wind and truth discussion chapters 29 30 stormlight cosmere

Wind and Truth Chapters 29 & 30 – Discussion and Analysis

A very happy Veteran’s Day/Remembrance Day/Armistice Day to our readers, and to the veterans in today’s chapters: Dalinar, Renarin, Drehy, Lift, Sigzil, and especially Rlain (running those bridges was as dangerous a job as you could have in Sadeas’ army).…

wind and truth discussion chapters 27 28 cosmere stormlight

Wind and Truth Chapters 27 & 28 – Discussion and Analysis

It was a particularly tough wait for this week’s chapters, since chapter 26 ended with Shallan’s disguise failing in the Ghostblood hideout. Fortunately, we get the conclusion of that scene today, and Szeth’s flashback story also moves along nicely. Today’s…

worldsinger by ari ibarra all hoid appearances cosmere cropped

All of Hoid’s Appearances – Cosmere

The most mysterious character in Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere universe is also its most ubiquitous. No matter the planet the story is set on, or the century it takes place in, careful readers might be able to spot Hoid. Sometimes he…

The hobbits and Gandalf at the Gray Havens at the end of the Return of the King.

Why Did Frodo Leave for the Undying Lands?

The answer is World War I. No, really.  It might seem strange to bring up something that’s completely foreign to Middle-Earth when explaining why Frodo left for the Undying Lands. There’s no Somme in Arda; heck, there isn’t even a…

feruchemisty greater than allomancy mistborn cosmere sazed and kelsier by shayndl art

Why Feruchemistry is Better than Allomancy

Throughout Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series, it’s the eponymous Allomancers who get most of the screen time. It makes sense — the series is named for them, after all, and at first glance, the powers of a Mistborn are much more…

wind and truth discussion psd chapters 23 24 cosmere stormlight

Wind and Truth Chapters 23 & 24 – Discussion and Analysis

We hope everyone had a lovely weekend, and that you’re ready for some science: today’s chapters feature fabrial science with Navani and Rushu, and some cultural anthropology by way of flashback with Szeth! Don’t worry, there’s action too — Shallan’s…