j.k. rowling

Terry Pratchett Clarifies J.K. Rowling Remarks

On Sunday, The BBC ran a story about British author Terry Pratchett’s comments about J.K. Rowling. He has now gone on the record publicly about those comments: (from the newsgroup) Let’s take it a bit at a time. You…

dumbledore is not dead

Dumbledore Is Not Dead!

Well… maybe not. At least, I don’t think he is. I must admit, J.K. completely got me. I fell for it all, hook, line and sinker. I waited on line at midnight on July 16 to be among the first…

harry potter and the revenge of the sith

Harry Potter and the Revenge of the Sith

Sometimes it seems Harry Potter is everywhere, you can’t get away from it. For example, today, in reviews for Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith. The very last scene in the movie, when the wise Obi-Wan Kenobi brings baby…

international quidditch lessons

International Quidditch Lessons

Quidditch, the Sport of Warlocks, is the most popular sport among witches and wizards in Europe, and is loved by Quidditch fans all over the world. But for newcomers to the sport, the quick-paced game may be confusing and hard…

7ft tall ian whyte body doubles for madame maxime

7FT Tall Ian Whyte Body-Doubles for Madame Maxime

In an interview on the ic Teeside web site which talks about Ian Whyte’s transformation from basketball player to movie actor, Ian descibes his experience of appearing in the next Harry film. Shortly after playing a monster in the film…

j.k. rowling

J.K. Rowling gives away more Harry Potter secrets

On Friday, J.K. Rowling updated her website with the message “No news is good news”, referring to the fact that book 6 and the next baby are both coming along fine, but nothing new to report. However, in typical Rowling-red-herring…