j.k. rowling

J.K. Rowling and Stephen Fry on BBC4 This Saturday

Bloomsbury Publishing Plc–8 December, 2005–In Living With Harry (Saturday 10 December 9.00am BBC Radio 4), J.K. Rowling and Stephen Fry brighten up Saturday morning with a conversation about the phenomenon that is Harry Potter. In the course of this half-hour…

harry potter and the chamber of secrets

Professor Lectures on the Harry Potter Phenomenon

10/28/2005 — Halloween may be the only time of the year when most people think about witches and wizards but students of Westminster biology professor Dr. Tammy Stiller discuss the subject more often because of her use of Harry Potter…

harry potter and the sorcerers stone

Writers Debate Harry Potter at Worldcon

by Petréa Mitchell, editor of The Akashic Record Interaction, this year’s World Science Fiction Convention, staged a debate on the merits of Harry Potter as one of its program items. The debate occurred at 11am on Saturday, August 6th, between…

j.k. rowling

Terry Pratchett Clarifies J.K. Rowling Remarks

On Sunday, The BBC ran a story about British author Terry Pratchett’s comments about J.K. Rowling. He has now gone on the record publicly about those comments: (from the alt.fan.harry-potter newsgroup) Let’s take it a bit at a time. You…

dumbledore is not dead

Dumbledore Is Not Dead!

Well… maybe not. At least, I don’t think he is. I must admit, J.K. completely got me. I fell for it all, hook, line and sinker. I waited on line at midnight on July 16 to be among the first…