Magnolia Cresent, Dudley almost received the Dementor’s kiss, but Harry managed to drive them away with a Patronus and save both of them.

Dudley slightly redeemed himself in the eyes of his cousin during their final meeting at the beginning of the seventh book when he not only attempted to be nice to Harry, he showed concern and care about his welfare. JK rowling has since informed us, the two are on “Christmas card terms”

Presents Dudley has received:

  • pet parrot, but he swapped it at school for an air rifle
  • small, working tank, which he used to run over the neighbour’s dog
  • tortoise, but its fate now is unclear, as in a tantrum he threw it through the greenhouse roof
  • video camera
  • remote control aeroplane
  • lots of computer games (including Mega Mutilation Part 3)
  • VCR
  • gold wristwatch
  • computer
  • at least four televisions (one broken because he put his foot through it)
  • racing bike
  • PlayStation, which he threw out of the window when angry because his mother threatened to cut his pocket money
  • lots of books, which he has never read
  • money
  • computerised robot (from Aunt Marge)

Dursley, Marjorie “Marge”

Aunt Marge is Uncle Vernon’s sister. She is a large, beefy woman with a purple face, tiny eyes, shovel-like hands and a moustache, who lives in a large house in the country where she breeds bulldogs. She wears tweed. She doesn’t often stay at Privet Drive because she can’t bear to leave her ‘precious dogs’. Her favourite dog is called Ripper, and she takes him with her when she visits. The rest of her (twelve) dogs she leaves in the care of Colonel Fubster. Ripper once chased Harry up a tree and Aunt Marge didn’t call him off until midnight. (Snape saw this memory in Harry’s Occlumency lessons.) She hates Harry with a passion and loves to criticise him.

One of her favourite hobbies is comparing him to Dudley and pointing out where he is lacking. She drinks wine and brandy and has a very firm grip. Once she burst a wineglass at Colonel Fubster’s, a feat that was repeated at Privet Drive, but this time with the help of accidental magic from Harry. Harry loses control again when Marge insults his parents and he blows her up like a balloon. She has to be punctured by members of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad. Her memory is modified so she has no recollection of the incident. In book 1 she fell ill after eating a ‘funny whelk’.

Dursley, Petunia Evans

Petunia is Harry’s aunt (Lily Potter’s sister). She is horse faced and horse teethed, blonde, bony and has a shrill voice and high, false laugh. She has large, pale grey eyes. She hates and fears magic and wanted to stamp all the magic out of Harry. Obviously, she failed in doing this. She dotes on her horrible son Dudley. She is a housewife and spends most of her free time spying on the (boring and law-abiding) neighbours. She also cares a lot about what the neighbours think and dreads the thought that they could find out about Harry being a wizard.

At a dinner party the Dursleys threw, she wore a salmon pink cocktail dress and cooked roast pork and a pudding with whipped cream and sugared violets. (At Vernon’s work parties, she always wears the same sort of frilly dress.) She’s a neat freak and Harry thinks she’d faint at the amount of earth under Professor Sprout’s fingernails. She hates animals. At home, she usually encourages Harry to stay out of the way. She is in denial that Dudley could be a horrible bully, maintaining that ‘he’s a boisterous little boy, but he wouldn’t hurt a fly!’ When she is stressed, she cleans and tidies even when the house is already spotless. She reads gossip magazines and is obsessed with scandals in the lives of celebrities. As well as cleaning the house, she gardens and some of the flowers we know she grows are begonias.

Her and her sister Lily had an ongoing animosity between them until Lily died, which was when Petunia transferred her hate to Harry. She hated the fact that Lily was a witch and once stated that she was a freak who “used to come home every summer with frog spawn in her pockets and change teacups into rats.” This was a bit of an exaggeration.

She has been in touch with the wizarding world (Dumbledore, if you will), as she got a Howler from him saying, “Remember my last, Petunia.” This referred to the letter Dumbledore left on her doorstep in 1981. She also has a knowledge of Dementors and Voldemort, it seems, but is unwilling to acknowledge it.

Dursley, Vernon

Uncle Vernon is Harry’s uncle, but only related to him by marriage. He is Aunt Marge’s brother, Dudley’s father and Aunt Petunia’s husband. He is a big, beefy man with small blue eyes, hardly any neck, a red face and a lot of moustache, who looks a lot like Dudley and Aunt Marge. He has black hair. He directs a firm called Grunnings that makes drills. He has a ‘Medieval attitide’ towards magic and hates and fears it. He has a new company car that he wants the street to notice and admire

He makes up a lie about Harry’s school, telling Aunt Marge that Harry goes to St Brutus’s School for Incurably Criminal boys. However horrible and ignorant he is, he is undeniably quite brave, standing up to Hagrid and shielding Petunia from the Weasleys, who he fears are dangerous. He is very cruel to Harry most of the time (he has gotten better over the past few years) and does anything in his power to make sure his nephew is miserable.


Edgecombe, Madam

Marietta’s mother. She works in the Floo Network Office in the Department of Magical Transportation. She helped police the fires of Hogwarts for a while.

Edgecombe, Marietta

A Ravenclaw student in the same year as her best friend, Cho Chang. She is the daughter to Madam Edgecombe. She has curly reddish-blonde hair. She was taken to the DA meetings with Cho, even though she didn’t want to go, and eventually sold them out to Umbridge. The parchment she signed her name on had been jinxed and her face broke out into purple bumps spelling the word SNEAK. She couldn’t testify in front of Umbridge and Ministry officials because she was too busy trying to cover her face and was Obliviated by Shacklebolt soon after.


[Owl Emporium]

Elladora, Aunt

She is Sirius Black’s aunt who started the tradition of beheading house-elves who got too old to carry tea trays.

Emeric the Evil

A historical wizard whom Ron and Harry sometimes get mixed up with Uric the Oddball.


Errol is the really old Great Grey owl that belongs to the Weasley family. He often collapses after hitting a window or from exhaustion and often needs help from other owls due to his old age.

Evans, Mark

Dudley and his gang of bullies beat him up in the summer 1995 after he cheeked Dudley.


A sallow-faced wizard with short black bangs, Everard was a former Headmaster of Hogwarts. His portrait hangs in the Head’s office at Hogwarts and in the Ministry of Magic.



Hagrid’s pet dog.

Fat Friar, The

He is the cheerful Hufflepuff ghost who wishes first years a good day and hope they get sorted into Hufflepuff.




Fawkes is Albus Dumbledores’s phoenix (and Patronus shape) and rebirths himself when killed or simply when he turns too old by bursting into flame and re-emerging as a baby out of the ashes. Fawkes is the phoenix who lent two tail feathers (one each) to Tom Riddle’s and Harry Potter’s wands, thus helping Harry in the fourth book with the Priori Incantatem effect. Fawkes blinded the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets and used his tears to heal the wound in Harry’s elbow. He then transported Harry, Ron, Ginny and Professor Lockhart back to a safer part of the castle.

In the fifth book, he kept a lookout for Umbridge for Dumbledore and “swallowed” the Killing Curse that Voldemort sent Dumbledore’s way (Fawkes was reborn after that). Dumbledore and the Order use(d) Fawkes to send messages back and forth to each other, though they use their Patronuses as well. Fawkes sang “The Phoenix Lament” when Dumbledore died. He has sung on other occasions throughout the series as well, such as when Harry was fighting in the Chamber of Secrets and when Harry and Voldemort’s wands joined in the fourth book. Fawkes’s colours are red and gold, and though speculation has been made about him being owned by Gryffindor, JKR has confirmed that Dumbledore is the only one who has ever owned him.

Fenwick, Benjy

A member of the original Order of the Phoenix. He was killed by Death Eaters and only bits of him were found.



Figg, Arabella Doreen

Harry’s next door neighbour at the Durseley’s who turns out to be a Squib whom was asked by Dumbledore to keep an eye on Harry when he was home for the holidays.

Filch, Argus

Filch is the Hogwarts caretaker and is an ill-tempered Squib. He has a vast knowledge of the Hogwarts passages and corridors and always has reminders set up at the beginning of the year to enforce rules for students, such as being in their dorms on time. He owns a cat named Mrs Norris (whom he often refers to as “my sweet”) and she looks out for troublemakers as well, calling Filch within seconds if someone is doing something wrong. In the second book, Harry and Ron caught Filch trying to teach himself basic magic.

In the fifth book, he got permission from Dolores Umbridge to bring back “old punishments”, such as hanging students by their hands and to whip misbehaving students (according to Educational Decree Number Twenty-Nine). He called Umbridge the best thing that ever happened to Hogwarts. He, Mrs Norris and Peeves don’t get along well. Sometime in the 1977-1978 school year he confiscated the Marauder’s Map from James Potter and co. He has grey lamp-like eyes and grey hair.

Finch-Fletchley, Justin


Finnigan, Seamus

Seamus is a half-blood Irish wizard with a strong accent. His mother is a witch and his father is a Muggle and it was a shock to him when he found out about his wife. Seamus is in Gryffindor and is a rabid Quidditch fan. He watched the Quidditch World Cup final with the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione, voting for Ireland over Bulgaria. He shares his dormitory with Harry, Ron, Neville and Dean Thomas (his best friend).

He thinks Parvati Patil is the best looking girl in their year but went to the Yule Ball with her best friend, Lavender Brown. Under the influence of his mother and the Daily Prophet, Seamus had difficulty believing in Harry and Dumbledore in the fifth book, causing a big rift between the two boys. Finally, after Seamus had read the interview printed in The Quibbler, he was forced to believe Harry and the two made up. He joined Dumbledore’s Army. At the end of the sixth book, he had a loud argument with his mother, whom wished to remove him from Hogwarts but grudgingly agreed to let him at least attend Dumbledore’s funeral, indicating that he had more loyalty for him than he let on. He has sandy hair and bluish-green eyes.



Flamel, Nicolas

an alchemist who used the Philiosophers [or sorcerers] stone to create an Elixir of Life to keep him and his wife alive for near 500 years. A friend of Dumbledore, it was he that Flamel entrusted with the stone to protect it when it was made clear Voldemort was searching for it.

Flamel, Perenelle

Wife of Nicolas Flamel.

Fletcher, Mundungus “Dung”

Dung tried to hex Arthur Weasley in the second book when his back was turned and during the fourth book, Arthur demanded compensation for a twelve-bedroomed tent with en-suite jacuzzi that was ruined during the Quidditch World Cup final, while in actuality Dung slept inside a cloak propped on sticks. He was a part of the original Order of the Phoenix. He is a bit of a crook and was supposed to be on guard duty for Harry, making sure nothing shady happened to him in the summer of 1995, but abandoned his post for some stolen cauldron business. Harry was attacked by Dementors sent by Umbridge and Dung faced the wrath of Mrs Figg. He is very loyal to Dumbledore though, as Dumbledore got him out of a spot of trouble before.

He is described as a squat, unshaven man with short, bandy legs and long, straggly ginger hair. (Déjà vu, anyone? Sounds sort of like Crookshanks, doesn’t it?) He has bloodshot, baggy eyes and smokes a pipe which emits green smoke that smells like burnt socks. Mrs Weasley does not like his behaviour and has yelled at him on several occasions. He sold Fred and George some supplies to help get their shop running. He used Moody’s spare invisibility cloak and dressed up as a witch on several occasions throughout the fifth book. He was the veiled witch in the Hog’s Head who overheard that Harry was making a DADA group.

He had to dress up because he was banned from the pub twenty-one years ago and the barman has a long memory. In the sixth book, he was caught by Harry trying to sell a bag of Sirius’s things (now Harry’s) and Harry was so upset and angry that he attempted to strangle Mundungus, but was stopped and Mundungus escaped. He got sent to Azkaban for selling fake Anti-Dark Arts devices and was caught during a botched robbery. He got sent to prison on charges of impersonating an Inferius. It is believed that the locket mentioned as “unopenable” from the Black house in the fifth book could be one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes. It is not known whether Dung was trying to sell it or not.

Flint, Marcus

A Slytherin student who was on the Quidditch team.

Flitwick, Filius

Professor of Charms, this part Goblin is also the Ravenclaw Head of House. He was a champion dueller in his younger days and was instrumental in the Final Battle of Hogwarts when the Death Eaters attacked the school.



Flume, Ambrosius

Flume used to be a student of Slughorn’s and is now working in Honeydukes. He gives Slughorn a hamper of sweets for every birthday because he was the one of introduced him to Ciceron Harkiss, who gave him his first job.

Fortescue, Florean

Former owner of Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlour in Diagon Alley. He knows quite a bit about medieval history and used to give Harry free sundaes every half hour, while helping him with his essays too. He is believed to have been dragged off by Death Eaters during the first few weeks of the second war.

Frobisher, Vicky


“Froglike little man” in portrait

He hangs on the wall in the Prime Minister’s office and delivers messages from the wizarding world to the Prime Minister. He is an ugly, ‘froglike man wearing a long, (curly) silver wig… depicted in a small and dirty oil painting in the far corner of the room’. He has a crisp, decisive voice that sounds like he is reading a prepared statement and delivers the message to the Prime Minister each time he is about to be visited by Cornelius Fudge. His painting is probably stuck to the wall with a Permanent Sticking charm (like Mrs. Black’s at Grimmauld Place) because it refuses to be taken down after many attempts. He is seen by the Prime Minister occasionally, yawning, scratching his nose, digging in his ear with a quill or even wandering out of the painting and leaving only muddy-brown canvas behind.

Fubster, Colonel

Fudge, Cornelius Oswald

Former Minister of Magic, he was dismissed due to his unwillingness to believe that Lord Voldemort had returned, which led to great losses against the Death Eaters. He was replaced by Rufus Scrimgeour, but stayed in an advisory capacity.


Gaunt, Marvolo

Descendent of Slytherin, Grandfather and murder victim of Lord Voldemort. His ring was to become one of his Granddson’s Horcruxes.

Gaunt, Merope

Mother to Lord Voldemort after tricking his father [Tom Riddle] with a Love Potion. Merope convinced herself that Tom Riddle truly loved her and stopped spiking him with the potion. Unfortunately, he did not love her in return and kicked her out. Pregnant and alone, Merope went to Knockturn Alley and sold the Slytherin Locket [which was to later become a Horcrux] to raise money for survival. She died during child birth, something which her son never forgave her for.

Gaunt, Morfin

Uncle and Murder victim of Lord Voldemort.



Goldstein, Anthony






Gornuk the goblin


Goshawk, Miranda

Author of The Standard Book of Spells series.


