wind and truth discussion chapters 19 20 cosmere stormlight previews

Wind and Truth Chapters 19 & 20 – Discussion and Analysis

Another Monday, another few chapters of Wind and Truth to read! Today’s chapters didn’t have the massively important reveals that last week’s did, but there was never any chance of that. Instead, today’s chapters move the plot along, with plans…

spren from shallan's sketchbook collage stormlight archive cosmere

Spren – Description, Biology, & All Types – Stormlight Archive

Of all the interesting magical concepts and creatures in Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archive series, perhaps most fascinating are the spren. These physical manifestations of human thought and emotion are omnipresent on Roshar, and come in all shapes and sizes. But…

the lincoln lawyer order featured image

The Lincoln Lawyer Reading Order

Michael Connelly is undeniably one of the most prominent mystery writers of our time. He’s been publishing mysteries since all the way back in 1992, and to date, he has a total of 38 novels to his name, with a…

stormlight archive way of kings cover michael whelan cosmere

Stormlight Archive – Basic Information & Book Summaries

The Stormlight Archive is an epic fantasy series by author Brandon Sanderson. It is one of the core series in his Cosmere, an interconnected narrative universe in which the majority of his published works take place. In this article, we’ll…

wind and truth ch 14 15 discussion cosmere stormlight archive

Wind and Truth Chapters 14 & 15 – Discussion and Analysis

Reactor magazine has the distinct honor of releasing two chapters of the upcoming Stormlight Archive novel Wind and Truth, every Monday, until the book’s release on December 6th. Here at Beyond Hogwarts, we have the distinctly fun opportunity to talk…