Vox Machina Character Guide – Every Party Member in The Legend of Vox Machina

We are three seasons into Amazon Prime’s The Legend of Vox Machina, the animated retelling of Critical Role’s famous Dungeons & Dragons live-play of the same name. The enormously fun and action-packed show, filled with D&D-influenced combats and heartworming moments straight from the source material, features the titular band of heroes known as Vox Machina as they traverse the world of Tal’dorei in an attempt to save kingdoms (and each other) from threats ranging from vampires to dragons.

But, between dense character backstories, complex relationships, and a fast-moving plot, it can be hard to keep track of the characters in The Legend of Vox Machina. Even in the main cast, there are seven core members and an animal companion, each with massive developments happening every few episodes and a lot of history to keep up with. And so, to help you keep track, we’ve compiled the most important information about each character, and the core details of each (namely, their race and class). We’ve avoided explicit spoilers in this article, so you can read this even if you are just starting the series!

It is worth noting that we are treating the Prime version of these characters as completely separate from the Critical Role version of the characters on YouTube, and are only considering events shown directly in the show for these bios — if you are looking for guides for the characters from Critical Role’s Campaign 1, you’d do better checking their Wiki.

Now, without further ado, let’s go through the party roster of Vox Machina in Amazon Prime’s Legend of Vox Machina!

Grog Strongjaw

Race: Goliath
Primary Class: Barbarian


Grog Strongjaw is a Goliath Barbarian, and plays the role of Vox Machina’s muscle and — sometimes — its heart. Far from the cleverest member of the team, Grog’s primary function when the groups gets into scraps is to go into a furious rage and put himself in the center of the action. Whether wielding an axe, sword, or his bare fists, Grog is one of the most formidable fighters in Tal’dorei.

Outside of combat, Grog is crude and jovial, and lacks the social graces of some of the rest of the party, but his sincerity has won him several friends and makes him charming in his own way. Strongly defensive of “the little people,” Grog can’t stand to let those he is strong enough to protect come to harm. While Grog is easy to characterize as unintelligent, his self-awareness and wisdom makes up for this and keeps him from being a simple-minded buffoon, and he has proven to be strong-minded on multiple occassions.

Grog Strongjaw gets along with all of the other members of Vox Machina, but has a special, lifelong friendship with Pike Trickfoot, who affectionately refers to him as “Buddies.” He also has a close friendship with Scanlan Shorthalt, with whom he shares many crude jokes.

Pike Trickfoot

Race: Gnome
Primary Class: Cleric


Pike Trickfoot is a Gnome Cleric, and primarily focuses on healing and protecting Vox Machina during threats. Through her connection with the Everlight — her deity of worship — she is able to conjure golden shields and orbs that are used most frequently to guard the party against the most deadly threats. Despite fairly heavy armor and defensive magic, however, her frequent position at the front of the party to protect them leads to her being knocked unconscious more than the rest of the party members.

Outside of combat, Pike is adventurous and righteous, often advocating for the group to do what is right and often eager about future adventure. She has a low tolerance for wickedness and tends to have a short fuse when it comes to people she believes to be doing wrong. Despite her connection to the Everlight being the primary source of her powers, her feelings of guilt have led to some crises of faith, and the connection is tenuous at times.

Grog Strongjaw is Pike’s best friend, and has been for many years, since even before either of them joined Vox Machina. She also has a strong connection with most of the party, especially Scanlan Shorthalt (who is the only other gnome in the party). However, like Keyleth, Pike is not afraid to tell the party when she disagrees with their course of action or behavior.

Scanlan Shorthalt

Race: Gnome
Primary Class: Bard


Scanlan Shorthalt is Vox Machina’s bard and one of their primary spellcasters. With a silver tongue, Scanlan’s role within the party often sees him as the one to talk his way out of sticky situations. But, when that fails (as it often does), he is also capable of holding his own in a fight and supporting his friends, thanks to his many powerful spells and wily agility.

Though a first impression of Scanlan would make him seem like a shallow and unserious person, the reality is that he is deeply passionate about his friends and has a strong sense of courage. However, he struggles to be earnest or sincere, instead opting to bury his mental struggles with alcohol, sex, and a sharp tongue. He is the first person in the party to joke about almost any situation, and frequently uses those jokes to diffuse tension or distract from personal struggles.

Scanlan is friendly with just about everyone in the party, but his closest connections are with Grog, Pike, and Vax’ildan, all of whom most appreciate his humor. Scanlan’s many antics and propensity for unhealthy habits do lead to other members of the party chewing him out often, however, often shattering Scanlan’s self-confidence.