Death Eater, father of Gregory Goyle.

Goyle, Gregory

Slytherin student, best friend and side kick of Draco Malfoy.

Granger, Hermione Jane

Hermione Jane Granger is a Muggleborn witch with parents who are both dentists. She is described as having “a bossy sort of voice, lots of bushy brown hair and (until fourth year) rather large front teeth.” She has brown eyes. In an online chat, Jo told fans that her birthday is on September 19th, 1979. Since third year she has owned a pet cat called Crookshanks who is actually part kneazle (look it up in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them!). She is in Harry’s year at Hogwarts and currently a Gryffindor prefect along with Ron Weasley.

We were introduced to Hermione in chapter 6 of The Philosopher’s Stone, when she came into Harry and Ron’s compartment on the Hogwarts Express and asked them if they had seen Neville Longbottom’s lost toad. This showed us immediately that she was willing to help people out, but also that she liked to be in charge of things. The fact that she sat down without being invited showed us that she wasn’t at all shy, especially as she proceeded to tell them all about the spells she had learnt and all the books she had read. This showed us straight away Hermione’s love for learning, and also her skill as a witch, which are exceptional. Remus Lupin called her ‘the greatest witch of (her) age I’ve ever met.’

Ron and Harry couldn’t stand her after this, thinking she was a bossy show off. Ron said ‘whichever house I’m in, I hope she’s not in it’! Unfortunately for Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ron all ended up in the same house – Gryffindor. At the feast Hermione told Percy (one of Ron’s elder brothers) that she was particularly interested in Transfiguration, which was interesting because the lesson is taught by the Head of Gryffindor house. Sure enough, in their first Transfiguration lesson Hermione was the only student to have started transfiguring a match into a needle, an early indication of her talent. She was just as good in her first Potions lesson, knowing the answer to every question, though Snape the Potions master was distinctly unimpressed.

She made friends with Harry and Ron after they saved her from a mountain troll in first year. She had been in the girls’ toilets crying because she had overheard Ron saying “it’s no wonder no one can stand her.. She’s a nightmare, honestly” on the night of the Halloween feast. They realised that Hermione didn’t know about the troll after they had all been told to go to their dormitories, and decided to go and tell her themselves. However, the troll had found its way into the toilets where Hermione was, and was advancing on her. Harry and Ron distracted it, and Ron knocked it out by levitating its own club above its head and then dropping it. After that Hermione became friends with Harry and Ron. As the book says, ‘there are some things you can’t share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them.’

She has very strong convictions and firmly believes that the way house elves are treated is wrong. To this end, she founded S.P.E.W – Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, not spew! To join S.P.E.W costs XXXX and members receive XXXX. So far the policies of S.P.E.W have included Hermione knitting a lot of hats to sneakily place around Gryffindor common room for elves to be freed once they found them. She didn’t realise that Dobby the house elf had gone around picking them all up, because other house elves felt offended. S.P.E.W shows that Hermione has the best of intentions, but maybe doesn’t always get things right. So far we’ve been told repeatedly that house elves LIKE to work, and it is actually cruel to them to expect them to be free. Dobby seems to be a maverick in that he wants to be paid – other house elves find the idea shocking and are ashamed of Dobby.

It was Hermione’s idea for Harry to set up Dumbledore’s Army, a club set up during Umbridge’s reign as High Inquisitor at Hogwarts, for the students to learn Defence Against the Dark Arts illegally. It was a mark of how Hermione does not always follow the rules. We saw during one of these meetings that Hermione’s Patronus was an otter – Jo said that her own patronus would also be an otter. This ties in with the fact that Jo has said that Hermione is probably the character she identifies most with. She says that during her time at school she was a lot like Hermione – only less intelligent!

One of Hermione’s particular talents is for conjuring portable fires that she can carry around in a jam jar. We first saw this in chapter 11 of the first book, where Hermione, Harry and Ron huddled around it at breaktime to get warm. We saw it again at the first year Quidditch match where Quirrel was cursing Harry. Hermione set fire to Snape’s robes, because she thought it was Snape that was doing the cursing. The third time she used the fire was to save Harry and Ron’s lives. She lit a fire to make the Devil’s Snare release them (it hates light and warmth).

Hermione is a stickler for rules and lives for reading, spending what seems to be most of her free time in the library. Her solution to most problems is to consult a book; so Harry thinks anyway, when wondering if he should ask her about his scar hurting. In first year, Ron called her insufferable, a statement echoed by Snape who labelled her an ‘insufferable know-it-all’ when covering a Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson for Remus Lupin in third year.

She helps Harry and Ron by checking their homework over for mistakes although she refuses to let them copy her, once again showing her nature as very moral and willing to help people.

Hermione’s parents (being Muggle dentists) send her packages of sugar free snacks to school, but that doesn’t stop her giving Harry and Ron chocolate frogs and Bertie Bott’s beans.

She’s shown how unwilling she is to break rules on numerous occasions – telling Harry that he mustn’t fly after Malfoy in their first flying lesson and telling Harry that he mustn’t go wandering around the school at night, for example. However, she has shown that she will break rules if she feels it is necessary. We saw this when she stole Potions ingredients from Snape’s office in second year, when she walked out of Divination, when she slapped Malfoy, as well has having the idea to start the D.A. As well as loving rules, she’s very organised – she buys Harry and Ron homework timetables for Christmas and colour codes her notes.

She is a very logical person as well as being very intelligent and perceptive – we can see this when she solves Snape’s puzzle in the Philosopher’s Stone. We know that she has a pink dressing gown (bath robe) (chapter nine of book 1) and another interesting bit of information is that the only thing she can be beaten at is Wizard Chess by Ron.

In book 6, she took a disliking to Fleur Delacour, nicknaming her “Phlegm” with Ginny. She gets angry with Harry for being good in Potions because of the Half-blood Prince’s copy of the book and does some research to find out whom the Half-blood Prince was and if it was a female. She joins the Slug Club for being an excellent Potions student and asks Ron to come to a party with her but doesn’t take him when he makes a snide remark about her wanting to take McLaggan (which she does). She finds Lavender and Ron kissing and sends birds to attack Ron in an empty classroom and runs out sobbing. She makes up with him after he is poisoned. At the end of the year, she (along with a few other D.A. members) patrol Hogwarts on Harry’s leave and battle with Death Eaters, barely surviving only thanks to the Felix Felicis. She and Ron have acknowledged their feelings for each other but are not together officially. She tells Harry that she will stick by him no matter what, at the end of the book.


Grawp is Hagrid’s little brother. They share the same giantess mother, Fridwulfa. He is approximately 16 feet (4.8 metres) tall and has knuckles the size of cricket balls. Hagrid first of learns of him during his mission to seek out the giants hidden in the mountains and persuade them to join the good side. The other giants bullied Grawp, as he was smaller than they were, so Hagrid brought him back and hid him in the Forbidden Forest. He had to tie him to the trees to keep him there, as Grawp did not want to stay. Hagrid attempted to teach him English and manners, which does not prove easy.

When Hagrid left Hogwarts, he asked Harry, Ron and Hermione to look after him. Grawp saved Harry and Hermione from the centaurs at the end of the fifth book, getting frustrated that “Hagger” was nowhere in sight. In the sixth book, Hagrid claimed that Grawp was coming on much better and now lived in the mountains outside Hogsmeade. He even attended Dumbledore’s funeral with Hagrid. Dressed properly and well behaved, he comforted Hagrid.

Greengrass, Asteria


Greengrass, Daphne




Greyback, Fenrir

Death Eater and a werewolf. Didn’t attempt to find Voldemort after the first war because he believed him finished. He is a big, rangy man with a rasping bark for a voice. His robes are tight on him. He often smells of blood, sweat and dirt. He has yellow fingernails and sharp, pointy teeth. He is a friend of the Malfoy family and Draco used his name to scare Borgin into doing a task for him in Borgin and Burkes during the summer of 1996. He is the werewolf that bit Remus Lupin as a child because Lupin’s father had offended him. His identity was kept a secret from Remus for a long time. Remus describes as probably “the most savage werewolf alive today.”

He likes to bite young children to get them away from normal wizarding society young. He thinks it his mission to contaminate as many people as possible to create an army to overcome wizards. Voldemort has promised him prey in return for his services and often threatens wizards by saying he will unleash Greyback on them if they don’t do as they say (it produces good results for Voldemort). Greyback thinks that werewolves deserve blood and should revenge themselves on normal people. He has developed a liking to human flesh, whether it is full moon or not.


Once best friend of Albus Dumbledore. He was a Dark Wizard defeated in 1945.


A goblin.

Grogg, Elfida

Briefly seen in a portrait.

Grubbly-Plank, Professor Wilhemina

She is an elderly witch with short, grey hair and a prominent chin. She substituted for Hagrid for Care of Magical Creatures in the beginning of the 1995-’96 school year and seemed to lots of students to be a much better teacher than Hagrid. She taught the students in Harry’s year a lot about Unicorns and took the first-years across the lake that year. She nursed Hedwig back to health for Harry. She smokes a pipe.

Gryffindor, Godric

One of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry over 1000 years ago, Gryffindor believed that anyone showing magical ability should be allowed to attend Hogwarts. When the decision was reached to split the school into four houses, Gryffindor took those of daring, nerve and chivalry. The Sorting Hat originally belonged to him as well as the sword with rubies that Harry used in the Chamber of Secrets. He was great friends with Salazar Slytherin until a fight broke out between Slytherin and the other three founders. Gryffindor came from the moors and it is possible that the village of Godric’s Hollow is named after him.

Gudgeon, Gladys

She writes fan mail weekly to Gilderoy Lockhart.

Grunnion, Alberic

One of the first chocolate frog card characters Harry collected.


Harkiss, Ciceron

A former employee of Honeydukes, whom gave Ambrosius Flume his very first job after being introduced to him by Horace Slughorn.

Hagrid, Rubeus

Hagrid is a half-giant and is very big. He was born on December 6th, 1928, to his giant mother, Fridwulfa, and his Muggle father. His mother abandoned his family when he was around three or four years old. His first year of Hogwarts was in 1940 (Gryffindor house) and his father died shortly after. In 1993, he was wrongly accused by Tom Riddle of opening the Chamber of Secrets and was thereby expelled from Hogwarts. His wand was snapped but he put the pieces back together and disguises his wand as a pink umbrella. Dumbledore was understanding, though, and let him stay at Hogwarts and train to be gamekeeper.

He was good friends with Lily and James and when they died, he rescued baby Harry from the ruins of his house. He would not let Sirius Black take Harry and used Black’s motorbike when offered to him. He delivered Harry to Number 4, Privet Drive, and howled when he had to leave.

On July 31st, 1991, he barged into the Dursleys’ rented hut, told Harry he was a wizard and also gave Dudley a pig’s tail (which had to be removed at a private hospital). He took Harry to Diagon Alley and explained to him about Lord Voldemort. He bought Hedwig for Harry. In the Spring of ’92, he hatched a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon named Norbert, obtained from a stranger in a pub through a card game, but had to get rid of him. He was sent to Azkaban for a few weeks in May (and was scared) because he was suspected of setting a monster on the loose in Hogwarts.

In that June his name was finally cleared after fifty years of the suspected murder of Myrtle. In the fall of ’93, he was given the position of Care of Magical Creatures teacher. The next year he met Olympe Maxime and was very taken with her. He took her to the Yule Ball and the following summer, the two visited the giants of the north as envoys. He ran away from Hogwarts at the end of Harry’s fifth year because Ministry officials attacked him to get rid of him from Hogwarts (because Umbridge had a problem with half-breeds). He was/is a part of the Order of the Phoenix.

He has beetle black eyes, crinkled in a smile, and long, tangled black beard and black hair. He has a dog named Fang, who is a boarhound. He loves magical creatures, especially dangerous ones and had a spider friend named Aragog.




Hedwig is a female snowy owl with amber eyes. Hagrid bought her for Harry on his eleventh birthday at Eeylops Owl Emporium in Diagon Alley. Harry named her from a name he found in his book A History of Magic. She is an extremely intelligent owl and often nips Harry’s finger affectionately. She can understand human speech. She anticipates Harry’s needs. She flew to France so that Hermione could get Harry a present for his thirteenth birthday and arrived at the Leaky Cauldron within minutes of Harry’s arrival on the Knight Bus, even though he had sent her away for a week. She lives in Hogwarts Owlery and occasionally stops by for some toast at breakfast.

Hengist of Woodcroft

A medieval wizard who founded the town of Hogsmeade. He was driven away from his home by Muggle persecutors and settled in Scotland where he founded Hogsmeade. Some say the Three Broomsticks used to be his home. He is on a Chocolate Frog Card.


Percy Weasley’s brown screech owl.

Higgs, Bertie


Higgs, Terrence

A Slytherin born c. 1975. Higgs was the Slytherin Seeker from 1991-1992 and was replaced by Draco Malfoy.



Hooch, Madam

First name has speculation (Rolanda and Xiomara) but has not been confirmed yet. Hooch has short grey hair and yellow, hawk-like eyes. She is the flying instructor and the Quidditch coach at Hogwarts. She learned to fly on one of the old Silver Arrow broomsticks, which are not made anymore.

Hooper, Geoffrey


Hopkirk, Malfalda

Hopkirk works at the Improper Use of Magic office and sends out warning letters when underage magic is detected.

Hufflepuff, Helga

One of the “Hogwarts Four”, Hufflepuff helped found Hogwarts school more than 1000 years ago. She came from the valley and has a Chocolate Frog Card which states that “she brought people from different walks of life together to help build Hogwarts and was loved for her charming ways.” She wanted Hogwarts to accept all types of wizarding students and teach them all the same.

Humberto, The Great

A person on a television program that Dudley was angry he missed because the family was running from Harry’s letters.


Imago, Inigo

The author of the book The Dream Oracle.




Jigger, Arsenius

The author of the book Magical Drafts and Potions.

Johnson, Angelina

Angelina Johnson was born the week before Halloween in 1997. She is a Gryffindor (1989-96) Quidditch Chaser and is currently the Quidditch captain, as well. She is a tall black girl and attended the Yule Ball with Fred Weasley. The Slytherin Montague knocked her off her broom during the Slytherin vs. Gryffindor final of Harry’s third year. She held back George Weasley in 1995 when he was trying to get at Malfoy for talking about his family.

Jones, Gwenog

The captain of the Holyhead Harpies and also an ex-student of Slughorn’s, she allows free tickets to be given to her old teacher whenever he wants them. Slughorn is on a first-name basis with the team.

