why did dumbledore have james’ cloak

Why Did Dumbledore Have James’ Cloak?

On a new post on her official web site, J.K. Rowling, while talking about her recent experience appearing live in New York with Stephen King and John Irving, has admitted she made a mistake when she was asked, what question…

unanswered dumbledore questions

Unanswered Dumbledore Questions

These are elements of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince that would seem to be related to either the Dumbledore or Snape mysteries, but they have loop-holes or unresovled bits of information, and we’re not sure about them and are…

dumbledore clues

Dumbledore Clues – Is He Still Alive?

These are some of the excellent clues contained in the pages of Harry Pottter and the Half-Blood Prince which support the possibility that Dumbledore is not really dead, or at least Snape killed Dumbledore on Dumbledore’s orders, and that everything…

csi hogwarts

CSI: Hogwarts

It’s not enough to have a feeling that Dumbledore’s not dead, or to want him not to be dead. What you need is a way to prove he’s not dead. We at Wizarding World Press are happy to help you…

dumbledore's horcrux

Did Dumbledore Make a Horcrux?

How does a wizard learn about the existence and properties of Horcruxes? Who knows what they are, how to make them, what they can do? What wizard would make a Horcrux? Under what circumstances? And for what reasons? And why…

rumor ralph fiennes likely to play voldemort

J.K. Rowling Delighted With Voldemort’s Top Villian Vote

As we reported yesterday on Wizard News, Lord Voldemort has been voted kids’ favourite literary villain of all time in the BigBadRead poll organised by publishers Bloomsbury which drew more than 16,000 votes from British schoolchildren. Here is J.K. Rowling’s…