All of Hoid’s Appearances – Cosmere

The most mysterious character in Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere universe is also its most ubiquitous. No matter the planet the story is set on, or the century it takes place in, careful readers might be able to spot Hoid. Sometimes he goes by that name, other times he’ll be under a different alias, but if there are important events occurring with far-reaching implications for the Cosmere, it’s very likely Hoid.

WARNING: This article contains spoilers for every Cosmere book Hoid appears in — which is most of them!

For anyone wondering where he’s shown up — or if you’re just trying to figure out if you missed him in a specific book — the list below has got you covered. It also includes times where he is mentioned, in addition to his actual on-page appearances. His role in each story will be explained below, but if you just want to see the list, here is every appearance of Hoid in Cosmere stories:

  • The Way of Kings
  • Words of Radiance
  • Edgedancer*
  • Oathbringer
  • Rhythm of War
  • Wind and Truth
  • Mistborn: The Final Empire
  • The Well of Ascension
  • The Hero of Ages*
  • The Alloy of Law
  • Shadows of Self
  • The Bands of Mourning
  • Mistborn: Secret History
  • The Lost Metal
  • Warbreaker
  • Elantris
  • The Emperor’s Soul*
  • White Sand Graphic Novel
  • Tress of the Emerald Sea
  • Yumi and the Nightmare Painter
  • The Sunlit Man
  • The Traveler**
  • Imperial Fool**

*Mentioned only
**Unpublished work

Now you’re probably thinking “OK, but what is Hoid doing on each planet?” Well, sometimes we know that, but often we don’t. Let’s take a look at what we do know about each of the appearances listed above: What name Hoid is using, who saw him, and what he seems to be doing on each planet.

Any appearances marked with a * are things that occurred “off-screen”, as in they are referenced by other characters or the narrator but are not actually depicted in a scene.

Taldain Appearances (White Sand)

  • Books: White Sand Graphic Novel
  • Aliases: N/A

Hoid is often seen in the background of important scenes, holding a stringed instrument and wearing a cloak. He is never mentioned, and no one speaks to or of him.

  • Volume 1
    • Appears when Trackt Ais chases Lokmlen.
    • Outside the Hall of Judgement after Kenton meets Dirin.
    • Outside of the Taisha Meeting Hall during the vote to disband the Sand Master Diem.
  • Volume 2
    • Seen in the Lord Artisan’s palace, standing near Kenton and Khriss as they speak with the rest of the named characters there.
    • Takes cover as the assassins attack Kenton while he is with Khriss in the Darkside Quarter.
  • Volume 3
    • Playing music in the restaurant when Kenton and Khriss are attacked
    • Standing behind the Lord Mason in the Taisha Council before the Sand Master battle.
    • Playing a song about art on the boat to Darkside.

Sel Appearances

Hoid came to Sel in an attempt to become an Elantrian, although he fails. He does manage to acquire a useful magical artifact that works as a kind of magical Rosetta Stone. He likely used Devotion’s Perpendicularity both to reach Sel and to leave the planet.

  • The Emperor’s Soul
    • *Betrays Shai, causing her to be caught, and allowing him to steal the Moon Scepter for himself.
    • Speaks to Shai in her cell after she’s been caught.
  • Elantris
    • Disguised as a beggar, he helps Princess Sarene smuggle weapons into Elantris.
    • Speaks with a skaze after discovering he isn’t an Elantrian (he was hoping that when the city was restored, he would transform), then departs the planet via Devotion’s Perpendicularity.

Scadrial Appearances (Mistborn)

  • Books: Mistborn: The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension, The Hero of Ages, The Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, The Bands of Mourning, Mistborn: Secret History, The Lost Metal
  • Aliases: Hoid

Hoid appears in all 7 Mistborn books, always under the name Hoid. It’s likely he initially reached Scadrial via Ruin’s perpendicularity in the Pits of Hathsin. Stormlight Archive epigraphs note that Hoid returns to Scadrial multiple times between Mistborn Era 1 and the events of the Stormlight Archive, “accomplishing much” while somehow avoiding Harmony’s notice. Here are all of Hoid’s appearances in Mistborn:

  • The Final Empire
    • Meets Kelsier while working as an informant who pretends to have poor eyesight. Hoid informs Kelsier about what rumors surround House Renoux.
  • Well of Ascension
    • *Goes to Terris in search of Feruchemistry, and ends up helping Terris refugees.
  • Hero of Ages
    • Is still working as an informant, now in Fadrex City. Vin goes to meet him, but doesn’t feel comfortable when she sees him and avoids him instead.
  • Secret History
    • Meets Kelsier at the Well of Ascension, and consumes a bead of Lerasium, making him a Mistborn.
  • The Alloy of Law
    • Appears as a scruffy beggar at the wedding reception where the Vanishers attack and kidnap Steris.
  • Shadows of Self
    • Works as Wax’s carriage driver, and becomes friends with Wayne.
  • Bands of Mourning
    • Dressed as a beggar outside of Kelesina’s mansion, and gives Waxillium a metalmind that contains Kelsier’s memories.
    • *Mentioned in a broadsheet article, offering to tell Nicelle Sauvage a story.
  • The Lost Metal
    • Appears as part of the raid Marasi conducts in Bilming, driving a truck.
    • Rescues Wax in the ocean after the warship explodes, appearing with a small boat.

Nalthis Appearances (Warbreaker)

  • Books: Warbreaker
  • Aliases: Hoid, Dust

Hoid spent time on Nalthis acquiring Breaths (we assume, based on the perfect pitch he later demonstrates), gambling, and working as a Master storyteller in the Court of the Gods.