Jones, Hestia

Jones is a new member of the Order of the Phoenix and was a part of Harry’s Advance Guard. She has black hair and pink cheeks.

Jordan, Lee

Born in 1978, Lee Jordan was sorted into Gryffindor house in 1989. He is two years older than Harry and is best friends with Fred and George Weasley. He commentates on the Quidditch matches but gets a bit carried away sometimes and offers his opinion a lot. Angelina Johnson won’t go out with him. He is a black boy with dreadlocks.
When Harry saw him on Platform Nine and Three Quarters for the first time, he was surrounded by a crowd of squealing students, holding a box that had a hairy tarantula in it.
When Fred and George left Hogwarts, to do his bit for Dumbledore and fill the empty space the twins left, Lee levitated some Nifflers through Umbridge’s windows, which tore her office apart. Unfortunately, Umbridge blamed it on Hagrid and used it as a reason to get him sacked.

Jorkins, Bertha

Jorkins was born c. 1958 and was two years ahead of the Marauders at Hogwarts. She had a reputation for being scatterbrained and a big gossip. In her sixth year, she once claimed that she saw someone “kissing Florence behind the greenhouses” and didn’t ignore it so that person hexed her. She appeared as a plump, scowling girl in Dumbledore’s Pensieve, who complained about poor treatment from fellow students.
After Hogwarts she went to work at the Ministry of Magic and some people were under the belief that she was shunted from department to department. She ended up working in the Department of Magical Games and Sports. She was a silly woman and when she went missing for a while in the summer of ’94 on a vacation to Albania, most people assumed she’d lost track of time and would come back in a week or two.

Some point before this summer, she went to Barty Crouch Sr.’s house to do some work and overheard his house elf, Winky, talking to Crouch Jr. (who was concealed by an Invisibility cloak). She realized then that he had escaped Azkaban and was hiding in the house. Crouch Sr. placed a strong Memory Charm on her to make her forget what she had seen and it was this charm that made her so forgetful.

While she was in Albania, she didn’t lose track of the time and place, she actually met Peter Pettigrew, who led her to Voldemort. Voldemort used powerful magic to break through the Memory Charm cast on her and discovered the upcoming Triwizard Tournament plans and that his faithful servant Crouch Jr. was still alive. The magic he used on her was so powerful that she was left “damaged,” so he killed her (1994).

The “shadow” of Bertha came out of Voldemort’s wand because of the Priori Incantatem effect. She knew what was going on and urged Harry to not let go of his wand.


Jugson is a Death Eater who made his first appearance in the fifth book. He fought in the battle at the Department of Mysteries and is currently in Azkaban prison. During the battle, he paired off with Antonin Dolohov to find Harry.


Karkaroff, Igor

Karkaroff was a Death Eater during Voldemort’s first reign and ratted out his fellow Death Eaters to the Ministry in exchange for being spared a life sentence in Azkaban. He was caught by Alastor Moody after Voldemort’s downfall and took out a big part of Moody’s nose. He then became the head of Durmstrang Institute and aged a great deal in appearance over the next few years. His hair went from black to grey. He has blue eyes.

He seemed to show exceptional favouritism towards the Bulgarian Quidditch team Seeker, Viktor Krum. When the Triwizard Tournament came along, Karkaroff was a judge and threatened to drop out of the Tournament when Harry became a Hogwarts champion. He met Snape at Hogwarts and the two shared a few conversations. His manner appears cheery but his smile does not reach his eyes. He ran for it in the June of 1995 when the Dark Mark burned into his arm to show that Voldemort had returned.


The Gurg (chief) of a tribe of giants living in the mountains. He stood at about twenty-two or twenty-three feet and had the weight of a couple of bull elephants. He had a wife. Hagrid and Maxime gave him a branch of Gubraithian fire the first day and a battle helmet the next day. He seemed interested in what Dumbledore had to say but was killed by some of the giants the second night. His head was lying at the bottom of the water.



Kirke, Andrew

Kirke was one of the Gryffindor Quidditch team’s Beaters during the 1995-1996 season because Fred and George Weasley got kicked off the team. He was at least a second year by this time. He is no longer a Beater.


Kreacher’s ancestors have been serving the Black family for centuries. He became the “property” of Sirius Black after Mrs. Black died but Kreacher hated Sirius. He was very loyal to Sirius’s parents, and Sirius even caught him snogging a pair of his father’s trousers once. He makes snide comments about the current inhabitants of Number 12, Grimmauld Place, and constantly mutters to himself, doing no real up keeping.

He tried to stop the Order throwing out various Dark Arts objects and would sneak them to his room (which was really a cupboard under the furnace). He had a picture of Bellatrix Lestrange in his room. When Sirius told him to “get out” once, he took it seriously and left to the Malfoys, where he told them hints about the Order, since he was still a house elf and still had to be loyal to Sirius. He told the Malfoys that the one person Sirius loved most in the world was Harry. He admitted to Dumbledore that he had told the Malfoys lots of things.

Krum, Viktor

Krum is the Seeker on the Bulgarian International Quidditch team. He is an extremely good flier and loved by Ron Weasley. He caught the Snitch before the Irish team in the Quidditch World Cup of ‘94 but Bulgaria still lost. He became the Durmstrang champion in his final year there during the Triwizard Tournament and was favoured by his Headmaster, Igor Karkaroff. He became taken with Hermione and asked her out to the Yule Ball, claiming that he only ever went to the library to see her. She accepted and was his hostage during the second task. During the final task, he used the Cruciatus Curse on Cedric Diggory. He was still corresponding with Hermione through letters a year later but she declined his invitation to stay at his house over the summer of ’95, preferring to stay with the Weasleys instead.




le Fey, Morgan “Morgana”

See also “Morgana.” Morgan was a medieval bird Animagus who was King Arthur’s half sister. She was a dark witch, Merlin’s enemy, and she affected many events during her time. She had great skill as a healer and was the queen of the island of Avalon. She was on one of the first Chocolate Frog trading cards Harry Potter ever saw.



Lestrange, Black Bellatrix

Bellatrix Black is estimated to be born in the 1950s. She was born into the pure-blood Black family and had two sisters: Andromeda Black Tonks and Narcissa Black Malfoy. She was Sirius Black’s first cousin and married a man named Rodolphus Lestrange.

She attended Hogwarts around the same years as Lucius Malfoy (mid-sixties to early seventies) and was sorted into Slytherin house. There, she met Rodolphus Lestrange, who she later came to marry. A true Black with pure-blood prejudices, she joined Voldemort’s ranks in the 1970s, as he was gaining power. After the Dark Lord’s downfall (c. 1981), Bellatrix, Rodolphus, his brother Rabastan, and Barty Crouch Jr., captured and tortured two well known Aurors: Frank and Alice Longbottom, in hopes of finding information to lead them to the Dark Lord. Bellatrix used the Cruciatus Curse on the two of them until they lost their minds. The four of them were sentenced by Barty Crouch Sr. and earned themselves a lifetime imprisonment in Azkaban. Bellatrix escaped during the mass breakout of Death Eaters in January of 1996 and rejoined Voldemort’s ranks (who had come back to power the previous summer). She is one of his top supporters and he called her “Bella”, as well as her sister Narcissa.

During the battle at the Department of Mysteries, Bellatrix attempted to torture Ginny Weasley, but the D.A. members present protected her. When she found out Neville was a Longbottom, she put the Cruciatus Curse on him. She duelled expertly with Sirius and in the end, succeeded in sending him falling through the veil. Harry chased her into the Atrium, where he attempted to perform the Cruciatus Curse on her but didn’t have enough want to cause her pain and she mocked him into giving her the prophecy. It had, of course, broken before. Voldemort showed up and when Dumbledore had defeated him, he fled with Bellatrix.

She is ruthless, kills first, and asks questions later, as we see when she murders a fox, suspecting it could be an Auror. (It wasn’t an Auror.) She doesn’t trust Snape and believes Voldemort is wrong about where his loyalties lie. She claims that Voldemort shares everything with her, saying, “He calls me his most loyal, his most faithful”; although by the sixth book she doesn’t seem to be as friendly with him. She says that if she had sons she would willingly sacrifice them for the Dark Lord. She is the Bonder for Narcissa and Snape’s Unbreakable Vow.

Bellatrix carries the Black looks: tall with black hair, and in her case, heavily-lidded eyes and an imperious manner. She has a strong jaw and is “dark as her sister (Narcissa) is fair.” Azkaban faded her looks though, and she is now left with a pale, gaunt face. She has not lost her arrogance or devotion to Voldemort and did not recant her allegiance to him during her trial.

Lestrange, Rabastan

Born in the 1950s, after Bellatrix Black and his brother Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan attended Hogwarts around the 1970s. He was in Slytherin house and later became a Death Eater. He was part of the group that tortured the Longbottoms and got sent to Azkaban for it.

Lestrange, Rodolphus

Also born in the 1950s, Rodolphus attended Hogwarts around the same time as Bellatrix Black (c. 1970s) and later came to marry her. He was in Slytherin house and became a Death Eater. He was part of the group that tortured the Longbottoms and got sent to Azkaban for it.





Lockhart, Gilderoy

Lockhart was born in the late 1950s and is currently around 35 to 40 years old. He has wavy golden hair, forget-me-not blue eyes and a perfect smile. He is obsessed with himself. His ideal birthday gift would be harmony between wizards and Muggles, or a case of Ogden’s Old Firewhisky. He wants to rid the world of evil and market his own hair-care products. He is an international celebrity and author, he received the Order of Merlin, 3rd class, he is an honorary member of the Dark Force Defence League and the five-time winner of Witch Weekly’s Most Charming Smile award. He specializes in Memory Charms because he tells people of his adventures in fighting various creatures when in reality all he did was interview the people who really dealt with the creatures and put Memory Charms on them. His favourite colour is lilac.

In 1992-1993, he became Hogwart’s Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. His office was filled with pictures of himself that he could autograph (with a peacock feather quill) to his fans. He had robes in every possible colour. He started the duelling club with Professor Snape to prepare the students in case they ever needed it. In June of 1993, in the Chamber of Secrets, he accidentally blasted himself with the Memory Charm he was aiming at Ron and Harry. He is now in the Janus Thickey ward in St. Mungo’s Hospital (ward 49, a ward for patients with long-term or permanent spell damage) where he tends to wander off and get lost. He just recently learned “joined-up” (cursive) writing and constantly gets fan mail, though he doesn’t know why. His nurse is rather fond of him.

Books by Gilderoy Lockhart:

  • Break With a Banshee
  • Gadding With Ghouls
  • Gilderoy Lockhart’s Guide to Household Pests
  • Holidays with Hogs
  • Magical Me (his autobiography)
  • Travel With Trolls
  • Voyages With Vampires
  • Wandering With Werewolves
  • Year With The Yeti

Longbottom, Algie

Neville’s great uncle who tried to trick Neville into showing some magical ability when he was a child. He once pushed him off the end of Blackpool Pier and nearly drowned him. Another time, he held eight year old Neville out of an upstairs window and accidentally dropped him, watching as Neville bounced all the way down the garden and into the road. This was a cause for celebration in the Longbottom household and so Algie bought Neville Trevor the toad.

Longbottom, Alice

Alice is guessed to have been born a few years before Lily and the Marauders and have attended Hogwarts a few years before them. She married Frank Longbottom and the two of them became very well known and respected Aurors. They were both a part of the original Order of the Phoenix and defied Voldemort three times. They gave birth to a baby boy, Neville, who was born at the end of July. This meant that he was one of the two boys a prophecy made could be referring to. After the downfall of Voldemort, Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange and Barty Crouch Jr. tried to get information to the Dark Lord’s whereabouts from Frank and Alice and in the end, Bellatrix tortured them into insanity with the Cruciatus Curse.

The two of them are now in the Janus Thickey ward in St. Mungo’s Hospital (ward 49, for permanent spell damage). Neville and his grandmother visit them frequently and although Alice doesn’t know who he is, she knows that Neville is someone she likes. She gave him a Drooble’s bubblegum wrapper and although Neville’s grandmother told him to throw it out, he pocketed it. Neville looks a lot like her. She used to have round face (though not anymore) and now has wispy white hair.

Longbottom, Augusta

Neville’s grandmother (Frank’s mother) who raises him in place of his hospitalised parents. She is a strong, proud woman who wears green robes, a fox-fur scarf, a stuffed vulture-topped hat and a red handbag. She is very strict and a bit tetchy with Neville, but loves him nonetheless. She’s very proud of him after his fight at the Department of Mysteries and thinks that Harry has more backbone than most people put together. She told Neville not to take N.E.W.T.-level Charms but little did Neville know that it was she who failed her Charms O.W.L.

Longbottom, Enid

Neville’s great aunt who’s possibly married to Uncle Algie.

Longbottom, Frank

Frank Longbottom is guessed to have been born and attended Hogwarts a few years before the Marauders, though it is not confirmed. At school he met a girl named Alice and the two of them got married later and became well known Aurors. Both of them were a part of The Order of the Phoenix and defied Voldemort three times. They gave birth to a baby boy at the end of the July of 1980, Neville, which meant that they were at risk. A prophecy was made foretelling of a boy born at the end of July who had the power to vanquish the Dark Lord. It is not known if they were informed of the prophecy.

At any rate, Neville was not chosen as “the one.” After the fall of Voldemort, Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange and Barty Crouch Jr. tortured Alice and Frank into telling the whereabouts of Voldemort, even though they didn’t know anything. They were tortured into insanity with the Cruciatus Curse. Neville was sent to live with his grandmother, who is also Frank’s mother. They are currently in the Janus Thickey ward in St. Mungo’s Hospital (ward 49, permanent spell damage) and do not even recognize family members. Neville and his grandmother visit them frequently.

Longbottom, Neville

Born on July 30th, 1980, to Aurors Frank and Alice Longbottom, Neville was one of two boys who could apply to a recent prophecy. Sybill Trelawney made a prophecy in front of Albus Dumbledore foretelling of a boy born at the end of July who had the power to vanquish Voldemort. This boy was born to parents who had thrice defied Voldemort. Neville was one of the boys and Harry Potter was the other. It is not known if Alice or Frank ever found out about the prophecy, but Neville, the Pureblood, was not chosen by Voldemort to mark him as his equal. It was Harry, the half-blood. Neville’s parents were tortured into insanity by a group of Death Eaters after Voldemort’s downfall and Neville was sent to live with his grandmother (Frank’s mother) when he was around one years old.

