Rysn Ftori – Stormlight Archive Character Biography & Information

Rysn is a minor character in Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archive series, but one who may end up having an outsize impact on the Cosmere. A Thaylen merchant and shipowner, Rysn is a shrewd businesswoman who previously managed the Thaylen gem reserve. She’s also another great example of Sanderson’s thoughtful representation of people with disabilities — how Rysn grapples with becoming a wheelchair user is both compelling and empathetic. Given that she currently holds a Dawnshard, there’s no doubt we’ll see more of Rysn in future Cosmere books.


This biography of Rysn will only cover the most important aspects of her life — minor events and subplots will not be covered, unless they are directly relevant to the series’ plot.

WARNING: This section contains spoilers for all published Stormlight Archive books.

Trade Mission to Shinovar (The Way of Kings)

  • Learns how to be a merchant as an apprentice under her babsk, Vstim.
  • Travels to Shinovar with Vstim to trade Soulcast metal for chickens, cloth, and dried meats.
rysn with shinovar grass cosmere stormlight archive
Rysn with Shinovar Grass (by Botanicaxu)

Reshi Isle Accident (Words of Radiance)

  • Travels to the Reshi Isles with Vstim, who appears to be ill, forcing Rysn to take over the upcoming negotiations.
  • Tries to begin negotiations with the Reshi King’s trademaster, but is told that the deal was to be with Vstim — the Reshi trademaster refuses to negotiate. In response, Rysn attempts to prove her boldness by climbing down a rope to speak with Relu-na, the giant greatshell the Reshi live on (and who they view as a god). The rope snaps and Rysn falls, permanently injuring her legs.
  • Reshi reward her bravery with a rare creature, a larkin — Rysn names the larkin Chiri-Chiri.
  • Discovers Vstim had orchestrated her trade negotiation as a learning experience, and that the difficulties she experienced in the negotiations (which caused her to take the risk that caused her injury) were all part of the lesson Vstim was trying to teach her.

The Thaylen Gemstone Reserve (Oathbringer)

  • Manages the Thaylen Gemstone Reserve. While embarrassed by her disability, but maintains her independence.
  • Is gifted the Wandersail, a valuable trade ship, by her babsk Vstim.
  • During an audit of the Gemstone Reserve with Vstim, someone disguised as a guard attempts to steal the King’s Drop, a large, perfect gemstone. Vstim is wounded, but Chiri-Chiri drains the Light from the assassin and Rysn kills them with a crossbow.

Expedition to Aimia (Dawnshard)

  • Agrees to lead an expedition to the island chains of Aimia, in the hopes that something on the mysterious island of Akinah will be able to help Chiri-Chiri, who has appeared sick (larkins are believed to be from the island).
  • While at sea en route to Aimia, discovers Nikli, her porter, is a Sleepless spy trying to sabotage the mission.
  • On the island, Rysn becomes a Dawnshard when she finds a mural depicting the Shattering of Adonalsium mural — the Dawnshard within the mural leaves the wall and enters Rysn.
  • Negotiates with the Sleepless, ensuring safe passage for her crew in exchange for taking responsibility for the Dawnshard.
rysn dawnshard mural akinah cosmere stormlight
In front of the mural beneath Akinah (Connor Chamberlain)

Encountering Another Dawnshard(Wind and Truth)

  • Leads successful negotiations with the Alethi regarding a patent treaty; these negotiations are interrupted by Wit (disguised as Dalinar). Because they are both holding Dawnshards, their power attracts, and they are almost pulled together — Wit uses his powers to prevent their apparently dangerous connection, then leaves.
  • Goes into hiding as a result of the meeting with Wit (the locations of the Dawnshards are kept secret due to their great power).

Physical Appearance

Rysn has the long white eyebrows characteristic of the Thaylen people, which she tucks behind her ears. She wears a glove on her safehand — even though she finds the tradition unnecessary and outdated. Her preferred clothing consists of vests layered over long-sleeved shirts paired with ankle-length skirts. Due to her injury, she relies on a wheelchair, porter, or palanquin for mobility, though she later gains a fabrial-enhanced levitating chair.

