Words of Radiance Leatherbound Backerkit Lets You Pick Your Knights Radiant Order

In a livestream today, author Brandon Sanderson’s revealed more details about the leatherbound copy of the 2nd book in the Stormlight Archive series, Words of Radiance. During the brief livestream, we learned from the man himself that as part of the Backerkit, you’ll be able to pick your order of Knights Radiant — this will apparently change the goodies that come with the kit.

It’s a clever idea, and unsurprisingly, people were pretty excited about it. Here’s what happened if you tried to access Backerkit’s website a few minutes before the project in question officially became available for pre-order:

Brandon sanderson Backerkit crashing site

Sanderson has amassed a serious following, and naturally fans of the series are pretty into “their” order — someone should have warned the folks running the Backerkit servers.

If you don’t know what we’re talking about, you can check out the official Knights Radiant quiz while you wait for the Backerkit site to come back online, and you can also take a look at the WoR Leatherbounds!

Update: Now that the site is no longer getting the Cosmere hug of death, we can tell you a bit more about the Backerkit! Depending on the tier you get, you can pick up a lot of stuff beyond the two leatherbound books. These include:

  • Dragonsteel Prime – A non-canon book written just after Elantris, that is a sort of first try at a lot of the Stormlight concepts and characters
  • The Way of Kings Prime – A very different version of Way of Kings and Roshar, again a kind of first attempt at the story we know and love
  • New Secret Project Box – A new Cosmere secret project, plus some related goodies
  • Radiant Pack – A pin, coin, charm, decal, and banner of a specific Knights Radiant order
  • Backer Pack – It’s unclear what’s in here from the Backerkit site, unfortunately

The project has already raised nearly 10 million dollars of its 2 million dollar goal, so it’s safe to say this project will be yet another huge success for Brandon Sanderson and Dragonsteel (his company). Let us know if you ordered the WoR leatherbound books in the comments!

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A huge fan of sci-fi and fantasy (really anything with tons of weird proper nouns), music, and video games. Enjoys the outdoors, but has plenty to do on a rainy day.

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