It was wondered for some years if he was squib because he didn’t show any magical ability, but his Uncle Algie proved that theory wrong (see Uncle Algie). Neville is in Gryffindor house at Hogwarts and is really forgetful. He is not very intelligent but Herbology is his forte. He has a round face, much like his mother’s, and seems to be slightly overweight. He snores. Though his bravery isn’t that of a “typical Gryffindor’s”, it has been shown throughout the books. For one thing, he joined Dumbledore’s Army, even though he could have been expelled from school and learned the spells very well. He stood up to his fellow Gryffindors when he knew he was right and also risked standing up to Crabbe and Goyle. He was very brave during the battle at the Department of Mysteries. His worst fear is Professor Snape, who constantly picks on him, and it is very courageous of Neville to continue to attend his classes. Neville’s boggart turned into Snape in a dress and that made Snape bully him worse.

His fellow Gryffindors treat him with respect and defend him at times. Hermione Granger helps him out in a lot of his classes, particularly Potions. He and his grandma visit his parents frequently. When Alice gave him a Drooble’s bubblegum wrapper during Christmas of his fifth year, he pocketed it, as opposed to throwing it away like his grandmother said. Nevillie played a huge part in the seventh books. With the Trio out chasing horcruxes, Neville kept up the work of “Dumbledore’s Army” within the castle walls, defying teachers and raising the morale of the students. He fights during the Final Battle of Hogwarts and is the one who destroys Voldemort’s final Horcrux, his faithful companion Nagini.

Lovegood, Luna

Luna Lovegood was born c. 1981 to wizarding parents. Her mother died when Luna was nine years old while experimenting with spells (Luna still misses her sometimes) and her father is the editor of The Quibbler magazine. Luna and her father may live near Ottery St. Catchpole (GoF) but it is not confirmed. Luna has protuberant silvery grey eyes, pale eyebrows, and straggly, waist-length dirty blonde hair. She wears a dreamy look and carries an aura of dottiness and often shows up wherever she is by accident. She sometimes keeps her wand behind her ear for safekeeping and wears a necklace of butterbeer caps.

Luna is in Ravenclaw house and began to attend Hogwarts in 1992. Her peers often ridicule her for her strange beliefs (which she tells to anyone who will listen) and call her “Loony Lovegood” behind her back. She is aware of this but keeps her dignity and remains serene. She believes in Crumpled-Horn Snorkacks. Harry, Ginny and Neville shared the same compartment with her on the Hogwarts Express before Harry’s fifth year and she was reading The Quibbler upside down. She stared at the others, laughed a little too loud, and was generally an odd compartment buddy.

She can see Thestrals because she has seen her mother die and when she tells Harry that he’s just as sane as she is, he’s not very comforted. She supported Gryffindor in their Quidditch match by wearing a realistic lion hat, which roared. She stood up for Harry in front of a few fourth and fifth year students, proclaiming her belief that he was telling the truth. She joined Dumbledore’s Army and her training paid off when she went with the others to The Department of Mysteries and helped battle some Death Eaters.

At the end of the year, Harry found her putting up notices around the school asking for her supplies back because people had stolen them. He was still mourning over the loss of his godfather but Luna told him that he would see him again. “In that room in the archway. They were just lurking out of site, that’s all, you heard them,” she had told him. This made Harry feel a bit better for some reason because Luna sounded so confident and pacific, kind of like believing in an afterlife.

Luna is kidnapped by Death Eaters in the seventh book for her father’s newspaper and her own involvement in the DA. She is held in the basment of Malfoy’s Manor along with Dean Thomas and Olivander the Wand Maker. They all escape after Harry and Ron are also imprisoned with them and Harry uses his life debt over Wormtail to aid their escape. She recovers at Shell Cottage and aids the Order of the Phoenix in the final Battle of Hogwarts.

Lovegood, ‘Xeno’ Xenophilius

Luna’s oddball father who is the editor of the unusal publication “The Quibbler”. He is generally seen as insane, but during the seventh book, his newpaper started to run the stories that the Daily Prophet [under control of Lord Voldemort] did not print. Because of this, his daughter Luna was kidnapped by Death Eaters and he attemtped to set a trap to capture Harry and hand him over in return for his daughter.

Lupin, Remus John

Remus John Lupin was born on March 10, 1960. He was a half-blood and despite popular belief, did not have a twin brother. When he was a very small boy, he received a bite from a werewolf named Greyback and turned into one himself. He received the bite because his dad had somehow offended Greyback. The identity of the werewolf that had bitten him remained anonymous to Lupin for a very long time. Because of his lycanthropy, Lupin’s chances of ever attending Hogwarts were slim to none; that is, until Albus Dumbledore became Headmaster. Dumbledore took careful precautions to allow Remus to attend Hogwarts and keep his secret safe at the same time. A house was built in Hogsmeade with a tunnel connecting to the newly planted Whomping Willow on the Hogwarts ground, where Remus could safely and secretly transform once a month. Because of the howling and other sounds made by him, Dumbledore encouraged the rumour that the house was haunted, and thus the house was christened as “The Shrieking Shack”.

In his first year at Hogwarts in 1971, Remus was sorted into Gryffindor house and quickly became friends with James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew. They later called themselves “The Marauders”. His friends were very intelligent, though. Remus made up countless excuses as to his absence every month, claiming that his mother was ill or something or the other. In his second year, his friends discovered him though, and for his benefit, became illegal Animagi to keep him company every full moon. It took about three years, and in their fifth year, the quartet explored the Hogwarts grounds and Forbidden Forest and came to write the Marauder’s Map (later confiscated by Filch). Remus was nicknamed “Moony” by his friends. James Potter used to call his lycanthropy his “furry little problem” in front of company, which led many people to believe that Lupin had a badly behaved rabbit.

Before his fifth year at Hogwarts, Remus got a letter notifying him that he was made a Gryffindor Prefect. He suspected it was because Dumbledore wanted him to exercise some control over his mischievous friends. Since Remus was so rejected his entire life, he was always pleased to have friends and cut them a lot of slack. When their O.W.L.’s were finished and Potter and Black were picking on Snape, Remus hadn’t the guts to tell them they were out of order.

During his sixth year at Hogwarts, Sirius told Snape how to get into the Whomping Willow, if he was so interested in knowing where Remus went every month. Of course, Snape tried it, and had James not found out about what Sirius did, all of them would have been in big trouble. Snape thought all of the Marauders were in on the joke, and hated them even more.

After leaving Hogwarts in 1978, Remus, the Marauders, and Lily joined the first Order of the Phoenix, fighting in the war against Voldemort. Remus suspected that Sirius was the spy passing information onto Voldemort, but did not voice his opinion. After Peter betrayed Lily and James, Remus lost everyone close to him: Lily and James dead, Peter supposedly dead, and Sirius in Azkaban.

Not long before Lupin became the new DADA teacher in Harry’s third year, the Wolfsbane Potion was discovered, enabling him to keep his mind when he transformed. When the trio saw him for the first time, he looked very ill and was wearing a shabby set of robes. He had a hoarse voice and his light brown hair was flecked with grey. Despite this fact, and the fact that Peeves took to calling him “Loony Loopy Lupin”, Remus soon became one of the most popular teachers at Hogwarts. He taught Harry how to defend himself from the Dementors. Around the last term of the year, he confiscated the Marauder’s Map, which Harry had mysteriously gotten, telling him that it was a poor way to repay his parents’ sacrifice. At the end of the year, he met up with Sirius in the Shrieking Shack and the two of them managed to convince the trio that Sirius was innocent. Snape found out a lot that night, too. Lupin forgot to take his Wolfsbane Potion that night, and when they got onto the Hogwarts grounds, he transformed, allowing Wormtail to escape. The next morning, Lupin resigned, as a vengeful Snape had “let slip” that he was a werewolf at the Slytherin table.

In June of 1995, Remus was alerted by Sirius (on Dumbledore’s orders) that the second war was coming and that they must start preparing. Sometime after this, he moved into 12 Grimmauld Place. He had a strong dislike for Umbridge as she had drafted some anti-werewolf legislation two years prior. He was part of the “advance guard” that brought Harry from Number 4, Privet Drive to headquarters. Later on, he escorted Harry and the others to St. Mungo’s Hospital and befriended another werewolf. When Harry used Umbridge’s fire to contact Sirius, Remus was there and helped give Harry insight to what he saw in the Pensieve and restrained Sirius from going after Snape for giving up on teaching Harry Occulmency.

During the battle at the Department of Mysteries, Remus witnessed Sirius’s death and held Harry back from going after him. At the end of the year, he and a few Order members bid farewell to Harry for the summer and warned the Dursleys to treat him well.

Remus Lupin is loyal, friendly, and shrewd and likes to be liked. At Hogwarts, he was studious, but was also mischievous and helped out with his friends’ pranks a lot. He never had the guts to tell them that they were out of order, but he did make them feel ashamed sometimes. Being a werewolf is his biggest fear as his boggart turns into the full moon. As of this point in the books, Lupin knows more about the Hogwarts grounds, aside from Fred and George Weasley, than anyone else.

He marries Tonks in a secret ceremony before the beginning of the 7th book and they have a son called “Teddy”. Lupin returns to Hogwarts for his last time during the Final battle and loses his life alongside his new wife.

Lupin, Teddy Remus

Son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadpra Tonks. In the epilogue of the final book he is caught kissing the daughter of Fleur and Bill Weasley, Victoire.

Lynch, Aidan



MacDougal, Morag

Hogwarts student mentioned in sorting. (1991-1998).

Macmillan, Ernie

Ernie Macmillan was born c. 1980 and started Hogwarts in the year 1991. He is in Hufflepuff house. He is stout and pompous but his heart is in the right place. In his second year at Hogwarts he took the lead amongst a few Hufflepuffs in his year in standing up for Justin Finch-Fletchley, who was a Muggleborn. He believed Harry was the Heir of Slytherin but soon realized he was wrong after Hermione was petrified. He made a public apology to Harry, who accepted.

He was made a Hufflepuff Prefect in his fifth year along with his close friend, Hannah Abbott. In the beginning of the year he loudly and proudly announced his support for Harry and Dumbledore, a particularly good move since it was followed after Luna’s support for Harry, which led others to believe that Harry was a bit of a flake. Later, Ernie joined Dumbledore’s Army (the D.A.) and learned a lot of practical magic. He had a habit of comparing how many hours a day he studied to those around him when O.W.L.s rolled around.



Madley, Laura


Malkin, Madam

A squat witch who was wearing mauve coloured robes on July 31st, 1980. She is the owner of a shop called Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions in Diagon Alley.

Malfoy, Draco

Draco Malfoy was born on June 5th, 1980, to parents Narcissa Black Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy. He is an only child and is part of a Pureblood family related to the Blacks and the Weasleys (though distantly). His family is rich and he worships his father. His mother frequently sends him treats from home (Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire, in southwest England). He owns an eagle owl.

On July 31st, 1991, Malfoy visited Diagon Alley with his parents to buy his school supplies. He met Harry Potter for the first time in Madame Malkin’s robe shop and told Harry that he was going to bully his father into buying him a new broomstick. He also told Harry how he didn’t think certain people should be worthy of learning magic. They were not introduced.

On September 1st, 1991, on his first train ride to Hogwarts, Malfoy met Harry again. He tried to “make friends” with Harry but Harry didn’t seem to like that concept. The two came to dislike each other greatly and Malfoy constantly strived to get above Harry in every way possible. He was sorted into Slytherin house.

Draco Malfoy has cold grey eyes (like his father), bleach blonde hair, and a pale, pointed face which holds a smirk a lot of the time. He is clearly spoiled by his parents and uses things to his advantage. For example, when Buckbeak slashed his arm in the fall of 1993, he skipped a week’s worth of lessons, made peers do his work for him, and used it as an excuse to give the Slytherin Quidditch team (which he became Seeker on in second year when his father donated Nimbus 2001 brooms to every player) extra time to practise because of bad weather. He constantly whines about things and says things like: “Just wait till my father hears about this.” He is seldom seen without his two cronies, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, who make good backup for him when he picks on other students. He sometimes hires them to do his dirty work and doesn’t have a problem calling people “Mudbloods.” He is favoured by Professor Snape.

In his second year he duelled Harry during their first duelling club meeting and made a serpent come out of his wand, leading us to believe that he has been taught some Dark Arts. He told Crabbe and Goyle – who were really Harry and Ron under the influence of the Polyjuice Potion – that he didn’t know who the Slytherin Heir was but that Lucius said he should keep a low profile and let the Heir get on with it. In his third year, he saw Harry’s head in Hogsmeade (after being attacked by mud and snowballs) and ran back to Hogwarts to inform Professor Snape.

In their fourth year, Malfoy developed the “Support CEDRIC DIGGORY – the REAL Hogwarts champion/POTTER STINKS” badges worn by most people of every house but Gryffindor. He taunted Harry on the Hogwarts Express back home about Voldemort being back but was hexed badly by Harry and a few others. He took Pansy Parkinson to the Yule Ball.

In his fifth year at Hogwarts, he became a Slytherin Prefect. He wrote the original version of “Weasley is Our King” and mocked Harry and the Weasley twins after Slytherin’s loss, resulting in getting beaten up by Harry and George (the two along with Fred were later kicked off the Quidditch team). He became a member of Umbridge’s Inquisitorial Squad in the spring of 1996 and caught Harry with a trip jinx. At the end of the year, he and a few other Slytherins held Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville and Ginny down in Umbridge’s office while they were trying to get to the Ministry of Magic. He was very interested in knowing where Dumbledore’s supposed weapon was but was left behind at Hogwarts. After his father’s arrest in late June, he delivered a death threat to Harry in the Hogwarts entrance hall. On the Hogwarts Express back home, he tried to surprise attack Harry with Crabbe and Goyle but made the mistake of doing it in front of other D.A. members.

In the sixth book he was given a mission by Voldemort to kill Dumbledore. According to Bellatrix, he seemed “glad of a chance to prove himself, excited by the prospect.” Narcissa believed that he had only been given the mission as revenge for Lucius’s mistakes at the Department of Mysteries, because it seemed likely that Draco would die. Snape made an Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa to assist him. All throughout that year, Harry Potter attempted to find Malfoy when he kept disappearing, but failed.