  • Tells the story of Vo to Susebron and Siri, and answered Siri’s historical questions.
  • *Vasher (as Zahel) tells Kaladin that he met Hoid when he was younger, under the name “Dust” — presumably, this occurred on Nalthis.

Roshar Appearances (Stormlight Archive)

  • Books: Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, Edgedancer (mentioned), Oathbringer, Rhythm of War
  • Aliases: Wit, Hoid, Cephandrius, Roamer, Wanderer, Lunu’anak

Hoid shows up in every Stormlight Archive book, initially as the King’s Wit — the Alethi version of a court jester or fool. Hoid may have come to Roshar via Cultivation’s perpendicularity in the Horneater Peaks — while there, he warned the Unkalaki about the Sleepless, non-human swarm creatures who had also come to Roshar (the Unkalaki refer to him as Lunu’anak). He likely came to Roshar with the goal of becoming a Radiant, but due to his special ability to “be where he needs to be”, he ends up involved in many pivotal moments in the lives of the main characters of the Stormlight series.

In letters to Hoid throughout the Stormlight Archive (generally found in chapter epigraphs), the people he is in communication with refer to him as Cephandrius, Dust, and Wanderer. He eventually reveals his real name to a few of the main characters, admitting that Hoid is a name he stole from “someone he should have loved”. Here are all of Hoid’s appearances in the Stormlight Archive:

  • Way of Kings
    • *Trained Sigzil as a Worldsinger (someone who travels and “spreads knowledge of cultures, peoples, thoughts, and dreams”).
    • Serves as King Elhokar’s Wit — his job as Wit is to insult people, an an activity which is below a king. He interacts with Dalinar Kholin multiple times in this role.
    • Speaks to Kaladin on multiple occasions, telling him inspirational stories and gifting him a flute.
    • Meets Taln when he returns from Braize.
    • There is a group of Worldhoppers from the Seventeenth Shard on Roshar looking for Wit, who they refer to as Roamer.
  • Words of Radiance
    • Met Shallan Davar when she was young, giving her emotional support when she needed it most.
    • *Jumped into a greatshell’s mouth in front of Lift.
    • Appears as Adolin Kholin’s carriage driver in the warcamps.
    • Is waiting for Jasnah Kholin when she escapes Shadesmar after the Ghostbloods attempted to assassinate her.
  • Oathbringer
    • *Tells Azure she can line a room with Aluminum to soulcast without attracting the “Screamer” voidspren.
    • Finds the Cryptic spren Design, who he later bonds with.
  • Rhythm of War
    • Begins a romantic relationship with Jasnah, while serving as her Wit. This causes him to be more involved with Dalinar’s inner circle, and he helps them plan their battle against Odium. He assists Jasnah in writing the contract for the Contest of Champions.
    • Meets with Odium, who steals Hoid’s memories of the meeting.
  • Wind and Truth
    • Explains how the Spiritual Realm works to Dalinar, and gives him a watch to help him keep track of time while in the Spiritual Realm.
    • Gives Kaladin another flute, and teaches him how to play it.

Lumar Appearances (Tress and the Emerald Sea)

  • Books: Tress and the Emerald Sea
  • Aliases: Hoid

Hoid is the narrator of this story, and so “appears” throughout. He came to Lumar as part of his continuing efforts to become an Elantrian. He makes a bet with an Elantrian named Riina, who is known on the planet as The Sorceress. The bet involves Hoid allowing her to curse him; if he breaks the curse — by returning to the Riina’s central room on her island — she promises to make him an Elantrian. The curse removed essentially everything about him: his sense of self, including his senses of humor, style, decorum, intelligence, and so on.

  • Delivers a cup from prince Charlie to Tress.
  • As the cabin boy on the ship Whistlebow, meets Tress, who tries to get information about the Sorceress from him. She eventually succeeds in using Hoid’s silence at certain questions to figure out where the Sorceress’ island is.
  • Joins Tress in confronting the Sorceress, gaining the powers of an Elantrian when he breaks the curse.

Canticle Appearances (Sunlit Man)

  • Books: Sunlit Man
  • Aliases: Hoid

Hoid does not physically visit Canticle (so far as we know), but does show up there via a kind of magical projection.

  • Appears to Sigzil thanks to Aux using Investititure to Connect Sigzil to Hoid. They discuss their relationship and Hoid’s betrayal. Hoid apologizes to Sigzil before disappearing.

Komashi Appearances (Yumi and the Nightmare Painter)

  • Books: Yumi and the Nightmare Painter
  • Aliases: Hoid

Hoid narrates this story, and appears in it physically as well. The moment Hoid arrived on Komashi, he became frozen in place thanks to his own defensive measures: he had somehow created a protective system that would freeze him if someone or something tried to tamper with his Investiture — the “father machine” on the planet attempted to absorb is Investiture, triggering his defenses.

  • Appears spray painted copper, in use as a coat rack, in his spren Design’s noodle shop. He becomes able to move again after the father machine is destroyed.
  • Plans with Design to steal a spaceship and travel to the Iron Seven Waystation, a space station near Komashi.

Yolen Appearances (The Traveler)

There isn’t anything truly concrete about Hoid that can be gleaned from this story, but we know it is Yolen thanks to the description of the plants.

  • Speaks to an unknown man, possibly one of the original sixteen people who Splintered Adonalsium, about Hoid’s mysterious vendetta.

We hope this article on Hoid’s appearances was helpful! Did we miss a Hoid sighting? Let us know in the comments below.

Art of Hoid at the top of the page is by Ari Ibarra, and is from the Call to Adventure: The Stormlight Archive tabletop game

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A huge fan of sci-fi and fantasy (really anything with tons of weird proper nouns), music, and video games. Enjoys the outdoors, but has plenty to do on a rainy day.

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