harry potter and the sirius mystery

Harry Potter and the Sirius Mystery

by Adam Kane, Wizard News Wizard On Monday, Wizard News was contacted by Gary Oldman’s unofficial website with the news that his manager told them Gary is not yet confirmed to play Sirius Black in Harry Potter and the…

j.k. rowling

J.K. Rowling and Stephen Fry on BBC4 This Saturday

Bloomsbury Publishing Plc–8 December, 2005–In Living With Harry (Saturday 10 December 9.00am BBC Radio 4), J.K. Rowling and Stephen Fry brighten up Saturday morning with a conversation about the phenomenon that is Harry Potter. In the course of this half-hour…

international quidditch lessons

Marlboro College Students Play Quidditch, Minus Brooms

MARLBORO, Vt., Nov. 10 (AScribe Newswire) — This fall, students at Marlboro College have been enjoying several games of Quidditch, a magical game played by the characters in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series. The Marlboro students can’t fly around on…

harry potter and the goblet of fire

Harry Potter and the Unrealistic Expectations

OK, we’re now two weeks away from opening day of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and since I get tons of emails on this after every Harry Potter movie premiere, I feel it’s my duty at this point…

harry potter and the chamber of secrets

Professor Lectures on the Harry Potter Phenomenon

10/28/2005 — Halloween may be the only time of the year when most people think about witches and wizards but students of Westminster biology professor Dr. Tammy Stiller discuss the subject more often because of her use of Harry Potter…