He was really in the Room of Requirement, trying to fix a Vanishing Cabinet (there was an identical one in Borgin and Burkes). He cried many times that year in front of Moaning Myrtle, who took a liking to him, telling her that Voldemort said that he would kill him if he did not complete his mission soon. Eventually, he did manage it, and snuck Death Eaters in from Borgin and Burkes into Hogwarts when Dumbledore was away. He had the chance to kill Dumbledore on the Astronomy Tower, putting on a brave face and insulting him, but did not have the guts to do it. Snape came and finished the job for him and he fled with Snape and a few other Death Eaters.

Malfoy, Lucius

Lucius Malfoy was born circa 1954 and was in Slytherin house. He was a Death Eater during the first war against Voldemort. Arthur Weasley believes that he was right in Voldemort’s inner circle. Lucius married another Pureblood, Narcissa Black Malfoy, and the couple had a son named Draco. The Malfoys are very rich. Lucius uses this to his advantage and generously donates money to gain power in the Ministry of Magic. Fudge goes along with him, as he’s very impressed by Lucius. The two talk privately sometimes.

During the Quidditch World Cup in 1994, Lucius and a few other Death Eaters tortured a Muggle family that was on the grounds. They fled when the Dark Mark was shot into the sky. The summer following that (June 24, 1995), Lucius regained his position as a Death Eater when Voldemort came back to power, claiming that had he heard word that Voldemort were alive, he would have been by his side in a second. When Harry succeeded in escaping from the graveyard and no one believed him, Lucius went back to his position at the Ministry but remained a Death Eater.

He partook in the battle at the Department of Mysteries but was caught by Aurors and sent to Azkaban. Voldemort was positively livid at his mistake, since he was supposed to be heading the mission to retrieve the prophecy.

The Malfoy family used to have a house elf named Dobby but Harry managed to trick Lucius into setting him free. Lucius has an assortment of illegal poisons, Dark Arts objects, and other artifacts hidden in his mansion (Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire, in southwest England) and some in a secret chamber under the dining room floor. He, like many others, has Pureblood prejudices and uses his money to try to change things at Hogwarts. He once managed to temporarily remove Dumbledore from his position as Headmaster.

Lucius has pale blonde hair, cold grey eyes, and a pale, pointed face.

Malfoy, Narcissa Black

Narcissa is the sister to Andromeda and Bellatrix Black and cousin to Sirius Black. She was in Slytherin house. She married another pure-blood, Lucius Malfoy, and the two had a baby boy named Draco on June 5th, 1980. She is slim and walks with light, quick strides. She has blonde hair that streams down her back and blue eyes and is “so pale that she seems to shine in the darkness”. When she Apparates it is with a quiet pop (wizards and witches make different levels of noise when they Apparate). She wears a look that suggests there’s something smelly under her nose. Bellatrix calls her “’Cissy”. Draco wanted to go to Durmstrang but she didn’t want him to go so far away from home and sent him to Hogwarts instead. She presumably sends him daily sweets from home via eagle owl while he’s at Hogwarts.

When Draco got asked to do a mission for the Dark Lord, Narcissa feared his safety, knowing that he would die if he couldn’t do it. She went to Severus for help and he reluctantly took an Unbreakable Vow with her, vowing to assist Draco. She got into a bit of a row with Harry in Madam Malkin’s robe shop, delivering a death threat to him when he insulted her husband. Draco tried to defend his mother but ended up tripping over his robes. The pair of them left the shop furiously, much to the trio and Madam Malkin’s disgust.

During the seventh book she allows Harry to live, informing Voldemort that he was dead when he wasn’t, to find out information on her son Draco.

Malfoy, Scorpius Hyperion

Draco’s son.

Marchbanks, Griselda

Born around 1830, Griseld Marchbanks is an elder on Wizengamot, though she and Tiberius Ogden resigned from the office in protest of making Umbridge Hogwart’s High Inquisitor. She is the head of the Wizarding Examinations Authority. She personally administered Dumbledore’s N.E.W.T.s, claiming that he “did things with a wand she’d never seen before.” Marchbanks may have an interest in goblin rights or simply have goblin friends, as the Daily Prophet included her in its smear campaign, saying that she had ‘links to subversive goblin groups.’

In the June of 1996, she was tiny and stooped and had a deeply lined face that looked as though it were draped in cobwebs. She personally examined Draco’s practical Charms O.W.L. and Harry’s practical Astronomy, Divination and Potions O.W.L.s. She is good friends with Mrs. Longbottom senior, and although Malfoy claims that his father knows her, Neville says that she’s never mentioned the Malfoys.




Gringotts guard with probity probe.

Marsh, Madam

An old witch prone to motion sickness, Madam Marsh got off at Abergavenny in the summer before Harry’s third year and became ill and vomited in Harry’s fifth year. She was let off before the other passengers, which was fine with them.



Mason, Mr. and Mrs.

A rich builder and wife who come to a dinner party at the Dursley’s on Harry’s twelfth birthday. Mrs. Mason has a fear of birds of all shapes and sizes and when an owl swooped in through the Dursley’s window and dropped a letter on her head, she ran out screaming about lunatics. Mr. Mason got angry at the Dursley’s, yelled at them, and left.

Maxime, Olympe

Madame Maxime is currently the Headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy and breeds Abraxan winged horses. She insists that she is merely “big-boned” when people wonder about her being a half-giant. She dresses very elegantly in silk and jewels and is an excellent dancer, according to Dumbledore. Dumbledore admires her ability at her job while Hagrid acclaims her spellwork.

She agreed to go with Hagrid in the summer of ’95 to the mountains as an envoy to the giants. She didn’t complain about the harsh travelling conditions and kept a cool head for spellwork under fire. Hagrid seemed very taken with her by now, as she was the first half-giant he had met. She accompanied him to the Yule Ball of ’94 but it seemed that she was merely using him to gain information for Fleur about the Triwizard Tournament.

When Rita Skeeter published an article about Hagrid’s family history in early 1995, Hagrid thought Olympe had betrayed him. She tried to make it up with him (though he thought she was trying to get more Triwizard information) but her troubled signs showed that, by this point, she had developed some feelings for him.

McDonald, Natalie


McGonagall, Minerva

Minerva McGonagall was born on October 24th, 1925 (app.). She began teaching as the new Transfiguration teacher of Hogwarts in the December of 1956 and was/is the Head of House for Gryffindor. Her current office is on the first floor (up the main staircase and down a corridor). Her hair is black and is always worn in a tight bun on the back of her head; she disapproves of letting her hair down. She has square spectacles framing her beady eyes, which leave marks around her eyes when she turns into her Animagus form of a tabby cat. She rarely smiles but has been known to show her soft side, such as crying when Lily and James died, giving Harry and Ron permission to visit a petrified Hermione, and feeling bad about constantly scolding Peter Pettigrew when he was at school. She is clever and is known to give a lot of homework. She considers other branches of magic a bit simplistic and less elegant than Transfiguration. She arranged to get Hermione a Time Turner in her third year.

She is the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts and a part of The Order of the Phoenix. She took over as Headmistress of Hogwarts when Dumbledore was temporarily removed from his position (1992-93). She is a strict witch with little patience for rule breakers. She doesn’t have a problem taking points from her own house, even if it means losing the House Cup. When it comes to Quidditch, though, she is rather flexible. She is a rabid fan and supports the Gryffindor Quidditch team fully. In Harry’s first year, when she saw him catch the Remembrall, she immediately made him the new Seeker and arranged for him to get a new broomstick, which is against the rules. (She got him a Nimbus 2000.) In Harry’s third year, she arranged for Madame Hooch to oversee their training sessions so that they could still practise.

She wears tartan plaids. To class she wears emerald green robes and wears a tartan bathrobe and a hairnet to bed. She carries a lace handkerchief. At the Yule Ball she wore red tartan dress robes and an ugly wreath of thistles around the brim of her hat. She danced with Ludo Bagman. She rarely shows her feminine side but she did giggle and blush when a tipsy Hagrid kissed her cheek during the Christmas party of ’91.

In the June 1996, she was hit by five stunners in the chest while trying to protect Hagrid and was sent to St. Mungo’s Hospital. She came back at the end of June with crutches, stuffing her bags into Crabbe and Goyle’s hands to carry to her office.

During the seventh book she called the school to arms to give Harry a chance to find the Horcrux he was looking for.

McGuffin, Jim

Muggle weatherman.

McKinnon, Marlene

A member of the original Order of the Phoenix, Marlene appeared in Moody’s team photo. Marlene and her entire family were killed by Voldemort’s supporters, including Travers (a Death Eater). She died between 1978 and 1981.

McLaggan, Cormac

A large, wire-haired seventh-year Gryffindor, McLaggan was asked to join the Slug Club because Slughorn knows his Uncle Tiberius. McLaggan once hunted for Nogtails in Norfolk with his uncle, Bertie Higgs, and Rufus Scrimgeour. He tried out for the new Gryffindor Keeper and only blocked four out of five goals because Hermione had secretly Confunded him (he talked trash about Ron and Ginny first). He has a mean temper. He was asked by Hermione to attend Slughorn’s Christmas party with her (for revenge against Ron) but Hermione tried to avoid him because he was not very gentlemanly or interesting. When Ron was in the hospital wing, he played temporary Keeper and constantly gave Harry strategies, hints that he would be a much better permanent replacement, and he liked to criticize the other players a lot.

McMillan, Ernie


Meadows, Dorcas

A witch who was part of the original Order of the Phoenix. She was killed personally by Voldemort sometime between 1978 and 1981 (appeared in Moody’s “team photo”), a mark of how important she was to fight against him.

Meliflua, Araminta

Sirius Black’s mother’s cousin. She tried to make Muggle-hunting legal.


The most famous (medieval) wizard of all time, Merlin appears on a Chocolate Frog trading card. He was a Charms specialist and is sometimes referred to as “The Prince of Enchanters.” He was a part of the court of King Arthur. He wanted wizards to help Muggles and therefore created the Order of Merlin, forbidding the use of magic on Muggles.

Merrythought, Galatea


Midgen, Eloise


Mimsey-Porpington, Sir Nicholas de

Nick is a wizard who died in a botch execution on October 31st, 1492. He was hit forty-five times in the neck with a blunt axe but a half-inch of skin was left connecting his head to the rest of his body. He turned into a ghost, nicknamed “Nearly Headless Nick” by the Hogwarts students. He wears doublets, a plumed hat, and a tunic with a ruff to hide the fact that his head is almost detached.

He is the Gryffindor ghost and is very helpful and kind to the Gryffindor students. Once he told Peeves to destroy a Vanishing Cabinet to distract Filch’s attention from Harry’s muddy feet. He is good friends with the Slytherin ghost, the Bloody Baron.

On October 31st, 1992, Nick held a Deathday Party in one of the dungeons. Harry, Ron, Hermione and the Headless Hunt club showed up, though they took over the party. The leader, Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore, had rejected Nick for membership.

On December 18th, 1992, Nick was petrified by a Basilisk and remained colourless and immobile until the end of May. He occasionally entertains at Hogwarts events by re-enacting his own beheading.
At the end of the fifth book, he seemed very sceptical as to telling Harry why his godfather wouldn’t come back as a ghost. He seemed sad and regretful.

Moaning Myrtle

Myrtle was a squat girl with lank hair, pimples, and thick glasses. She was a Hogwarts student in 1943, When Olive Hornby once teased her, she ran to the second floor girls’ bathroom to cry, where she went often. She heard a boy’s voice in there and she opened the stall door to tell him to go away but she came face to face with the Basilisk. She died that day (and became a ghost) and Hogwarts nearly had to be closed because of the light of recent events. She decided to haunt Olive Hornby for teasing her so much. She followed her around until the Ministry had to finally stop her. She went back to the U-bend of her toilet where she moaned and cried, and the Hogwarts students nicknamed her “Moaning Myrtle.” Peeves enjoys teasing her.

She took a liking to Harry Potter and when he was going to go into the Chamber of Secrets, she told him that if he died, he could share her toilet. She helped Harry figure out the egg clue during the Triwizard Tournament, admitting that she sometimes spied on students in the Prefects’ Bathroom. She turned up in the lake and directed Harry to the Merfolk village.

Mockridge, Cuthbert



Born c. 1978, Montague was sorted into Slytherin house in 1989. He’s currently a Chaser and the captain on the Slytherin Quidditch team and was a member of Umbridge’s Inquisitorial Squad. He made the mistake of trying to dock house points from the Weasley twins who stuffed him into the fourth floor Vanishing Cabinet. He reappeared some days later jammed into a toilet on the same floor, confused and disoriented.

Montgomery sisters


Moody, Alastor “Mad Eye”

Although he is now retired, Moody was the best Auror the Ministry of Magic ever had. Several parts of his face are scarred or missing. A large chunk of his nose is gone and his mouth looks like a diagonal scar – these are probably due to his many battles with Dark Wizards. One of his eyes is small, dark, and beady, but the other one is as large as a coin and a vivid, electric blue colour. It rolls around his socket independently and can see through invisibility cloaks and solid objects, such as the back of his head. He has grizzled grey hair and a voice like a growl.
He was supposed to be the temporary DADA teacher at Hogwarts from 1994-1995 but spent practically the whole year at the bottom of a magical trunk. An impostor, Barty Crouch Jr., used Polyjuice Potion to dress up like Moody to get closer to Harry Potter.
He is very paranoid, especially of food and drink. He always carries his own hipflask with him. Moody is also known for being vigilant about wand safety, telling Harry in the summer of ’95 to not put his wand in his back pocket unless he wanted his buttocks blown off. He was/is a part of both of the Order of the Phoenixes and owns an Invisibility cloak.
He was killed at the start of the seventh book while trying to safely escort Harry to the Weasley’s home.


Hogwarts student. (1991-1998).


Remus Lupin’s Marauder nickname, named as such due to the fact that he is a werewolf.




See also ‘le Fey, Morgan “Morgana”.’ Morgana was a medieval bird Animagus who was King Arthur’s half sister. She was a dark witch, Merlin’s enemy, and she affected many events during her time. She had great skill as a healer and was the queen of the island of Avalon. She was on one of the first Chocolate Frog trading cards Harry Potter ever saw.



Mostafa, Hassan


Muggle Prime Minister

We do not find out what this man’s name is, but we know that he is a somewhat flustered man who likes to pretend he is ‘in the know’ even when he is absolutely clueless. His office is a ‘handsome room’ with a marble fireplace, an antique Axminster rug and long sash windows. He dreads visits from Fudge, as they have never meant anything positive, and the first time the portrait spoke to him he feared he was going mad (although this was nothing compared to when Fudge stepped out of his fireplace!).

