harry potter wizarding bands singers

Harry Potter: Wizarding Bands & Singers

Musical entertainment is just as popular in the Wizarding world as it is in the Muggle one, with the Wizarding Wireless Network being played in almost every home. Not many Wizarding bands or singers are mentioned in the Harry Potter…

comedy novels featured image

6 of the Funniest Fantasy/Sci-fi Novel Series

Science fiction and fantasy tend to attract serious people. Be it the tweed suit-wearing academicals discussing various hypothetical scenarios humanity may face once space travel gets introduced into our daily routine, or the bearded scholars painstakingly building up new worlds…

which cosmere world best to live on brandon sanderson novels

Cosmere Planets Ranked by How Much We’d Want to Live There

Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere is an incredibly diverse place, with the only similarities between worlds being that they almost all have humans, and most of the ones we know of have some form of Investiture (the Cosmere version of magic). Otherwise,…

the most suspenseful & tense movie moments

10 of the Most Suspenseful & Tense Movie Moments

In the world of cinema, suspense is the art of orchestrating anticipation. It’s that moment when your popcorn remains suspended mid-air, the room’s temperature seems to drop, and the heartbeat synchronizes with the ticking of a metaphorical clock. From nerve-wracking…

hard sci fi books featured image space station in front of planet and galaxy

10 of the Best Hard Sci-Fi Books

Science fiction has struggled since its inception to shake off the notion that it isn’t serious, that it’s all about little green men, that it’s basically fantasy in space (my local library has a green alien head on all the…