Race: Half-Elf
Primary Class: Druid


Keyleth is a half-elf druid, and as such is the most powerful individual spell caster in Vox Machina, as well as its primary connection to nature. In a fight, she makes use of plant magic, light spells, and bestial transformation in order to get the upper hand, though her low durability mean that she can rarely withstand a combat without assistance.

Outside of combat, Keyleth is socially awkward and very shy, and tends to avoid being the center of attention. During rare occassions when she is forced to speak up, she tends to blush and stumble over her words. However, her morals guide her more strongly than any other member of the party — even Pike Trickfoot. On multiple occasions, this righteousness has spurred her to speak out against wrongdoers even as her party doesn’t, and at other times she has even spoken fervently against the party when their course of action has been questionable. Her connection with the Air Ashari is important to her, and much of her journey relates to the Aramenté she went on for them.

Keyleth is often distant from most of the rest of the party, with the exception of Vax’ildan, for whom she harbored unrequited romantic feelings. In addition to sometimes finding herself at odds with Vox Machina’s more mercenary decisions, she also very frequently expresses exasperation at Grog and Scanlan‘s boorish antics.


Race: Half-Elf
Primary Class: Rogue


Vax’ildan — often just called “Vax” — is a half-elf rogue and the brother of Vex’ahlia. As a member of Vox Machina, Vax’ildan is tasked most often with stealth and reconnaissance, but can also be extremely deadly in a fight thanks to his expertise with throwing knives. Like Scanlan, he can also be a smooth and deceptive talker, though he is most deadly in shadows.

More serious and gloomy than most of Vox Machina, Vax’ildan often bears the brunt of responsibility for the party, and lets its well-being weigh strongly upon him. He is very inward, though he has been known to partake in some jokes and fun with the others when they initiate. Often the plan-maker, Vax can sometimes be thought of as one of the “brains” of Vox Machina.

In addition to having a close relationship with his sister Vex’ahilia (and her bear, Trinket), Vax’ildan has strong romantic feelings for Keyleth, which remains unspoken for a long time. He also gets along well with Percy, with whom he finds solace in gloom.


Race: Half-Elf
Primary Class: Ranger


Vex’ahlia — often called “Vex” — is a half-elf ranger and the sister of Vax’ildan. As the ranger, Vex’ahlia is one of the deadliest combatants in Vox Machina, and her incredible accuracy make her a deadly threat at ranges where no other member of the party — not even Percy — can be. Her agility and many trick arrows act as a tool against just about any threat, and it is this more specialist style of fighting that makes her an enormous asset for Vox Machina.

Outside of combat, Vex’ahlia is flirtatious and sly, but pragmatic. Carrying herself with some grace, she is more willing than most — including her brother — of lying and making deals in order to obtain Vox Machina’s goals. Defined by her confidence, Vex’s strongheaded nature and practicality sees her occassionally take on something of a leadership role within Vox Machina, during times when one is needed, and she often finds herself making plans alongside her brother.

Beyond her obvious connection with her brother Vax, Vex’ahlia is also the technical owner of Trinket, as he is her animal companion that she has had since he was a cub. In addition, she is also attracted to Percival de Rolo, though her exact feelings about this attraction are rarely defined. Her pragmatic nature sometimes sees her at odds with the less practical Grog Strongjaw and Scanlan Shorthalt.

Percival de Rolo

Race: Human
Primary Class: Fighter (Gunslinger)


Percival de Rolo is a human gunslinger, a type of fighter focused on close-quarters ranged combat. Despite his thin appearance and lack of obvious armor or melee weapons, this actually makes him one of Vox Machina’s primary front-line combatants (behind Grog Strongjaw), and he usually finds himself in the center of the fray, making use of his “pepperbox” revolver to blow away opponents.

Percival is a deeply troubled person, with immense feelings of guilt and loss due to losing his parents and coming into contact with the mysterious Orthax (a demon who helped him construct his pepperbox). Determined and furious, Percival is simultaneously one of the most intelligent and least stable members of Vox Machina, without even including Orthax’s influence. However, this mercenary attitude is also what allows Percy to push Vox Machina toward making difficult decisions to do the most dangerous or morally dubious things that must be done.

Percy is more of a loner than any of the other members of Vox Machina. He gets along with most of the party, despite some scrutiny that he receives for some of his more unhinged actions, but his only strong relationship within the party is Vex’ahlia, with whom he shares a mutual attraction.

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Graves is an avid writer, web designer, and gamer, with more ideas than he could hope to achieve in a lifetime. But, armed with a mug of coffee and an overactive imagination, he’ll try. When he isn’t working on a creative project, he is painting miniatures, reading cheesy sci-fi novels, or making music.

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