Like the Prime Minister before him, he didn’t believe Fudge immediately, but eventually accepted he was not mad and that Fudge was telling the truth sometime after Fudge turned his teacup into a gerbil. (The gerbil was later given to his niece, who was delighted.) He is quite an intelligent man (for a Muggle, of course), although the press and the political opposition try to make him appear a fool. He worries a lot about his public image and is infuriated by the fact that he has an explanation for the chaos sweeping his country but can’t tell anyone. He likes to think of Fudge as the ‘Other’ Minister.

He has a persistent habit of trying to appear well informed on any subject, even if he isn’t, which we see when he tries to talk knowledgably to Fudge about ‘Serious’ Black. He hates to feel ignorant. After listening to why Fudge is facing an enquiry, he feels smug at the fact that there has never been a murder in any of the government departments under his charge. Yet. He is slightly superstitious, touching the wood of his desk when hoping bad things will not happen. Although politicians have a reputation for being nasty and parasitic, this character is actually rather kind, feeling sorry for Fudge when he hears he has been sacked. Kingsley Shacklebolt is assigned to him for protection. His identity may be John Major, according to calculations from other HP fans that state Harry’s sixth year at Hogwarts is in 1996. John Major was Prime Minister of Britain at this time.

Muggle Prime Minister’s Gerbil

Transfigured from a teacup by Fudge. It’s given to the Prime Minister’s neice (see below) who is delighted. It chews a corner of the Prime Minister’s speech.

Muggle Prime Minister’s Niece

To her delight, after Fudge turns the Prime Minister’s teacup into a gerbil, she is given the gerbil. She suspects nothing of her pet’s previous circumstances.

Muggle Prime Minister’s Private Secretary

He was ordered to take down the portrait of the froglike little man in the Prime Minister’s office, but it was impossible to move.





Munch, Eric

Described as “a badly-shaven wizard in peacock-blue robes”, Munch is the watch wizard at the Ministry of Magic. He sits behind his desk in the Atrium where visitors have to come and get their wands registered. He arrested Sturgis Podmore when he caught him outside the Department of Mysteries at one o’clock on the morning of August 12,1995. Podmore was arrested on charges of trespass and attempted robbery.




Nearly Headless Nick

Nick is the Gryffindor ghost who died more than 500 years ago. He prefers to be called “Sir Nicholas.” He regrets ever choosing to become a ghost in the first place, but he was scared of death.

Nettles, Z.

KwikSpell subscriber.

Nigellus, Phineas

He is Sirius Black’s great-great-grandfather and was the least popular headmaster Hogwarts ever had. He has little patience for others, especially tedious and self-absorbed youth. His portrait hangs in Dumbledore’s office and in Number 12, Grimmauld Place, where Dumbledore often uses him to contact other Order members. He grudgingly agrees to do so. He and Sirius did not get along well. He was in Slytherin house.

During the seventh book it is revealed he is used by Headmaster Snape to keep an eye on Harry, Ron and Hermione as they hunt for Horcruxes.

Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback

Hagrid’s pet dragon in Harry’s first year at Hogwarts, he had black scales, black ridges down his back and bronze horns. He had to be smuggled away to Romania by Charlie Weasley because Dumbledore told Hagrid that he wasn’t allowed to be keeping dragons.

Norris, Mrs.

Mrs. Norris is Flich’s cat, who prowls the Hogwarts castle looking for any rule-breaking. In 1992, she was the first to be petrified and was un-petrified in 1993, when Madame Sprout’s Mandrakes had grown up. Nobody but Filch likes her.


A Death Eater. He managed to avoid going to Azkaban but was at Voldemort’s “rebirthing party” in the June of 1995. He has a son named Theodore Nott (see). He was at the battle at the Department of Mysteries and was stunned by Hermione early on. Lucius Malfoy ordered the other Death Eaters to leave him where he lay.

Nott, Theodore

The son of the Death Eater Nott, Theodore was sorted into Slytherin house in 1991. He was born c. 1980 and is described as “weedy-looking,” “stringy,” and “rabbity.” He was one of the three students in his Care of Magical Creatures class who could see thestrals. He isn’t on Slytherin’s Quidditch team, despite the fact that he seems to be Malfoy’s chum and that he checked out Quidditch Through the Ages.




Ogden, Bob


Ogden, Tiberius

An elder wizard on the Wizengamot. He is friends with Tofty, a wizard with the Wizarding Examinations Authority.

Ollivander, Mr.

A strange old man with eerie, moon-like eyes, Mr. Ollivander remembers every wand he ever sold. He is the best wandmaker in Britain and owns Ollivander’s Wand Shop in Diagon Alley (makers of fine wands since 382 BC). He performed the Weighing of the Wands ceremony during the Triwizard Tournament.
He is kidnapped by the Death Eaters in the final book, being held prisoner in the basement of the Malfoy”s Manor along with Luna and Dean Thomas. He escapes along with Harry and Ron and is taken to Shell Cottage to recover.

One or two builders

They also failed to remove the portrait from the Muggle Prime Minister’s office.



Sirius Black’s Marauder nickname, named as such because his Animagus form (a dog) has padded feet.



Parkinson, Pansy

Parkinson was born c. 1980 and was sorted into Slytherin house in her first year at Hogwarts in 1991. She is a hard-faced girl and has a face like a pug. She is the ringleader of a group of girls and became a Slytherin prefect in 1995. She joined Umbridge’s Inquisitorial Squad later that year. She seems to be attached to Draco Malfoy, as she showed great worry when he was hurt by Buckbeak and attended the Yule Ball with him, wearing frilly pale pink dress robes. She is the first student shown out of Hogwarts during the Final Battle of Hogwarts after demanding that Harry be handed over to Voldemort.

Patil, Padma

Born c. 1980, Padma is the identical twin sister of Parvati. Her first year of Hogwarts was in 1991 and she was sorted into Ravenclaw House. She is thought to be one of the prettiest girls in her year. She attended the Yule Ball with Ron Weasley through her sister and Harry Potter but it did not go well. She became a Ravenclaw prefect in 1995 and later joined Dumbledore’s Army.

Patil, Parvati

Born c. 1980, Parvati is the identical twin sister of Padma. In her first year at Hogwarts in 1991, Parvati was sorted into Gryffindor house. She has long dark hair worn in a plait and is thought to be one of the prettiest girls in her year by Dean Thomas. Harry Potter asked her out to the Yule Ball very late (though neither she or her sister had a date by that time) and she agreed. He was a scanty partner, though, and paid little attention to her, so she went off with a boy from Beauxbatons. She was a bit cool towards Harry for sometime after that.

Her best friend, who is also a Gryffindor, is Lavender Brown. They are both very impressed by Professor Trelawney and Divination on a whole. Parvati joined the D.A. in 1995 and attended the first meeting in the Hog’s Head Inn. Her and Pansy Parkinson are on a first name basis.



Peakes, Jimmy


Peasegood, Arnold



Peeves is the Hogwarts poltergeist who loves to cause mischief. He bobs above the students. He usually shows some respect towards the teachers but called Professor Lupin “Loony Loopy Lupin.” In return, Lupin shot Peeves’s own gum up his left nostril. He doesn’t take instructions from anyone but when Fred and George told him to give hell to Umbridge from them, he actually saluted. The teachers played along with him. The only person that can keep him under control is the Bloody Baron.

Pepper, Octavius



The name that Percy Weasley’s boss constantly calls him.

Perks, Sally-Anne


Pettigrew, Peter “Wormtail” “Scabbers”

Pettigrew’s definite birth date is not known, but he was born circa 1960. He was admitted to Hogwarts in the same year as James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Lily Evans and Severus Snape. According to an interview with Rowling, he was placed in Gryffindor. Pettigrew became friends with James Potter, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, yet never stood on the same level as them. He wasn’t as skilled or as gifted as the other members of the group, (they called themselves the Marauders) and viewed them all in a sort of idol-worship way, tagging along on their many hi-jinks and laughing at all their jokes and pranks. To keep Remus Lupin company when he transformed into a werewolf, the three other members of the Marauders learned to become Animagi, meaning wizards that have the ability to transform into a specific animal. Pettigrew’s animal was a rat, thus he was given the nickname of ‘Wormtail’.

Once out of school, Peter Pettigrew became an easy target for the dark Lord Voldemort, due to his weak personality and dependence on those who are stronger than him. He began to work as a spy for Voldemort, and when he was chosen as the secret-keeper for the Potters, he was able to give their location over to his master. With this information, Voldemort killed Lily and James, and was weakened by the baby Harry. Sirius Black, suspecting Peter Pettigrew’s betrayal, confronted him on a busy street, but Pettigrew feigned his own death by causing a large explosion, cutting off a finger on his right hand, and transforming into his rat form to flee. Therefore Black was assumed a Death-Eater, and was soon caught and sent to Azkaban, with the charge of murdering Pettigrew.

Pettigrew was now considered a hero among the wizarding world, yet was hated by his fellow Death Eaters for giving the Dark Lord the information that ‘killed’ him. So he remained hidden in his rat form, and somehow became the pet of Percy Weasley, who called him ‘Scabbers’. He lived for a total of twelve years in the care of the Weasleys, and was passed down to Percy’s younger brother Ron.

While Ron and his family were on vacation in Egypt (c. 1993), their photo appeared in the wizarding paper, the Daily Prophet. Sirius Black acquired a copy of the issue from Cornelius Fudge in Azkaban, and recognized Pettigrew in the photo. Black broke free to track down his former friend, and in the conclusion of the novel The Prisoner of Azkaban, Black confronts Pettigrew, along with Ron, Hermione, Ron, Remus Lupin and Severus Snape. Pettigrew’s true identity is revealed, and all the cards are laid on the table. Lupin and Black were prepared to kill Pettigrew, yet Harry insists that he live, as proof that Black was in fact innocent. In a stroke of bad luck, however, Pettigrew escaped that night, and began to search for Lord Voldemort.

He arrived in Albania, and upon talking to the other rats and animals, learned that there was a mysterious, bodiless being living in the forests there. Pettigrew then met a witch named Bertha Jorkins in a pub, and lured her into the clutches of Voldemort, where she was forced to give them information, and was killed. Pettigrew proceeded to help his master regain his strength. He brought him from Albania back to Britain, and they took refuge in the Riddle House in Little Hangleton.

At the end of the novel, The Goblet of Fire, when Harry was transported to the Riddle House, Pettigrew killed Cedric Diggory. He also cut off his own hand to help bring his master to full power, and was given a strong magical silver one as reward.

If Pettigrew was present at the fight in the Department of Mysteries, in The Order of the Phoenix, he was not mentioned.

In the sixth book he was sent by Voldemort to assist Snape (he lived in Snape’s house on the street Spinner’s End). This consisted of cleaning his house and making him drinks. He developed a habit of frequently eavesdropping on conversations going on in Snape’s house.

Peter Pettigrew is a relatively short man, with watery eyes, a pale complexion and an “unpleasant simper”. He is said to have rather rat-like features, and a balding head, covered in thin, colourless hair. He acts a lot like a rat when in his human form.

He is killed in the seventh book when Harry calls in his Life Debt.

Peverell, Antioch


Peverell, Cadmus


Peverell, Ignotus


Philpott, Arkie

Philpott got a Probity Probe stuck up his … due to the high security at Gringotts in the summer of 1996.


Ron’s tiny, over-energetic Scops owl. He was nicknamed “Pig” by Ginny and only answers to that name now. Sirius Black gave him to Ron in the beginning of the summer of 1994.

Pillsworth, Bernie


Pince, Madam Irma

Pince is the Hogwarts librarian. She looks like an underfed vulture and has a shrivelled face. She brandishes a feather duster and charms books to make sure they arrive on time or to chase after students. She is strict, thin, and easily irritated.

Podmore, Sturgis

Podmore is a part of the Order of the Phoenix and was a part of the Advance Guard that took Harry away. He has thick straw-coloured hair and a thick jaw. He was on guard duty in front of the door to the Department of Mysteries on August 12th, 1995, but was caught and arrested by Eric Munch at one o’clock in the morning. He was charged with attempted robbery and trespassing and was sent to Azkaban for six months.

Political Opponent

In the Prime Minister’s opinion, he has a gloating face and blames everything that is going wrong on the Prime Minister, including the collapse of the Brockdale bridge, a hurricane in the West Country, various murders and the strange behaviour of Herbert Chorley, one of the Prime Minister’s junior ministers. These were, of course, all the fault of Lord Voldemort. He finds the events a cause for celebration because it gives him ample space to criticise the current government.

Polkiss, Piers

Dudley Dursley’s friend who accompanied the Dursleys to the zoo on Dudley’s eleventh birthday.

Pomfrey, Madam Poppy

Poppy is the Hogwarts nurse. She is a stern witch but kind to patients. She does not approve of visitors in her ward for long amounts of time, even the Headmaster, so she sends them out. She is middle-aged, older than 50, since she used to take Lupin to the Whomping Willow every month. She can mend bones in a heartbeat but re-growing (as in Harry’s case) is tougher. She approved of Lupin because Hogwarts had finally found a teacher who “knew his remedies.” Harry told Hermione in their second year that Madam Pomfrey never asked too many questions. She disapproves of events that can get students hurt (i.e., the first task during the Triwizard Tournament).

Potter, Albus Severus

Son of Harry and Ginny, he is nervous about going to Hogwarts and being sorted into Slytherin. His dad tells him that he is named after the two bravest Headmasters of Hogwarts and that the Sorting Hat will listen to where he wants to go.

Potter, Harry James

Harry James Potter was born to parents Lily and James Potter on the 31st of July, 1980. Before his birth, a prophecy was made by Sybill Trelawny to Albus Dumbledore that said, “The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches … born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies … and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not … and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives … the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies …”. After hearing this prophecy, which could have applied to either James and Lily Potter or Frank and Alice Longbottom, Dumbledore set out to inform them (it is not known whether the Longbottoms ever found out).

Unfortunately, Severus Snape, a Death Eater at the time, was listening outside the door and heard half of the prophecy. He informed Voldemort. Lily and James knew their lives were in danger and made Harry’s christening a quiet, family affair. Sirius Black was Harry’s godfather.

On October 31st, 1981, Voldemort arrived in Godric’s Hollow, where the Potter family was hiding after being informed by their Secret Keeper, Peter Pettigrew, and killed Lily and James. He tried to kill Harry but the curse backfired. The reason for this is because Lily had sacrificed herself for Harry, so her love and protection runs in his veins. The curse left a lightning bolt scar on Harry’s forehead and ripped Voldemort of his powers, so he was left crippled. He remained barely alive because he had made Horcruxes and fled that night, never to be seen again until years later. Harry Potter would be in many books and would become a household name. He was The Boy Who Lived.

