pulp radiohead supergroup forms to be weird sisters

Pulp/Radiohead Supergroup Forms to Be Weird Sisters

Although we previously knew Pulp rocker Jarvis Cocker was involved with appearing as the Weird Sisters, Contact Music has revealed today that Radiohead stars Phil Selway and Jonny Greenwood will be appearing with Cocker as the Weird Sisters at the…

harry potter and the sorcerers stone

Terry Gilliam Bitter About Potter

British director Terry Gilliam was J.K. Rowling’s original pick to direct the first Harry Potter movie in 2000. While publicizing his new movie, The Brothers Grimm, Gilliam said in an interview recently, “I was the perfect guy to do Harry…

international quidditch lessons

International Quidditch Lessons

Quidditch, the Sport of Warlocks, is the most popular sport among witches and wizards in Europe, and is loved by Quidditch fans all over the world. But for newcomers to the sport, the quick-paced game may be confusing and hard…

7ft tall ian whyte body doubles for madame maxime

7FT Tall Ian Whyte Body-Doubles for Madame Maxime

In an interview on the ic Teeside web site which talks about Ian Whyte’s transformation from basketball player to movie actor, Ian descibes his experience of appearing in the next Harry film. Shortly after playing a monster in the film…

more casting rumors rosamund pike is rita skeeter

Rosamund Pike Turned Down Rita Skeeter Role

It was rumored that Rosamund Pike was cast as Rita Skeeter in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire back in April. It has been confirmed by Warner Bros. that Miranda Richardson will play Rita Skeeter; however, more information has…