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Art by paintweaver

Personality, Strengths & Weaknesses

Rysn is a highly observant and intelligent individual, skilled in reading people and understanding trade negotiations. She is determined and bold, willing to take risks when she believes it is necessary. Despite her initial struggles with prejudice against other cultures (she mostly just thinks they’re weird), she actively works to overcome this flaw through her experience. Her ability to quickly adapt and lead is evident in her successful negotiation with the Sleepless, and in her efforts to earn the respect of her crew aboard the Wandersail.

Perhaps Rysn’s greatest strength is her practicality. Despite her initial struggles with her disability, she finds creative solutions to the problems being a wheelchair user creates for her. This ability to see the world as it truly is, and work from there, is most evident in her response to Wit discovering that she is a Dawnshard: Rysn immediately accepts that she has to abandon her life on Roshar and go into hiding — despite how hard she has worked to build that life.

rysn by ml malandrino in her chair with chiri chiri stormlight archive cosmere
Rysn in her chair with Chiri-Chiri (art byMaria Malandrino)

However, she has significant self-doubt, particularly regarding her disability, believing at first that it strips her of power in trade. She is also prone to acting rashly, as seen in her impulsive decision to climb down the Reshi greatshell which resulted in her injury. Additionally, she has difficulty accepting help, feeling that relying on others makes her appear weak.

Being a Dawnshard

There are four Dawnshards in the Cosmere; each is one of the four Commands that Adonalsium used to create the Cosmere. These Commands were involved somehow in the Shattering of Adonalsium. The Dawnshard that Rysn holds is described as “the will of a god to remake things… the power to change”. Someone who holds a Dawnshard is also referred to as a Dawnshard.

Rysn becomes a Dawnshard after encountering the mural of the Shattering of Adonalsium in Akinah. She develops an enhanced awareness of life, colors, and musical tones, similar to the effects experienced by someone holding a large number of Breaths. However, she cannot actively use the Dawnshard, and its full influence on her remains uncertain.

As a consequence of holding the Dawnshard, she is forbidden from bonding a spren — it is implied that by having access to some form of Surgebinding, she would then be capable of harnessing the (dangerous) power of the Dawnshard. The Sleepless, who are very aware of the significance of the Dawnshard, agree to watch over her permanently, ensuring that it does not fall into the wrong hands. When she meets Hoid, another former Dawnshard, they experience an intense gravitational pull toward each other. This forces Hoid to leave, leading Rysn to contemplate how to protect herself and her secret.

Important Relationships

Rysn’s most influential relationship is with Vstim, her babsk (mentor). He trains her in trade and negotiation, often using unconventional methods to challenge her perceptions. Though strict, he genuinely cares for her and ensures she remains independent even after her injury, gifting her the Wandersail. He is also the only person she confides in about the Dawnshard (besides the Sleepless), promising to keep her secret.

aboard the wandersail rysn and chiri chiri stormlight archive cosmere
With Chiri-Chiri on the Wandersail (Ben McSweeney)

Her closest companion is Chiri-Chiri, the larkin gifted to her by the Reshi after her accident. At first, she sees Chiri-Chiri as merely a pet, but as it grows, she realizes it possesses intelligence and unique abilities. After returning from Aimia, Chiri-Chiri shocks Rysn by speaking a few (very hard to understand) words in Thaylen.

Rysn maintains a professional relationship with Queen Fen, working in the Thaylen Gemstone Reserve to manage her finances. Later, she plays a role in negotiating Thaylen patent laws in Urithiru, gaining further influence in trade.

Her relationship with the Sleepless that guard her, Nikli and Alalhawithador, shifts from hostile to protective. Initially, Nikli tries to sabotage her expeditionto Aimia, but after she becomes the Dawnshard, he and the other Sleepless pledge to follow her forever, ensuring she upholds her new cosmic responsibility. Rysn also begins to earn their respect, and the Sleepless begin to ask value her opinion.

We hope this biography of Rysn had everything you were looking for. If it didn’t — or if you just want to tell us that you also think Chiri-Chiri is the cutest thing in the Cosmere — please let us know by leaving us a comment below!

Art at the top of the page: Rysn with her Shinovar grass (Marie Seeberger)

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A huge fan of sci-fi and fantasy (really anything with tons of weird proper nouns), music, and video games. Enjoys the outdoors, but has plenty to do on a rainy day.

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