wind and truth discussion chapter 33 cosmere stormlight

Wind and Truth Chapter 33 – Discussion and Analysis

We’re a mere eleven days from the release of Wind and Truth, which means tomorrow begins our very own ten day countdown. But instead of battling Odium’s champion at the end of the countdown, we’ll be battling all the other…

wind and truth discussion chapters 29 30 stormlight cosmere

Wind and Truth Chapters 29 & 30 – Discussion and Analysis

A very happy Veteran’s Day/Remembrance Day/Armistice Day to our readers, and to the veterans in today’s chapters: Dalinar, Renarin, Drehy, Lift, Sigzil, and especially Rlain (running those bridges was as dangerous a job as you could have in Sadeas’ army).…

wind and truth discussion chapters 27 28 cosmere stormlight

Wind and Truth Chapters 27 & 28 – Discussion and Analysis

It was a particularly tough wait for this week’s chapters, since chapter 26 ended with Shallan’s disguise failing in the Ghostblood hideout. Fortunately, we get the conclusion of that scene today, and Szeth’s flashback story also moves along nicely. Today’s…