David Haber

David Haber

D.S. Haber (known to his friends as Dave) is a professional muggle computer programmer and web designer and lives in Los Angeles. He is proud of the fact that he is a new-blood wizard with no (apparent) previous magical blood in his family. His favorite Quidditch team is the Falmouth Falcons, who's motto is "Let us win, but if we cannot win, let us break a few heads." He is also a West Ham United (Hammers) fan.
the mystery of aberforth in harry potter

The Mystery of Aberforth

During the interview after the launch of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, someone asked J.K. Rowling which member of the Order of the Phoenix is her favourite. She responded: “I keep killing all my favourite members of the Order…

daniel radcliffe order of the phoenix

Rumor: Warner Bros. Thinking of Firing Daniel Radcliffe

According to The Daily Mail in the UK, executives at Warner Bros, producers of the Harry Potter movies, are said to have been “utterly dismayed” by publicity shots of Radcliffe naked for his appearance in Equus, which starts preview performances…

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows UK Adult Cover

The Troubling Timing of Book 7

The official release date of the final Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, was announced yesterday. The book will be available at midnight in English speaking countries all over the world on July 21, 2007. This date…

is harry potter the last horcrux

Is Harry Potter the Last Horcrux?

In Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince, we learned that, to make himself immortal, Lord Voldemort ripped his soul into seven pieces, and created six horcruxes (the seventh piece of his soul still residing in his body). In the course…

into the deathly hallows harry potter book 7 announcement

Rumors: Deathly Translations and Alternate Titles

With the release of the title of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on Thursday, it is interesting to see how media worldwide has translated the title. Our friend Martin over at RedFlu.com has compiled a list of some of…