Hagrid rescued Harry from the burning house, under Dumbledore’s orders. Sirius arrived and offered to take Harry to live with him but Hagrid wouldn’t allow him to. Sirius gave him his motorbike, claiming that he wouldn’t need it anymore. Hagrid took Harry to Privet Drive, where Minerva McGonagall and Dumbledore were waiting for them. Dumbledore left a letter to the Durselys, Harry’s only living relatives who happened to be the biggest Muggles ever, explaining the predicament. Harry lived with the Dursleys for ten years, who tried favoured their son Dudley over Harry and tried to squash the magic out of him. He had to sleep in the cupboard under the stairs and served as Dudley and his gang’s punching bag. His glasses were taped in the middle and he was pretty underfed. The kids at school didn’t like him at all.

Around his eleventh birthday, Harry started to mysteriously get letters addressed to him and his Uncle Vernon did everything in his power to try and stop them. Eventually, they got so out of hand that Vernon took his family to stay in a little hut in the middle of a sea for a night. At exactly midnight, the door of the hut flew open and the giant Hagrid entered. He was enraged to find out that the Dursleys hadn’t told Harry a single thing about his heritage and ended up telling Harry that he was a wizard. He told him a good bit about his past but not everything (he felt he wasn’t the right person to do so). He took Harry to Diagon Alley the next day and bought Harry a snowy owl, Hedwig, for his birthday.

On the Hogwarts Express, Harry met Ron Weasley and the two became fast friends. Soon after, he had an encounter with Draco Malfoy and his cronies Crabbe and Goyle. The dislike was mutual. Much whispering followed Harry as soon as he entered the Great Hall, where he got sorted into Gryffindor house (the Hat considered putting him in Slytherin but Harry kept saying that he didn’t want that). That year, Harry was picked on a lot by Snape, whom he, Ron and Hermione Granger suspected was after the Philosopher’s Stone. Harry and Ron rescued Hermione from a troll in the girls’ bathroom and they soon became a trio.

At the end of the book, after a lot of research and snooping, the trio went after Quirrell (whom they thought was Snape) into the chamber where the Stone was hidden. They went through many tasks and Harry met Quirrell in the last chamber. He found out Voldemort was on the back of Quirrell’s head. Harry managed to get the Stone from within his pocket and killed Quirrell by burning his face (Lily’s protection had kicked in). Harry was rescued by Dumbledore in the end and got lots of presents from his peers. He questioned Dumbledore about why Voldemort wanted to kill him but Dumbledore thought he was too young to know. In his first year, Harry also became the Seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, making him the youngest person to be on a house team in a century. He received a Nimbus 2000 broomstick from Dumbledore as a gift. He discovered the Mirror of Erised and saw his family in it, indicating that the deepest desire of his heart was to have a loving family.

The summer before his second year, Harry received Dudley’s second bedroom. Dobby the house elf came to warn Harry and keep him away from Hogwarts but Harry refused to say that he wouldn’t go back. He discovered that Dobby had been intercepting his mail and tried to get it back but Dobby tried to blackmail him into saying he wouldn’t go to Hogwarts if he wanted them back. Again, Harry refused so Dobby smashed a pudding on Mrs. Mason’s head, who ran out screaming. Harry got into a lot of trouble. He was locked in his bedroom without much food but was rescued on his birthday by Fred, George and Ron Weasley, in their father’s flying Ford Anglia.

Harry stayed with the Weasleys for the rest of the summer, thoroughly enjoying himself. He found out that Ginny Weasley had a crush on him. He used floo powder for the first time and accidentally ended up in Knockturn Alley, where Hagrid rescued him. This year, he and Ron were locked out from the barrier and took the Ford Anglia to school. They ended up in the Whomping Willow and nearly got expelled. Harry lost all his bones due to Lockhart trying to repair his arm and had to painfully regrow them back. He found out he was a Parselmouth and many rumours appeared, rumouring that he was the person who had opened the Chamber of Secrets. Harry and Ron used Polyjuice Potion to try and discover if Malfoy was the true heir of Slytherin. Harry found Tom Riddle’s diary and went back in time to discover why Hagrid was expelled. At the end of the book, Harry ended up in the Chamber of Secrets, fighting the basilisk. He managed to kill it with the sword of Godric Gryffindor and rescued Ginny, who seemed more infatuated with him now than ever. When he destroyed the diary with the basilisk’s fang, he destroyed one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes.

During the summer before his third year, Aunt Marge came to visit and eventually got Harry so angry that he used accidental magic and blew her up. In his reckless anger, he packed up all his belongings and left the house. He saw a big black dog (Sirius Black in Animagus form) and fell off the low stone wall he was sitting on. He was rescued by the Knight Bus and had a little meeting with Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic. Harry stayed at the Leaky Cauldron for the rest of the summer. That year, he discovered that Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban to kill him. He had his first ever encounter on the Hogwarts Express with Dementors, and felt ashamed because they affected him more than others. He usually passed out when this happened because he could hear his mother and father’s last words and a cruel laugh. This year, he learned to ward off Dementors with Professor Lupin’s help and helped Hagrid assist with Buckbeak’s trial.

He had a few encounters with Sirius Black and snuck into Hogsmeade a few times with the help of the Marauder’s Map, given to him by the Weasley twins. He received a Firebolt (anonymously by Black) after the Whomping Willow smashed his Nimbus 2000. He won the last game of the season with it. He heard Trelawny make a prophecy saying that the Dark Lord’s servant (who was Pettigrew) would return to him that night. In the end, he faced Black and Lupin and found out the real story. He saved Pettigrew’s life. He and Hermione went back in time and saved Buckbeak and Sirius from execution and getting the Dementor’s kiss. Sirius signed his Hogsmeade permission slip and gave Ron and owl, Pigwidgeon.

Before his fourth year, Harry attended the Quidditch World Cup final with the Weasleys. His name was entered into the Goblet of Fire and he had to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. Mad Eye Moody kept giving him little hints as to what to expect. Harry nervously asked Cho Chang to the Yule Ball but she had already planned to go with Cedric Diggory. In desperate need for a date, he went with Parvati Patil, whom he thought was pretty good looking, anyway. In the end, Harry and Cedric were transported to a graveyard. Cedric was killed and Harry witnessed (and was part of) Voldemort’s rebirth. After the Priori Incantatum effect, Harry saw the shadows of his parents and other people come out of Voldemort’s wand. They helped him escape and Harry took Cedric’s body back to Hogwarts. He found out the truth about how Barty Crouch Jr. had impersonated Moody and entered Harry’s name in the Goblet of Fire to get him to the graveyard.

This summer was Harry’s longest summer ever at the Dursleys. He had so much anger built inside of him at not having any contact (he only got vague letters) from the wizarding world. He finally got to get out of there and was living in Grimmauld Place. He didn’t become a prefect and got jealous that Ron had become one. That year, he kept having dreams about a dark hallway in the Ministry of Magic (it lead to the Department of Mysteries). He had a really strong connection with Voldemort and could ‘access’ his strong emotions. He saved Mr. Weasley from bleeding to death when he saw in his dream that a snake had bitten him. He thought that he was being possessed by Voldemort and started avoiding much contact with people. Umbridge kicked him off the Quidditch team. At the end of the book, he fell asleep during his History of Magic O.W.L. and saw Sirius being tortured by Voldemort (it was a trick, of course) and ran off to save him. He and other DA members fought with many Death Eaters and in the end, Sirius was killed and Dumbledore saved Harry. He smashed Dumbledore’s office pretty much to bits in his anger and found out about the prophecy.

In the sixth book, Harry felt a bit better about Sirius’s death. He helped Dumbledore get Horace Slughorn to teach again at Hogwarts and became a part of the Slug Club. He spent a lot of his time reading through his borrowed copy of Advanced Potion-Making and pondering who the Half-Blood Prince was. He took secret lessons with Dumbledore to put together bits and pieces of Voldemort’s past to try and figure out what Horcruxes he had made. In the end, he accompanied Dumbledore to track down and destroy one of the Horcruxes and Snape killed Dumbledore. Harry fought briefly with other Death Eaters in order to get to Snape. He found out Snape was the Half-Blood Prince but Snape got away. Harry also got together with Ginny this year, after realising his feelings for her. He broke up with her at Dumbledore’s funeral to keep her safe.
Harry has emerald green eyes like his mother, which is speculated to be an important part of book 7. He looks incredibly alike to his father with messy, jet black hair, a thin face, thin frame, height and lank body. He wears round glasses, which often break. He inherited quite a bit of gold from his parents and Sirius’s possessions, as well.

Potter, James

A pure-blood wizard born circa 1960, James Potter was an only child. He inherited quite a bit of gold once his parents died of wizarding disease (they were old in wizarding terms). He was sorted into Gryffindor house and during his Hogwarts years, Potter was constantly harassing Severus Snape, a Slytherin boy in his year, whom he had a mutual dislike for. The two never missed a chance to hex each other in the corridors and after their O.W.L.s, Potter and Black tortured Snape amongst a crowd of onlookers. Potter saved Snape’s life after he found out about how to get into the Whomping Willow and it made Snape hate him even more.

Potter’s closest friends, who called themselves the Marauders, were Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and of course his best friend, Sirius Black. Potter and Black were like the ringleaders of their group and were rarely seen without each other. They loved to prank and usually ended up in detention because of it, using a two-way mirror to communicate when they had separate detentions. According to an older Snape, James used to strut around the school with his friends and admirers. Despite his attitude, James was a very loyal friend. When he found out Remus’s secret in second year, he and the other boys worked to become illegal Animagi to keep him company during full moons. It took three years, but they managed it and James became a stag. His friends nicknamed him “Prongs.” It was easier for James to manage this because he was a brilliant Transfiguration student. The three boys would sneak under James’s invisibility cloak (inherited from his father as a family heirloom) at night and romp around the Hogwarts grounds and Forbidden Forest. Later, in sixth or seventh year, they came to write The Marauder’s Map, which Filch eventually confiscated. James usually used his invisibility cloak to sneak out food from the kitchens. He used to call Remus’s lycanthropy his “furry little problem” in front of company.

As a younger teen (around the age of 15), Potter was bold, arrogant, cocky, a bit cruel, and had a huge ego. He was the height of popularity and a star chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Yes, he was playing with the Snitch in the fifth book, but that’s much more impressive than a quaffle, isn’t it? He was everything Snape always wanted to be, including a Quidditch cup winner. During his Hogwarts years (1971-1978), Potter was described as tall and thin with a thin face, hazel eyes, glasses, and unruly black hair. He met Lily Evans, a Muggleborn witch, at Hogwarts whom he took a liking to. He would deliberately make his already untidy hair look even more windswept by running his hand through it to impress Evans, though it made her “sick.” She hated how he always walked down the corridors and hexed anyone who annoyed him. Although she hated this and refused to go out with him, she didn’t really hate him, JK states. She just wanted him to stop being arrogant.

After all his fruitless attempts of asking her out, the two eventually began to date in their seventh year, when both became Head Boy and Head Girl (although James was not a Prefect). Lily started going out with him because he had deflated his head a bit and stopped hexing people for the fun of it. He still hexed Snape of course, and vice versa, but Lily didn’t know that. The two were married straight out of Hogwarts (c. 1979) and had a son, Harry James Potter, on July 31, 1980. At some time during their marriage, James had visited the Evans’ household, as Petunia referred to him as “that awful boy”.

The two of them were actively a part of the original Order of the Phoenix and had both defied Voldemort three times. Sometime in mid-October, one year after Harry’s birth, Dumbledore gave them some grave news: a prophecy had been made about a boy who could defeat Voldemort. Lily and James, along with Frank and Alice Longbottom, became targets. The couple went into hiding in the village of Godric’s Hollow, using the Fidelius Charm as their best hope. Unfortunately, their original Secret Keeper, Sirius, convinced them to switch to Peter who, barely a week after the charm was performed, betrayed them. On October 31, 1981, Voldemort came to their house and killed James first (who was stood up to Voldemort to give his wife and son time to run) and then Lily. JK has no comment on whether or not someone else was present the night they were killed.

Potter, James Sirius

Son of Harry and Ginny, appears to have inhereited his fathers disposition for getting into trouble.

Potter, Lily Evans

Lily Evans was born in approximately 1960 to Muggle parents. Although her parents weren’t magical, they were elated to have a witch in the family and supported Lily throughout her Hogwarts years. Her older sister, Petunia Evans, on the other hand, was disgusted at all the attention given to Lily, especially when she was nothing but a “freak.” Their rancour carried over for a long time and after Lily’s death, Petunia transferred her hatred to Lily’s only child, Harry, trying to squash the magic out of him. Lily’s parents died a normal Muggle death some time later.

Lily was a brilliant Gryffindor student at Hogwarts (1971 – 1978) and became Head Girl in her last year. She was (probably) particularly good at Charms and might have been popular (we see in the fifth book that she was with a large group of girls). She was very good at Potions and a favourite amongst her Potions master, Professor Slughorn. He often told her that she should have belonged in his own house (Slytherin) and got cheeky comments back. He told Harry that she was a charming girl. She had brilliant almond-shaped emerald green eyes (like Harry’s) and long, thick dark red hair. She was pretty brave standing up to James Potter and Sirius Black in their fifth year when they were torturing Snape, and although she was a kind person, she didn’t let people step all over her (i.e., when Snape called her a “Mudblood” she coolly told him to wash his pants). Because Lily was in Hogwarts during the times when Voldemort was steadily gaining power, it must have been difficult for her occasionally, since she was Muggleborn. She was a good student but she did not always abide by the rules. She got a few letters from the Ministry telling her not use magic outside of Hogwarts, but it was nothing serious. As Petunia said, Lily used to come home over the summer with frog spawn in her pockets and turn teacups into rats. This was an exaggeration on Petunia’s part.

At Hogwarts, Lily met James Potter who was a brilliant and popular student. He was thought to be the height of cool by everyone but her, who thought he was nothing but conceited and was disgusted by his happiness at jinxing people for no reason. Aside from this, Lily did not hate James, says JKR. James had taken a liking to her by the end of their fifth year but only convinced her he’d pulled his act together by their seventh year, when they were Head Boy and Head Girl together. The two started going out that year. Lily was a very popular girl, though, much like Ginny, and many people had feelings for her, including Lupin, who did nothing about it.
They were married straight out of Hogwarts (c. 1979) and at some point in time, James visited the Evans household, as Petunia referred to him as “that awful boy.” They were a part of The Order of the Phoenix, fighting tirelessly against Voldemort and his Death Eaters. The two of them narrowly escaped Voldemort three times, which was a very unusual feat indeed. Sometime before their deaths, both Lily’s and James’s parents passed away and Lily had minimal contact with Petunia (though Petunia was informed of Lily’s wedding and that Lily had had a baby boy).

