Cuthbert Allgood is a central character in Stephen King’s Dark Tower series, due to his role as a member of Roland Deschain‘s original ka-tet. As Roland’s closest childhood friend, Cuthbert’s blend of humor, intelligence, and loyalty, along with his skills as a gunslinger, make him a key figure in Roland’s early life.
Appearances & History
The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger (1982) – In the first book, Cuthbert appears in Roland’s memory, and in stories he tells Jake Chambers. He is depicted as Roland’s closest friend during their childhood and training in Gilead. They trained together under Cort, a strict teacher of future gunslingers, and shared many formative experiences, including witnessing the execution of the cook, Hax, for treason, and Roland’s successful trial of manhood.
The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass (1997) – In Wizard and Glass, Cuthbert plays a significant role as a member of Roland Deschain’s ka-tet. Roland, Cuthbert, and Alain Johns are sent east to the Barony of Mejis, where they adopt false identities to hide their true purpose — determining how Mejis is helping the rebel leader John Farson. Cuthbert, using the alias “Arthur Heath,” plays a central role in this mission. Cuthbert’s humor and lightheartedness often clash with Roland’s more serious demeanor, leading to tension between the two. This tension is exacerbated by Roland’s growing obsession with Susan Delgado, a young woman he falls in love with despite the dangers it poses to their mission. Cuthbert becomes frustrated with Roland’s distraction and challenges him about it, even striking him at one point. Despite their conflicts, Cuthbert remains a loyal friend, and his skills prove essential in their eventual defeat of the Big Coffin Hunters and the rest of John Farson’s men.
Cuthbert’s story culminates in his death during the Battle of Jericho Hill, a pivotal event in the series. At the battle, Cuthbert is killed by an arrow through the eye, fired by Randall Flagg, Roland’s nemesis (the details of this are revealed in the Marvel graphic novels). Despite his death, Cuthbert’s influence persists throughout the series, as Roland frequently recalls him, often due to the similarities between Cuthbert and Eddie Dean, a member of Roland’s final ka-tet.
Early Life & Background
Cuthbert was born in Gilead, a city in the barony of New Canaan, alongside Roland. From a young age, Cuthbert and Roland shared a bond forged through their experiences growing up in Gilead. As children, they were nearly inseparable, spending much of their time together and developing a deep camaraderie. Both were trained to become gunslingers, learning under the harsh tutelage of Cort.
A minor event that ends up being quite formative in his early life is when Cuthbert, alongside Roland, sneaks into the kitchen to eat pie given to them by Hax after being punished by Cort. It is during this time that they overhear a conversation about an act of treason planned by Hax — the boys reporting this event leads to Hax’s execution. At only eleven years old, Cuthbert and Roland are sent by their fathers to witness Hax’s hanging, a traumatic event that marks a significant moment in their early lives.
Cuthbert’s background is notable for his lineage, which traces back to the days of Arthur Eld, an ancestral connection that ties him to the ancient history of Mid-World and the lineage of gunslingers.
Physical Description
Cuthbert Allgood’s physical appearance is portrayed inconsistently across different mediums within The Dark Towerseries. In the novels, Cuthbert is depicted as tall, thin, and good-looking, with blonde hair. However, in the comics, he is shown with dark hair, adding a layer of ambiguity to his portrayal. The inconsistency continues in the reference to Robert Browning’s poem “Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came,” where Cuthbert is mentioned as having curly blonde hair. All things considered, the Stephen King novels seem like they should be considered the definitive source, however.
Cuthbert as he appears in the graphic novels
Personality and Traits
Cuthbert Allgood is characterized by his humor and penchant for making jokes, even in dire situations. His role within Roland’s ka-tet often positions him as the constant joker, a trait that can either relieve or cause tension among his companions. He has a strong sense of morality, as showcased when he defends Sheemie from bullying at the hands of the Big Coffin Hunters in Mejis. Roland frequently compares Eddie to Cuthbert, seeing them both as “ka-mai” or “ka’s fool.” Despite his humorous nature, Cuthbert is also depicted as intelligent, brave, and fiercely loyal.
Strengths, Weaknesses, and Abilities
Cuthbert has exceptional skill with his slingshot, which he carries on his belt alongside a pouch containing steel balls for ammunition. He is known for his precision and accuracy, able to take a bird on the wing at sixty yards. In addition to his slingshot, Cuthbert wields a large-caliber, five-shot nickel-plated revolver known as a ‘carver’. His strengths extend beyond his combat skills; his sharp memory and keen intellect allow him to remember important details and names, which proves crucial in their mission.
However, his weaknesses include his tendency to make light of serious situations, often frustrating Roland, who finds his humor ill-timed. This aspect of his personality can sometimes lead to friction within the ka-tet, especially when Cuthbert’s joking manner clashes with the gravity of their circumstances.
Key Relationships
Cuthbert Allgood’s most significant relationship is with Roland Deschain, the leader of the ka-tet. As childhood friends, Cuthbert and Roland share a deep bond that is tested throughout their journey.
Cuthbert also has a close relationship with Alain Johns, another member of the original ka-tet, who often acts as a mediator between Cuthbert and Roland, particularly when tensions arise over Roland’s decisions.
Cuthbert’s relationship with Sheemie Ruiz, a mentally handicapped boy he saves in Hambry, is characterized by kindness and a sense of responsibility. Cuthbert’s actions earn Sheemie’s loyalty, and the two develop a special bond.
Role in the Dark Tower Series
Cuthbert Allgood plays a crucial role in The Dark Tower series as a member of Roland’s original ka-tet. His presence is integral to several key events, particularly in Wizard and Glass, where he accompanies Roland and Alain to Hambry. There, he serves as a critical member of the group, using his wit and combat skills to aid in their mission. His ability with the slingshot proves invaluable during the ambush of Jonas’s convoy and other confrontations with the Big Coffin Hunters.
Throughout the series, Cuthbert’s role extends beyond his actions in battle; he serves as a moral and emotional compass for the group, challenging Roland’s decisions and urging him to reconsider his actions, particularly regarding his affair with Susan Delgado. In “The Long Road Home,” Cuthbert demonstrates his resilience and dedication by carrying Roland’s lifeless body and defending the group from threats. His journey culminates in “The Battle of Jericho Hill,” where he meets his end at the hands of Randall Flagg.
Even in death, Cuthbert’s influence persists, as Roland often reflects on their shared past and the lessons learned from their time together. Cuthbert’s legacy within the series is marked by his unwavering loyalty, bravery, and the enduring impact of his friendship with Roland, which continues to shape Roland’s quest for the Dark Tower.
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