Stormlight (Investiture) – Stormlight Archive’s Magic Energy Explained

Given how it’s the name of the series, you might have already assumed that Stormlight is an important aspect of the Stormlight Archive. Well, you’d be right. This gaseous Investiture plays an integral role in how magic works on Roshar, fueling the powers of the Knights Radiant. It’s more than just a fancy word for mana, however, and has some other interesting uses and properties. In this article, we’ll answer all of your Stormlight-related questions!

Featured image above is art of Kaladin, with Stormlight coming off of him, by Caio Santos

What is Stormlight?

To understand what Stormlight is, we first need to know what Investiture is. Briefly, Investiture is spiritual energy present throughout the universe. Along with matter and energy, Investiture is one of the three fundamental building blocks of everything that exists in the Cosmere.

With that in mind, it’ll make more sense now when we say Stormlight is a type of Investiture that is created on Roshar by Highstorms. Stormlight behaves as a kind of mist or gas. It can be captured in gemstones, and people who have sworn a Nahel Bond can breathe it in. Stormlight looks like a thick, glowing white mist, with hints of blue.

What is Stormlight used for?

Stormlight is a very valuable resource on Roshar, especially now that the Knights Radiant have returned. There are numerous applications for Stormlight, as detailed below.

Stormlight is used to power fabrials – mechanical devices whose effect(s) rely on a gemstone that contains a captured Spren. In addition to the Spren, the fabrials must have Stormlight in their gemstone.

800px the impossible odds by randy vargas shardplate cosmere stormlight
Shardplate leaking Stormlight (art by Randy Vargas)

Knights Radiant can use Stormlight for Surgebinding and healing. The magical powers of the Radiants, called Surges, can only be used while the Knight has Stormlight. While holding Stormlight, Radiants feel energetic, and driven to action. Additionally, a Radiant with Stormlight can use the Stormlight to rapidly heal themselves. This healing power is immense, allowing Radiants to heal from practically any wound that isn’t instantly fatal — assuming they have enough Stormlight.

Because only real gemstones can hold Stormlight, it is used as a form of currency validation. Many people and businesses will not accept “dun” spheres — spheres with no Stormlight inside — because they could be fake. “Infused” spheres — spheres that contain Stormlight — are preferred.

Stormlight can be used to help grow crops: by drumming a specific rhythm near infused emeralds, Lifespren will appear and transport Stormlight to the crops, increasing their growth rate.

Stormlight powers Shardplate — when “dead” Shardplate is worn by someone who isn’t a Radiant, it requires gemstones in order to be usable. Shardplate without Stormlight is impossibly heavy. Shardplate leaks Stormlight when damaged. Cracked or otherwise damaged Shardplate can be regrown by giving it Stormlight.

Where does Stormlight come from?

Once again, we can’t answer this question until we answer a different question: What is a Highstorm? The Highstorm is a concentration of Honor’s power, in the form of a very intense rainstorm, that moves across Roshar regularly. But don’t take our word for it — here’s what happens, as described by the Stormfather:

Honor’s power, during a storm, is concentrated in one place… It pierces all three realms and brings the Physical, Cognitive, and Spiritual together momentarily in one. The gemstones, exposed to the wonder of the Spiritual Realm, are lit by the infinite power there.

Stormfather, Oathbringer Ch. 64

So in essence, Highstorms pierce the Spiritual Realm, and bring its power into the Physical Realm. That power can then be utilized or captured, though only in a few specific ways.

Gemstones can hold Stormlight for long periods of time, though it leaks out over time. More perfectly cut gemstones are able to hold the power longer. Theoretically, a perfect gemstone could hold Stormlight forever, without any leaking out. People leave their gemstones out during Highstorms (often in a locked cage or otherwise secure location) in order to infuse them with Stormlight.

Knights Radiant are able to breathe in Stormlight and hold it in their bodies for a limited period of time. They can absorb it from gemstones, and can also access an infinite amount of Stormlight when within a Highstorm. Radiants who have sworn more Oaths are better able to contain Stormlight, in much the same way as more perfect gemstones.

the highstorm by sakina minnis cosmere stormlight
A highstorm (art by Sakina Minnis)

We hope this article answered any questions you had about Stormlight! Additional questions, or any suggestions, are welcome in the comments below.

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A huge fan of sci-fi and fantasy (really anything with tons of weird proper nouns), music, and video games. Enjoys the outdoors, but has plenty to do on a rainy day.

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