On July 31st, 1980, Lily gave birth to a baby boy, Harry James Potter. The couple made Sirius Black Harry’s legal guardian and godfather in case anything ever happened to them. Harry’s christening was a small affair, only the family and Sirius, because of the dark times. Fate intervened, though, and a prophecy was made (Sybill Trelawney to Albus Dumbledore) foretelling the birth of a boy born at the end of July who could vanquish the Dark Lord. Unfortunately, one of Voldemort’s spies caught the tail end of the prophecy and informed Voldemort. Dumbledore notified Lily and James immediately and the two went into hiding in the village of Godric’s Hollow. They performed the Fidelius Charm to keep them safe but their Secret Keeper, Peter Pettigrew (whom Sirius had convinced them to use instead of him), was a spy for Voldemort and betrayed them. On October 31st, 1981, Voldemort came to their house and killed James and then Lily. JKR has no comment on whether or not someone else was present that night at Godric’s Hollow.

It would seem that Voldemort might not have killed Lily, as he gave her a chance to get out of the way, but she refused and sacrificed herself to protect Harry. That protection still lies in Harry today, making him untouchable to Voldemort. (Voldemort can touch him now, though, as some of Harry’s blood is in him, giving him part of Lily’s protection as well.)

Dumbledore cast a charm to reinforce Lily’s protection on Harry by sending him to live with a blood relative – ironically, the Durselys were his only remaining relatives. As long as Harry was there, no one could touch him.
Throughout the books, we catch glimpses of Lily. In book one, she is seen by Harry through the Mirror of Erised; in the third book Harry can hear her last words, pleading for Voldemort to kill her instead, when the Dementors draw near; in the fourth book she comes out of Voldemort’s wand in the graveyard and helps Harry escape; and in book five, Harry watches as she stands up for Snape against James and Sirius.

Potter, Lily Luna

Daughter of Harry and Ginny.

Prang, Ernie


Prentice, Mr.

Mrs. Figg’s cat.

Previous Muggle Prime Minister

S/he tried to throw Fudge out of his/her office when he appeared from the fire, thinking that he was a hoax planted by the opposition. This may have been Margaret Thatcher.

Prewett, Fabian and Gideon

These two brothers were amongst the best witches and wizards fighting against Voldemort during the first war and were in the Order of the Phoenix. It took five Death Eaters to kill them (Antonin Dolohov included) and according to Moody, they died like heroes. They were the brothers of Molly Weasley.

Prince, Eileen

Mother of Severus Snape.

Pritchard, Graham


Prod, D. J.

Kwikspell subscriber.


James Potter’s Marauder nickname, named as such because his Animagus form (a stag) has antlers.




A wizard who has his face on a Chocolate Frog Card.

Pucey, Adrian

He is a Slytherin chaser and was the second chaser to score against Ron Weasley in the fifth book.

Puddifoot, Madam: She is a stout woman with a shiny black bun and owns the little tea shop “Madam Puddifoot’s” in Hogsmeade. It is a popular place with the couples and Cho took Harry there on their date. There was a floating cherub throwing confetti at couples at random times and it was very pink in there.

Purkiss, Doris

An interview was done with her by The Quibber (1995) and she claimed that Sirius Black was really Stubby Boardman, the lead singer of the Hobgoblins who retired nearly fifteen years ago after being hit in the ear by a turnip at a concert in Little Norton Church Hall. She claimed that Sirius, or “Stubby,” had been out with her the night of the murders, enjoying a romantic dinner.

Pye, Augustus





Quirke, Orla


Quirrell, Professor Quirinus

In Harry Potter’s first year, he was the bald Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. He spent the previous year gaining “hands on experience.” It was rumoured that he had encountered vampires in the Black Forest since he had been acting jittery ever since, but in actual fact, he had encountered a barely alive Lord Voldemort. Voldemort convinced the vulnerable Quirrell to follow the Dark way and used him to try and steal the Philospher’s (Sorcerer’s in America) Stone from vault 713 but luckily Hagrid had emptied it that very same day.

Voldemort decided to keep a closer eye on Quirrell and shared his body. Quirrell covered the fact that Voldemort’s face was on the back of his head by wearing a purple turban. He began to act jittery so that people wouldn’t suspect him of anything and told everyone that his turban was a gift from an African prince for getting rid of a zombie for him (his first year class asked him how he did it and he started talking about the weather). Quirrell began killing unicorns and drinking their blood to keep Voldemort alive.

On Halloween night, he let a troll into the school as a diversion and ran to the third floor corridor (which led to a chamber that held the Stone) to try and get the Stone but Severus Snape, who already suspected Quirrell, stopped him but was bitten by Fluffy in the process. To figure out how to get past Fluffy, Quirrell got Hagrid drunk and gave him a dragon egg. He sent a note to Dumbledore telling him to be at the Ministry of Magic and used this chance to get the Stone. Harry, Ron and Hermione, thinking that it was Snape after the Stone, followed. Harry encountered Quirrell in the last chamber and found out that Voldemort was on the back of his head. Quirrell died because he was now too weak to withstand Harry’s burning touch.


Rackharow, Urquhart

inventor of the Entrail-Expelling Curse (1612-1697).

Ravenclaw, Helena

Daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw, she stole her Mother’s Diadem to gain knowledge and fled the country. She was killed by the Bloody Baron after her refusal to return with him. She is now known as the “Grey Lady” and is the Ravenclaw’s resident ghost at Hogwarts.

Ravenclaw, Rowena

One of the four great wizards and witches that founded Hogwarts. Ravenclaw house is named after her. Her Diadem is used as a horcrux by Voldemort.

Riddle, Tom, a.k.a. Lord Voldemort

The real name of Lord Voldemort, named after his detested Muggle father. His 16 year old self was encased within his diary who then tried to kill Harry in the Chamber of Secrets.

Riddle, Tom Snr

Muggle father of Lord Voldemort. Was spiked with a love potion by Merope Gaunt but kicked her out when she stopped administering the potion. Was killed by his son.


Aunt Marge’s dog who pines when she’s away, chased Harry up a tree years ago.



Robins, Demelza

Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. Had her nose broken via an over enthusiastically hit bludger.


A centaur in the Forbidden Forest.

Ryan, Barry

Ireland’s Quidditch keeper.

Rookwood, Augustus

Leaked Ministry secrets to Voldemort, an Unspeakable.

Rosier, Evan

Death Eater.


Owner and barmaid of the Leaky Cauldron. Was put under the Imperious Curse by Draco Malfoy during the sixth book and delivered the cursed necklace to Katie Bell.

Rowle, Thorfinn


Runcorn, Albert







Scabbers, a.k.a Peter Pettigrew

Pretended to be Ron’s rat for thirteen years.


(A snatcher) Kidnaps those who speak Lord Voldemorts name and takes them to the Malfoy Manor.

Scamander, Lorcan


Scamander, Lysander


Scamander, Newt

Author of “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”.

Scamander, Rolf


Scrimgeour, Rufus

Fudge’s successor as Minister of Magic. Tried to get Harry to become a “poster boy” for the Ministry and grew offended at Harry’s refusal. Withheld the gifts Dumbledore left the trio in his will until he legally had to return them, though when he was killed by Death Eaters, he was protecting Harry’s location.



Shackelbolt, Kingsley

Member of the OotP, a tall black wizard who protects the Muggle Prime Minister.

Shunpike, Stan


Skeeter, Rita

Daily Prophet writer who writes horrible lies about people including Harry, Hermione and Hagrid. Was found to be an unregistered Animagi by Hermione and was blackmailed into not writing for a year. Was spreading lies and rumours about Dumbledore soon after his funeral.

Slinkard, Wilbert

An author.

Sloper, Jack

Gryffindor beater (Book 5).

Slughorn, Horace E. F.

Former Professor of Hogwarts who is lured back by Dumbledore and Harry. He becomes the Potions Professor and later the Head of House for Slytherin. He likes to “collect” students he feel will be influential or come from prestigous families which is affectionately known as the “Slug Club”

Slytherin, Salazar

One of the four whiches and wizards who founded Hogwarts. Slytherin house is named after him. He created the Chamber of Secrets, a home for a Basilisk who would rampage the school and rid it of all the non pure blooded wizards and witches.

Smeek, Enid


Smethwyck, Hippocrates

Healer in Charge at St. Mungo’s.

Smith, Hepzibah

Elderly rich woman killed by Voldemort for her possessions, namely the Cup of Hufflepuff and the locket of Slytherin. Her House Elf is subsequently blame for her murder.

Smith, Zacharias

Blonde-haired member of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.

Snape, Severus

The greasy haired potions teacher whom is head of Slytherin house and hates Harry. Harry is convinced for years that Snape is in league with Voldemort and trying to kill him. It is revealed in the final book that he was in love with Harry Mother’s, Lily and was actually a spy for Dumbledore. He died protecting Harry.

Snape, Tobias

Severus Snape’s abusive father.

Spinnet, Alicia

A Gryffindor chaser and student.

Spore, Phyllida

Author of “One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi.”

Sprout, Proffesor Pomona

Herbology teacher and head of Hufflepuff house.



Stimpson, Patricia

Had O.W.L. breakdowns, in Fred/George’s year

Strout, Miriam

St. Mungo Healer.

Stubbs, Billy


Switch, Emeric

Author of “A Beginners’ Guide to Transfiguration.”



Muggle news reporter.

Thicknesse, Pius

Minister of Magic during Voldemort’s reign. Is killed by Percy Weasley in the final battle who also informs him of his resignation, his first ever joke according to the Twins.

Thomas, Dean

A tall, black Gryffindor student who is a very good drawer. He is captured by the snatchers during the seventh book and help captive in the Malfoy Manor with Luna Lovegood and Ollivander. Returns to Hogwarts during the Final battle, much to the delight of his best friend Seamus Finnigan.

Tibbles, Mr

Mrs. Figg’s cat.

Timms, Agatha



Bartender at the Leaky Cauldron.


O.W.L. examiner.

Tonks, Nymphadora

Member of the Order of the Phoenix, an Auror, a metamorphmagus. Daughter of Andromeda Black and Ted Tonks. Marries Remus Lupin and has a son, Teddy Lupin. Is killed during the final battle of Hogwarts.

Tonks, Ted

Nymphadora’s muggle father, married Andromeda. His home is used as one of the landing points during the operation to move Harry to the Weasley’s home.

Towler, Kenneth

Had O.W.L. breakdowns, in Fred/George’s year



Trelawney, Sibyll

The misty eyed Divination teacher with huge glasses. Has had two correct preminitions in her lifetime. One concerning the death of Harry’s parents and the downfall of Voldemort, the second regarding Wormtail’s return to his master.


Neville’s toad; Trevor seems to always be missing. Was given as a gift to Nevillie from his Uncle for receiving his Hogwarts letter.

Trimble, Quentin

Author of “The Dark Forces: A Guide ot Self Protection.”



Turpin, Lisa

A Ravenclaw student.


Umbridge, Dolores Jane

Described as a “squat like Toad” she is the Senior Undersecretary to Minister, before becoming the DADA teacher in Harry’s fifth year and then temporarily Headmistress of Hogwarts. In the seventh book she interrogates Muggle born Witches and Wizards before declaring that they “stole” their magical powers and sending them to Azkaban.

Uric the Oddball

Was mixed up with Emeric the Evil in History of Magic.


Vablatsky, Cassandra

Author of “Unfogging the Future.”



Vance, Emmeline

Member of the OotP, a stately witch.

Vane, Romilda

Student at Hogwarts who tries to get Harry to like her by giving him chocolates spiked with a love potion.



Viridian, Vindictus

Author of “Curses and Countercurses.”


A.k.a Tom Riddle, The dark lord. Most wizards refer to him as “you-know-who” or “he-who-must-not-be-named”.






Waffling, Adalbert

Author of “A Magical Theory.”



Warbeck, Celectina

A popular singing sorceress.


Slytherin beater.

Weasley, Arthur

Ron’s father who is head of the “Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office” in the ministry.

Weasley, Bill

The eldest Weasley brother. Is a charm-breaker at Gringotts. Was Head Boy at Hogwarts, when he attended there.

Weasley, Charlie

The second eldest Weasley brother. He breeds dragons in Romania, he was the Gryffindor Quiddith Captain, when he was at Hogwarts.

Weasley, Dominique


Weasley, Fred and George

Ron’s two year older twins who are funny and beaters for the Gryffindor quidditch team.

Weasley, Fred II

George’s son.

Weasley, Hugo

Son of Hermione and Ron Weasley.

Weasley, Ginny

The youngest Weasley. Has a crush on Harry.

Weasley, Louis


Weasley, Lucy


Weasley, Molly

The mother of all of the Weasley kids.

Weasley, Molly II

Percy’s daughter.

Weasley, Percy

The strict rule-abiding Weasley who now works in the Ministry.

Weasley, Ron

Harry’s best friend at Hogwarts. Like his five older brothers, he is in Gryffindor house.

Weasley, Rose

Daughter of Hermione and Ron Weasley

Weasley, Roxanne


Weasley, Victoire

Daughter of Fleur and Bill Weasley. Seen kissing Teddy Lupin behind the Hogwarts Express by James Potter.

Whalley, Eric


Whitby, Kevin


Widdershin, Willy

Made regurgitating toilets.

Wilkins, Monica


Wilkins, Wendell


Wimple, Gilbert



Barty Crouch’s house elf that was sacked at the Quidditch World Cup and now works at Hogwarts.


Code name for Buckbeak the Hippogriff who escaped being executed in Harry’s third year.

Wood, Oliver

The former Gryffindor quidditch team’s captain who now is a reserve keeper for Puddlemore United.


Peter Pettigrew’s childhood Hogwarts nickname.

Worple, Eldred








Aunt Petunia’s friend that is vacationing in Majorca during the first book.


Zabini, Blaise

A Slytherin boy in Malfoy’s year.

Zamojski, Ladislaw

Poland’s Quidditch chaser.

Zeller, Rose





Founder of the popular “Zonko’s Joke Shop”.

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