

A huge fan of sci-fi and fantasy (really anything with tons of weird proper nouns), music, and video games. Enjoys the outdoors, but has plenty to do on a rainy day.
wind and truth ch 14 15 discussion cosmere stormlight archive

Wind and Truth Chapters 14 & 15 – Discussion and Analysis

Reactor magazine has the distinct honor of releasing two chapters of the upcoming Stormlight Archive novel Wind and Truth, every Monday, until the book’s release on December 6th. Here at Beyond Hogwarts, we have the distinctly fun opportunity to talk…

10 modern fantasy books featured image two armies facing each other beside mountains

10 Fantastically Unique Modern Fantasy Series

The word “fantasy” often brings to mind a handful of tropes: dragons and princesses, a chosen one and a powerful sword, knights and castles and wizards with staves. But the truth is, there’s a wealth of wonderful worlds in contemporary…

which cosmere world best to live on brandon sanderson novels

Cosmere Planets Ranked by How Much We’d Want to Live There

Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere is an incredibly diverse place, with the only similarities between worlds being that they almost all have humans, and most of the ones we know of have some form of Investiture (the Cosmere version of magic). Otherwise,…

hard sci fi books featured image space station in front of planet and galaxy

10 of the Best Hard Sci-Fi Books

Science fiction has struggled since its inception to shake off the notion that it isn’t serious, that it’s all about little green men, that it’s basically fantasy in space (my local library has a green alien head on all the…